Guys; Who cleans in your house?



  • ntw25
    ntw25 Posts: 149 Member
    We have "pink" jobs and "blue" jobs, Washing, ironing and cleaning house are "Pink" Garden, DIY, Trash are "Blue" Cooking, loading/unloading the dishwasher fall in the middle.

    Clearing up after the dogs.....................................................very, very Pink, unless we are walking them then it suddenly turns blue.

    Has worked for 21 years, see no reason to change now.
  • akoivisto
    akoivisto Posts: 141 Member
    It's more of a Co-op; but, we also have our areas.

    My wife: Laundry room, Bedroom , Bathroom.
    Myself: Kitchen, Lawn, Living Rooms

    Not saying we don't both do the others' areas, but that is I believe, our specialties. Since I cook mainly, I rock the kitchen, since she is more proficient at folding, she rocks the Laundry, and she is tidier, in general, around the Bathroom. We Co-op a lot of stuff, and we each get on the others' case about stuff... like her always taking my dishrags before I'm done, or me leaving my boxers in the corner of the bedroom. I think we are both appreciative, she isn't as verbal as I maybe though when it comes to the compliments. :)

    We also have two Corgi's and we vaccum quite a bit, and that is shared typically.

    Disclaimer: This is how I see it... my wife may not see it this way. :laugh:
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Is it a co-op, or a solo job for you or your wife? And does your SO, appreciates the work you do to keep your house clean?

    I only ask, cause I am the only one that cleans here, and it appears no one takes any notice. In fact they just come right on though and mess up everything again..... :? I am not a perfect neat freak, but everything is off the ground and/or put away.

    I do most of the cleaning, though during the summer I make my son do some chores for his allowance. My husband works full-time, so he does dishes on the weekends and takes out the trash occasionally. Once in a while I can convince him to mop the floors, and he does a pretty good job of keeping (most of) his stuff picked up. My son and husband are pretty messy people though, and I suppose they should be since they're accustomed to me picking up the house. One nice thing about summer is my son does the dishes during the week - so that's a load off my shoulders. I do the cooking, laundry, vacuuming, dusting, trash, mopping, scrubbing of bathrooms, gardening, etc, a majority of the time, so I think it's perfectly reasonable to expect a small amount of help here and there.

    If no one is helping out in your home, you need to set some rules up. If you're not the only one living there, you definitely shouldn't be the only one pitching in to clean it up!
  • Meg_78
    Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member
    I'm also very lucky to have a husband that shares the load, Kids are a bit young, bu they do do their part, but not ever on their own initiative, hubs is great, he'll put on a load of washing, or fold the washing if he sees it needs doing, vacuums more often than me (I really hate that job) We generally share it all except the cooking, which I do almost all of, but he is in charge of the lunches on the weekend!
  • TadaGanIarracht
    TadaGanIarracht Posts: 2,615 Member
    Even though I'm not a guy I can answer honestly.

    He does the majority of the cleaning, or at least he thinks he does. I do all the "grooming" of our child and if my non-hubby is stressed or asks me to clean I'll do it no problem.
  • iysys
    iysys Posts: 524
    when my now husband moved in with me i wanted to hire a cleaning lady. he was very uncomfortable with the idea so we made a deal. if i ever have to ask him to do anything around the house twice i get to hire a cleaning lady. 3 years later and i still don't have a damn cleaning lady!!

    we are moving in the next few weeks and coming up with a new game plan. i do the kitchen and dining room. he does the living room and bathroom. we both do our room. i cook the meals he does the dishes.
  • LaGordita87
    LaGordita87 Posts: 161 Member
    Just me.....everyone else is severely allergic. Something fall on the floor? Everyone is suddenly blind. Left a dish on a table or bedroom? It will magically find it's way to the kitchen to be washed. I'm the fairyfreakinggodmother of cleaning, lol

    This is how it is in our house too. The only job my husband has as far as keeping the house clean is taking out the garbage and half the time i end up doing it because he will just let it overflow.
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    We own a home, and I do most of it. But, we do have a cleaning lady who comes every other week now, thank God. I couldn't keep up with it. My husband is and will admit that he is a slob.

    However, if I ask, he'll help without complaining and immediately.

    If I NAG, on the other hand, I can forget his help.
  • futuremalestripper
    futuremalestripper Posts: 467 Member
    Me - >everything but dishes
    Her ->sometimes dishes

    It drives me nuts. Sometimes, I wish I married one of those clean freaks I see on Wifeswap.
    One of those nutballs with "everything in its place" and everything in tupperware. I could dig that a lot <3
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    My Husband and I are relatively equal. We share the dishes and laundry duties, and I do most of the inside cleaning while he prefers to do the outside stuff (Lawn, cars, etc). That is until I found out how many calories I could burn mowing the lawn :wink:
  • jdploki70
    jdploki70 Posts: 343
    I do dishes, cook, and handle the kitchen and bathrooms.

    She does laundry, vacuuming, and dusting, when she sees a pile of dust. When the mood takes me, I do all her stuff, all my stuff, and then some other stuff
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    I know you asked the guys but I thought I's answer too. My husband does all of the yard work every week and I do the major house cleaning once a week. As far as the daily cleaning chores go, however, (laundry, dishes, picking up after one's self, taking out the trash) we share those responsibilities.
  • 1960HikerDude
    1960HikerDude Posts: 215 Member
    This guy. ( i live alone)
  • chlorisaann
    chlorisaann Posts: 366 Member
    I only ask, cause I am the only one that cleans here, and it appears no one takes any notice. In fact they just come right on though and mess up everything again..... :? I am not a perfect neat freak, but everything is off the ground and/or put away.

    Want to fix the "no one notices" problem?? Stop cleaning at all for 1 week and see what gets noticed then... Then make them help you catch back up when they say something... right now they prob think some fairy comes in in the middle of the night and poof all is clean!!!
  • holeshottdr
    holeshottdr Posts: 364 Member
    It's a 50/50 in our house when it comes to cleaning, laundry, dishes ect. Were both kind of neat freaks though so it makes it easy. I do most of the cooking though and all yard work and house/vehicle maintence. We both work full time jobs and I feel it is just as much my responsibility as it is hers. Now when it comes to spending money, she does a better job at doing that....
  • FreedomReigns
    FreedomReigns Posts: 195 Member
    My husband helps me out alot! Laundry, dishes, all cleaning....he does. We have four children and we have the kids clean as well. Whatever i dont get done during the day because i am on mfp we clean together lol......he doesnt complain and i love the help....after all i didnt make the mess!
  • jella74
    jella74 Posts: 106 Member
    I do most of the household cleaning since I'm a SAHM and I say most cause I do not clean "the boy's bathroom", but he does ALL the cooking and grocery shopping and "the boy's bathroom"!
    I do not mind doing the majority of housework cause he's making all the money that allows me to stay home and raise our 4 boys. He does the yard work on his days off, and sometimes he'll do the housework to give me a break on those days.

    BUT I WOULD PAY for someone to come fold clothes!!! Hate doing that! lol
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    its probably 65/35 with her doing the majority... i get in spells where i go cleaning crazy and i hate a messy kitchen so occassionally i'll be cleaning but she does most of it. of course with a two year old running loose and a 8 week old driving us crazy it never stays clean
  • Wuggums
    Wuggums Posts: 339 Member
    Initially, we split everything pretty evenly. But, when my Sweetie lost his job a few years ago, we made a deal. He could take an early "retirement" (at 44 years old, mind you) if he did all the housework and agreed to get a dog. That was the best deal I ever made! He does all of the cleaning and laundry - my sole responsibility is cooking and grocery shopping. I occasionally help out with yard work because I enjoy it. And once in a while I'll help with the cleaning. Otherwise, he has become an excellent stay-at-home doggie daddy!
  • rmartin72
    rmartin72 Posts: 1,094 Member
    I Clean my own house every day.