Gamers Unite



  • I am an Xbox gamer; feel free to add me! :)
  • jen_bd6
    jen_bd6 Posts: 501 Member
    I'm a fellow gamer as well, Final Fantasy, WoW, Diablo, Wii, Playstation, you name it...... WoW has been the biggest issue with my current weight... hours of raiding + pizza = chubby gamer :) Anyone can feel free to add me :wink:
  • jen_bd6
    jen_bd6 Posts: 501 Member
    Maaaaan, all this WoW talk is driving me crazy. Haven't logged in for about a week and right now the icon is sat on my desktop and I can see it right there luring me... MUST. RESIST. :(

    I feel the same way... It was almost impossible to fight off my fiance last night trying to talk me into going into a raid with the guild when I was trying to do my exercises.... resistance is futile...
  • jen_bd6
    jen_bd6 Posts: 501 Member
    I quit WoW awhile back, but I'm thinking about playing again. I would love to learn how to incorporate it into my new lifestyle. I also play games on XBOX. I stick to games like BioShock and Fallout. I've recently started Skyrim. Can't wait to see how that goes. Please feel free to add me. As far as myfitnesspal and weight loss go: Still a level 1 Newbie. :)

    I played WoW for 7 years, quit about 3 months ago to get my weight back in check... I plan on playing again soon, but only if I get all of my exercises in and eat well that day... I'm going to use gaming as a reward system for myself... see if that works... I just can't get wrapped up in the "raiding until 2am" thing anymore :) Working full time + raiding several hours + exercising like a mad woman does not add up :) Looks like I might just go into getting the silly achievements again ;P
  • jdploki70
    jdploki70 Posts: 343
    Anyone play Lord of the Rings online? Lotro addict here, add me if you like :o) If any of you haven't tried it I would highly recommend a look, especially if you are a Tolkien nut like me!
    I tried that and DnD online. Had a decent time, but couldn't commit.

    On an aside, who is heading to PAX this year in Seattle. It's the one social event I wouldn't miss for the world. And this year I'm thin enough to not be uncomfortable standing in line.

    I still play NWN online, for 8 years now. I know one of other Avlis addict here, it'd be interesting if more of us were poking around
  • Elo99
    Elo99 Posts: 149 Member
    Hello, WoW player here! Met my fiance through raiding, moved to California to be with him and haven't looked back! We played some SWTOR and are now into Diablo III.

    Feel free to add me, would love to have some additional friends / support and also like to give it! :flowerforyou:
    xSCiNTILLATEx79 Posts: 245 Member
    Gamer here, feel free to add.. 360 mostly.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i would just like to post that someone started a casual guild named MFP on wow. it is on lightbringer, alliance side.
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    Im a wow gamer too.. :( that game has put more weight on me than id like to admit. RAiding + Pizza delivery-- ugh!

    Same here but it is more raiding and chinese delivery! ugg
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    Hello, WoW player here! Met my fiance through raiding, moved to California to be with him and haven't looked back! We played some SWTOR and are now into Diablo III.

    Feel free to add me, would love to have some additional friends / support and also like to give it! :flowerforyou:

    Haha met my fiance on WoW as well and he moved FROM california to be with me! :)
  • wymanic
    wymanic Posts: 62 Member
    Any UK Board Gamers in the Surrey area? Looking to join/start a club but the only ones I find are mostly men who like D&D! I'm more into Euro Strategy Gateway Games (like Stone Age, Pandemic, etc.) I know its pretty specific, but worth a try?
  • kikilewis
    kikilewis Posts: 6 Member
    Gamer here as well! Definitely an Xbox fan girl. Would love to add some more people for support!
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I'm a gamer :)
    Usually game with my fiance, but I could play Mass Effect by myself all god damn day.
  • Gamer here who runs a gaming site with her husband. I have also written three articles on our site about my fitness challenges. If you read them let me know by leaving a comment on the site. I would appreciate it. New articles go up every Friday.

    Also feel free to add me, I am extremely active on here and supportive.
  • ArchangelMJ
    ArchangelMJ Posts: 308 Member
    I'm a gamer :P

    It's been a while though since I've played an *actual* game and not a fitness/dance game.

    I think the last thing I seriously played was probably Siren: Blood Curse with my sister. I usually play games on my own, but it's almost impossible for me to play horror games by myself, I'm too chicken!
  • TheAshpie
    TheAshpie Posts: 62 Member
    Gamer here!!! Feel free to add me :) I'm a PC gal myself, loving the MMORPG's! :)
  • ShadowSP7
    ShadowSP7 Posts: 53
    I'm a gamer too, feel free to add me anyone.

    I play all games have all major consoles and play PC games. I am really into WOW, MWF3 and Halo at the moment, probably one of the biggest reasons I am fat, that and beer! lol
  • raccooncityangel
    raccooncityangel Posts: 5 Member
    *shameless plug* I'm on the BoD for O.G.R.E.s Inc., the Organization of Gaming and Role-play Enthusiasts, an org. dedicated to connecting gamers locally, nationally, internationally, and supporting progressive and community-friendly gaming education all over. I'm also the Chapter Coordinator for the Quilt City Ogres, based out of Paducah, KY. *end shameless plug*

    I play mostly table-top rpgs, board games, card games (including Magic: TG,) and X Box 360 is my console of choice. Still playing Skyrim with the new DLC, Fable Heroes, Ticket To Ride, and whatever else comes along.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like. :D
  • hlp423
    hlp423 Posts: 41 Member
    Hey! Im happy I saw this thread! I run a large guild in wow :D I don't get to play as much as I used to, but I still love it. :D
  • Great to see all these comments from fellow gamers, i think we are one of the most dedicated demographics to our passion. If we can make health a passion like gaming, we'd be unstoppable.