Why did you gain weight?



  • DefyGravity1977
    DefyGravity1977 Posts: 300 Member
    I was molested by two different family members at the age of 10 which is when I started putting on the weight. My sisters were always very verbally and physically abusvie towards me as well, being the middle child. I think I used the weight to try to escape from a world that had hurt and betrayed me on so many levels. I thought that the weight would protect me from further sexual abuse and pain, but it caused more pain of another sort. Now that I am losing the weight and finally having to deal with all the emotions and hurt caused by the abuse, I feel stronger than I have in a long time.

    This is horrible. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. A loved one was sexually, physically and verbally abused from an early age too and she used to do crazy things to her hair (cutting out huge chunks of it and such). She says that, subconsciously, she thinks she was trying to make herself less sexually attractive. It's horrendous because it totally wasn't her fault and I get angry just thinking that she ever had to think that way.

    Thank you. It is a difficult situation to come out of. I hope your loved one has found the support and closure that they needed. It has been a long, hard road for me.
  • Stopped being active, started drinking (alcohol), boredom eating, my love for milky ways & eating when I'm sad or stressed. lol :(
  • sheila569
    sheila569 Posts: 269 Member
    In May of 1997 the doctor said "congrats your pregnant". I ATE FOR 9 MONTHS straight. Thanks to my cravings for peanut butter and hot dogs (both of which make me wanna hurl now) I gained 103 lbs. Pretty much I gained one of the Olsen twins. Since then I took of a few pounds here and there but until this January I didn't take my workouts seriously. This is the lowest weight I've been in 15 years. I have 25 lbs to go to reach my goal.... but I already feel like a new woman.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Underactive thyroid. Thanks for asking !
  • I don't really know y I gained weight.
    From the time puberty hit in 5th grade I have always been bigger.
    I know I used to eat an then get sick an throw up whatever I ate. Didn't do it on purpose it just always happened.pretty soon I just hot used to it. Drs were not concerned cause I had steady weight gain. So I'm guessing my body stored extra fat because of my abnormal throwin up. In high school it didn't matter how I dieted or didn't diet didn't matter how much I exercised or not I didn't gain or lose weight. I was 5'3 150 lbs.
    Than at 21 I became pregnant and went to 200 lbs first time I gained weight. An now I am 240 and can't seem to lose it. I want to. I drink nothing but water. I eat on a diabetic diet and I exercise but I can't seem to go anywhere.
  • gsmithnp
    gsmithnp Posts: 139 Member
    It was a combination of things. Before my oldest was born, I weighed 125 and was very happy with that weight. I think the lowest I've been since was 130 before my second pregnancy. Then I had my second and started grad school a couple years later. Between two preschoolers, school, and trying to work full time, there was no time/energy to cook much. The drive-thru became my best friend. Also large amounts of caffeine in the form of coffee (with creamer, of course) and Pepsi. Then right after I finished school I had two back-to-back miscarriages which totally derailed me emotionally. I had absolutely NO motivation to exercise, and eating out had become the standard for dinner.

    Then I changed jobs and found that the only way to eat breakfast was in my car on the way to work--so back to fast food (and Starbucks). When I finally got pregnant again (this one stuck--YAY!!) I used that as an excuse to eat, although we had really cut back on the fast food for dinner by that time and I was taking my lunch to work. By the time my third child was born, I was absolutely addicted to Starbucks, as well as Pepsi on ice in the summer. I was almost 150 pounds and none of my work clothes fit well and I REFUSED to buy more. Now I'm hovering around 135 and while that's definitely better, I still fight the craving for Starbucks (although I did switch from grande white mocha to tall skinny vanilla latte) and Pepsi.

    (Someone really needs to start a Starbucks Anonymous group--"Hi, I'm G. and I'm a latte-holic.")
  • AimersBee
    AimersBee Posts: 775 Member
    FOOD.. mmmm burgers and pizza and nachos..

    need I say more..
  • direwolfprincess
    direwolfprincess Posts: 261 Member
    FOOD.. mmmm burgers and pizza and nachos..

    need I say more..

    Yes, because you forgot to say bacon. :wink:
  • jimmeezwyf
    jimmeezwyf Posts: 140 Member
    Two pregnancies in two years (one preg. on bed rest), loss of both pregnancies half way through term, then emotional eating to calm my pain due to the losses. I'm still having a very hard time with this because now I'm just a big heffer with nothing to show for it, and it all seems for nothing. My weight has been something I have had to work at since I was 15. I worked very hard to maintain my healthy weight before I got pregnant and to be 233 lbs. from 140 lbs. for nothing is very painful and just another kick in the head for me.
  • Lodge78
    Lodge78 Posts: 3 Member
    1. Depression

    2. Chocolate addiction
  • MadiRose2
    MadiRose2 Posts: 145
    Medication. 3 different meds, ALL cause weight gain. That was fun. Lol!
  • suzywuzy90
    suzywuzy90 Posts: 20 Member
    Hypothryoidism, anxiety disorder, chronic migraines, cancer treatment and my aunt's passing.
  • ptak1sm
    ptak1sm Posts: 172
    Turned 21 (legal drinking age in the U.S.), moved into my own apartment (hated cooking so I ate out a lot), avoided the gym like the plague. I just got lazy. Even though I was in college and walked almost everywhere, it wasn't enough to counteract the damage I was doing to my body.
  • Randyamc
    Randyamc Posts: 365 Member
    Simple, I ate more calories than I burned of every day... after day.... after day... after... well you get the point. :tongue:

    Started with a hernia surgery and a year and a half of pain therapy and 2 more operations to correct the issue. I didn't adjust what I was eating for my new found and extremely sedentary life style. Weeeee
  • Eating what I wanted when I wanted it and lack of exercise. Love the all you can eat buffets too much with my sons and husband. Also messed my knee up and that really made walking for exercise painful. So I got the fixed, joined our "Biggest Loser" type contest in our area and lost 40 pounds so far. Not easy but I am determined to keep it off. Hard when everyone else is still eating what they want.
  • momto1g1b
    momto1g1b Posts: 118 Member
    Before my pregnancies I gained weight soon after getting married - neither my husband or I knew how to cook, so we went out to eat all of the time. At the time I still fit into my jeans, and I was going to the gym 5+ days/week so I didn't worry about it too much. I definitely did not have the muscle definition I wanted though, and for some reason I thought that all of the gym time would make up for a poor diet.

    And I used my last pregnancy as an excuse to eat anything and as much as I wanted. Granted, eating was the only thing that helped with morning sickness for the first half of my last pregnancy (opposite of my first pregnancy when I couldn't even think about food without feeling ill), but did I really need to eat that much kraft dinner and brownies?? I ended up weighing the same at delivery as I had with my first baby, so I thought the pounds would just drop off again when I went back to the gym. Well, that definitely did not happen - I had zero energy at the gym after I had my baby because of the long nursing sessions and because I became addicted to coca-cola. I had never been a pop drinker before, so it was kind of strange for everyone around me to see me holding a can of coke.
  • jrlja5
    jrlja5 Posts: 59
    simply put, I was quite a couch potato. My husband got a job that had him working late. I would eat dinner alone then sit on the couch with the dog and watch tv until bedtime. I would think to myself that I should get up and do something but it was winter in new england and well, I just didn't feel like it. Now he's home for dinner and we kinda keep each other in check. Don't get me wrong, I still have to think "get up and move" but it's summer and it's a lot easier. I also workout in the am so I don't feel guilty if I do decide to sit on the couch.
  • stupidloser
    stupidloser Posts: 300 Member
    I gained weight because I drink like a fish, eat like a cow and sleep like a bear.
  • EEpling89
    EEpling89 Posts: 152
    It was a combination of the super unhealthy college lifestyle and my dad passing away unexpectedly that caused me to gain about 50 pounds. :(
  • Lazygal53
    Lazygal53 Posts: 294 Member
    Too many reasons to go into :(