lose 10 pounds by Christmas



  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    super busy, terrible week :sad: will be back later!

    hope everyone is well!
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    :brokenheart: :brokenheart: PolliesGirl:

    Sorry you've had a terrible week. Hope the weekend is better.
  • joa827
    joa827 Posts: 49
    sheilajane- Congrats on the pound loss! That is wonderful. Keep it up.

    Polliesgirl- Sorry such a terrible week. Anything you want to talk about and troubleshoot?

    Oh my gosh what a wonderfully terrible day! I had a great day and got a TON done, however my eating was WAY off! I was over by over 1000 cals today! Just too much snacking and then went to DQ for dessert... on to tomorrow! I vow to do better tomorrow and get back on track!
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    **** hit the fan at work this week....
    so my team is a lil lost at the moment and waiting for the next shoe to drop

    thus resulting in a BAD eating week/weekend for me.

    why why why why do i let **** like this give me reason to self sabotage.???? :sad:
  • jacquelinekrigby
    CAN I JOIN TOO???? It would be the best present I ever gave myself to loose 10 pounds by christmas!
  • joa827
    joa827 Posts: 49
    polliesgirl- So sorry! There really is nothing I can say except I totally know how you feel! I have been there and do the same thing! Hope this week goes better for you. Let us know if you want help troubleshooting.

    Jacqueline- welcome! It is never too late to join!

    As for me. Today was way better than yesterday. I was within my calorie range and did quite a bit of exercise today. Did p90x kenpo, 3 mile run and a 2 mile walk. I ran faster than ever before 9:30 min/miles. Yippie! So excited about that. Hopefully I can continue pushing the pace like that.

    Hope everyone is doing well! Good luck with the weigh ins. I am planning on weighing in either tomorrow or Tuesday.

    What is everyone's plan regarding eating for thanksgiving?
  • iris6466
    hello everyone,

    Just checking in my weekly weight in. Down 1 lb. Currently 151 lbs. I have 6 lbs to go by Christmas woo hoo. I think I could make it. Where is everyone? We were so into it, the first couple of weeks. I hope everyone is busy but keeping track. Im off this week for the holiday. To spent time with my boys who are off from school. I'm keeping myself busy doing yard work and decorating for Christmas. We live in sunny Florida so the weather is beautiful. I have no excuses from exericise lol.

    I will check in next week. Have a good and healthy Thanksgiving!

    SW-163 (Oct 2009)
    GW-145 by Christmas
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    thanks, just feeling down on myself for letting the stress affect my eating, hard to get back on track after a whole week of slip up i feel like 1 step forward 2 back....

    did good yesterday and today so far with cals. home sick for the afternoon so prob no workout... the stress and the bad week of eating has taken a toll on my colitis. get some sleep and rest today, and then back to zumba tomorrow (no zumba last week has thrown me off too as i was working those nights).

    :frown: hope i can still lose a few before xmas.., no baking here! i soooo wanna wow my bf when he picks me up at the airport!

    thanks for listening to all my whining t his past week:flowerforyou:
  • joa827
    joa827 Posts: 49
    polliesgirl- So sorry. I feel for you. It is so hard to get back on the wagon! I really hope that the steps you have taken today get you there. Really it only takes a day or two to get back on track. I hope that it works for you!

    iris- nice to see you! Yeah sure seems like things have thinned out huh? So glad you are on track to lose 10 by Christmas. I am jealous that you live in Florida! Must be nice all that sun and WARM weather. I live in Montana, it is sunny but not warm!

    As for me, I am a bit frustrated. I was down to 162 last week and now I am up to 165. It really doesn't make sense! I was on track all week and then only had one off day and up 3 pounds. It is not that time of month. The only thing I can think of is that I haven't really been drinking a lot of water and I haven't "gone" for at least 5 days, so the pipes might be a little "clogged" Probably too much information. Sorry! Hope things get better soon!

    Have a great week everyone!
  • doubleloop23
    ok... as of last Friday I was 165... that's another pound down and a total of 20 pounds lost!... yay!

    I would have posted earlier, but I had a teaching conference on Friday and was gone the rest of the weekend.... and then I had parent teacher conferences yesterday and today, so I haven't been on in a couple of days

    joa827- did you go over on your sodium? because that could be part of your gain... and it might help to "go" to... lol
  • joa827
    joa827 Posts: 49
    doubleloop- Congrats on being down 20 pounds! Yippie!

    Can I just say that I am so tired of dieting? Seriously, I just want to eat what I want when I want.

    Today was a challenging day. I was over on cals but did do some good exercise- 20 minutes intervals and p90x chest, tri and shoulders. Better luck tomorrow!
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Hi everyone. I just joined yesterday, and this post interested me. I think I'm a little late in the game to lose 10 by Christmas, but if I go with the 1.5 a week til then, my goal would be down 7.5 lbs by Christmas. So if you guys don't mind, I'd love the support and to keep up with how everyone else is reaching the goal. Speaking of which... Thanksgiving. Ominous overeating potential. I went ahead and planned out my Thurs. and Fri. meals and they are within range (and if I do some intense step aerobics I could maybe even have an extra slice of pumpkin pie :tongue: ) but gosh I hope I stick with my plans. How is everyone else planning to do for T-day?
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    sooooo tired and losing my mojo! was gonna skip Zumba tonight but i think i owe it to myself to go so no more excuses (even tho i did just get my hair done and didn't want to have to restyle it tomorrow lol.

    hope everyone is having a good week!
  • iris6466
    happy thanksgiving!

    I've been doing okay. I ate plain sweet potatoes and 4oz of turkey no gravy blah! lol Fat free cheesecake cupcake.

    Joa827- I had that problem..you know the pipes clogged. Try Yerba Mate tea. its all natural. It really works. The tea also gives you natural energy with no jitters like diet pills. I brew one teabags to 3 cups of water because its very powerful. I drink once a week and I've been good ever since.
  • joa827
    joa827 Posts: 49
    Iris you are so restrained! Good job resisting all the other good food!!! Thanks for the suggestion on the tea. Can you find that anywhere or just health food stores? I need something because it happens a lot and doesn't feel good and doesn't work too well with the scale!!

    Polliesgirl- good for you for getting a workout in on Thanksgiving. Your gym is open?

    jrbowers- Welcome. I think 7.5 pounds would be great! Hope you get there.

    I have claimed today as my "free" day. I just am not going to stress about it all today . I did run 6 miles this morning to try and offset the calories.

    I really need to jump back onto the wagon. I just am not into it lately. I am starting to tell myself it is not worth the effort, and it is a waste to record,,, etc. I know that to lose weight you need to eat fewer cals than you exert. I just need a big kick in the butt to make it to Christmas. Any volunteers? :)
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    hehe oh! im in Canada so my thanksgiving was in oct. just had a subway salad for supper :smile:
  • joa827
    joa827 Posts: 49
    Oh my gosh, I am so not into it right now! I am taking on tomorrow! I am getting back on track tomorrow I am just going to do it. I don't have a choice, if i want to lose weight i have to do the work. On ward, not even going to go into today....
  • amcmamcm
    joa827 today is a new day and it will be great! Do not get discouraged. Since I joined MFP, about 5 weeks ago I have given myself one day a week when I do not count calories. I have found that even on my cheat day, I do not eat as much as I used to. I cannot help looking at the nutritional information on products! The one day cheating a week has not hurt me. I have reached my goal of 10 lb. by Thanksgiving, and I am now 155 lb.

    I also have problems with the water intake and the plumbing, I guess they go hand in hand! We should start celebrate with glasses of water.... I found that drinking some warm beverages help (water, diluted apple juice or grape juice...)

    PolliesGirl Good job in keeping up with your exercise. Try to distress a little, I have read somewhere that stress and not sleeping hinders weight lost.

    jrbowers Welcome and keep posting your progress.

    iris6466 I was impressed by your Thanksgiving choices. Did you make the fat free cheesecake cupcakes?

    Now that Thanksgiving is behind us, let's concentrate on getting back on track, both with eating and exercising. I hope to be 150 by Christmas. I have lost my first 10 lb. using MFP quickly (5 weeks) and I expect this next 5 lb to be harder to loose. 150 will make me at a healthy BMI, and I do not remember last time that I was not overweight.... I have been as much as as 30-40 lbs over my weight. I cannot believe that I am almost there!
  • doubleloop23
    joa827- today is another day... you can do it!

    iris6466- kudos to you on making good choices on Thanksgiving!

    I have to say I was very surprised about my weigh in this morning... I am down another 1.8 pounds!... thats .2 pounds left until my November 30th goal of 163... and 3 pounds away from my Christmas goal of 160!... yay!
  • joa827
    joa827 Posts: 49
    Hello everyone!

    I am back on track! Yesterday I was within my calories and also got a good workout in! Feels good to be back in the game!

    amc- thanks for the encouragement. I normally take one day as my "free day" too. This just turned into 3 days of "freedom"! I am better now and back on track.

    doubleloop- Thanks for the encouragement as well! So happy that you are down 1.8 pounds and so close to both of your goals. It must feel great! Congrats!