Stupid man who doesn't know what he's talking about/rant

MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
I belong to another site that is like an online journal and I posted an entry about being so proud of myself for walking into the free weights area and how it did feel so much better than the machines. I posted how I was reading New Rules of Lifting for Women and how since starting to lift heavy I have lost 6 inches off my waist, 2 on my arm, 3 on my neck, 3 off my hips, and 2 off of my bust. The scale has barely moved but anyone would be crazy to not jump for joy at those numbers.

Anyway, a lot of women asked about lifting heavy and while I'm not expert, I directed them to sites and articles and told them my own experience. A lot of men cheered me on and praised me for getting over my fear of the weight room.

Then this guy showed up and wrote this comment on my picture of me in the weight room:
"Forget the Weights - Use the Treadmill ;-)"

When I got that email notification I was about to flip my lid! Then he wrote me a note on my entry:

"Hi MissTattoo:
I see you love to take photos and that immediately
puts you on my side. I saw your gym photo...nice image in front of those
dumb bells ...Don't use weights as it will bulk up your want to aerobic training ( treadmill, elliptical, zumba class) and if you must use weights, try not to use anything more than 10 pounds because you will end up looking like one of those bodybuilders. Message me if you want any tips! I'll make a special plan for you and you will see results. Srsly thou...stay away from the big boy weights. Trust me. Cardio is the only way to melt fat. Lifting will just add muscle to fat and you will just get bigger."


My first reaction was to cuss him out. How many women has he convinced with this bs!? Then I got mad at the word SRSLY! WTF!? It took me longer to type Srsly than Seriously!

I'm calm now but I still plan on sending him a very long reply about how he is wrong and should do his research before sending that crap to people.

Here's the photo he commented on. Does it look like I got bulky from doing weeks on machines and then got to the free weight room?



  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Obvious troll/pervert/wind up.

    I would not take his message too seriously.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Looks like this guy is trying to sell you something. What a fool! Ignore that guy & listen to the ones who are for real.

    Great job on your success & I hope that many women would also do the same like you are.
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    Agreed above and keep researching cos it's obviously getting you motivated...good on you!
  • He is an idiot.
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    Personally I feel he was being helpful ......

    Best to say thanks and nothing more too much arguing in the world & we all have our own opinions ;)
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    Obvious troll/pervert/wind up.

    I would not take his message too seriously.

    I tried not too but I don't know why I'm so pissed about it! lol On top of that, he requested to be my friend!
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I agree with Hendrix, sounds like he was trying to rile you up or sell you something because he doesn't respect your intelligence
  • CherylR165
    CherylR165 Posts: 15
    Don't reply. He's stupid and doesn't know what he's talking about.
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    Personally I feel he was being helpful ......

    Best to say thanks and nothing more too much arguing in the world & we all have our own opinions ;)

    I could see if I had just posted the photo, but I posted an entire entry about how I've been reading up on lifting heavy and how women don't bulk up on a deficit and how I'm losing inches (not gaining!) and what not but he chose to ignore all of that and still say women would bulk up if using anything more than 10 pounds, cardio is the only way, blah blah blah.

    I'm not going to argue with him, but if he isn't a troll and seriously believes what he wrote, he should be told that he is incorrect.
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    Ignore him.

    Some people are very stuck in their ways..or they're just weirdos. Either way I doubt he had bad intentions.

    Do what works for you. Always.
  • domgirl85
    domgirl85 Posts: 295 Member
    Sounds like "idiot speak" to me! *rolls eyes* I agree, he's def trolling. I've been read that! Great progress :)
  • halejr23
    halejr23 Posts: 294
    Not worth your time. Do your thing and ignore the naysayers. You have the proof it is working for you so it does not matter what he says. Trolls will be trolls.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    sounds like a troll just tryin to get you to send pics to him.

    there are stupid ppl in this world. the more active you are online the more you are gonna run into.
  • Laylasmom77
    Laylasmom77 Posts: 42 Member
    Great job on losing inches! If I paid attention to the scale I would have given up by now. I would just ignore this guy and wouldn't give him any attention by replying back...delete what he wrote and keep it moving. But that's just me I don't like wasting time with idiots lol. Some people say things wanting a reaction.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    What an @$$hat. Don't worry about him. You're doing the right thing.
  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    Your above all that! You look great and your working towards your goal. Don't let Mr. Noclue get to you!
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    lol the only reason I still do cardio is because it's rule #1 in Zombieland.
  • Discoveri
    Discoveri Posts: 435 Member
    I'm really glad you knew your stuff enough that you could see through his BS. I wouldn't write back because he is not going to back down from his position (facts usually don't mean much to someone who has already decided that they are right). Just keep doing what you are doing and congrats on those inches lost!
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Sure, cardio burns the fat . . .but who wants to burn the fat and not have nice sculpted muscles underneath??? I'm a runner, but I also do strength training and I LOVE the combo!!! So, don't even grace this dude with a reply. Unless it's: Thanks. . .I'll keep that under consideration. . . .then keep doing what motivates you and makes you feel strong and healthy!!!

    Go GET IT!!!
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    PS: This is why men and women should take advice from the other gender with a grain of salt.
  • He probably thought he was helping, but instead stepped on your toes. Do what you feel comfortable with and what exercise makes you feel the best. I love it when I workout with weights and the results I get, it makes me want to keep going! And so should you!
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Personally I feel he was being helpful ......

    The road to hell is paved with good intentions....
  • tinglesby
    tinglesby Posts: 96 Member
    ok. I agree with does EVERY WBFF PRO FEMALE fitness model in the world!! Weights WILL NOT bulk you up!!! Weights only bulk up men (and women who are juicing!). I have lost 40 lbs through cardio and weights and clean diet and honestly, the most cardio i do every day is one mile of 100 meter sprints. I love the way my arms look and my legs have never looked better!! Ignore that jerk! he obviously has no idea what he is talking about. Keep kicking *kitten* and i garuntee--you will see results!! :)
  • phinphanbill26
    phinphanbill26 Posts: 574 Member
    Getting "bulky" requires testoterone.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    What a loon!

    I cannot wait to go lift tomorrow using dumbbells and plates.. It's seriously the only way to go!
  • tdmcmains
    tdmcmains Posts: 227 Member
    Umm... just ew. Ew, plus he is an idiot.

    I guess that is the prevailing "wisdom" but it's wrong. Maybe he means well... but maybe he should also just STFU.

    I think i'm in the "ignore him" camp. You know more than he does. Full stop.
  • the_green_midget
    the_green_midget Posts: 80 Member
    This is the best article I've seen about how heavy lifting doesn't bulk up ladies:

    Maybe you can direct him there and say that you definitely won't look like a bodybuilder by doing weights if this girl who can do 315 lbs deadlifts looks thin and lean.

    ETA: You can scroll down to the final pictures after "Staci now" if you don't want to read the whole article.
  • lil_bit_crazy
    lil_bit_crazy Posts: 161 Member
    I'm a smartass. I would have just HAD to say something nasty. Can't help it.

    Srsly I tht I'd prgrs pst ur lvl. Sry u hv sml pnis syndrm, pls fnd anthr outlt. Pfrbly on ur own pink trdml, *kitten*.
  • PtBill
    PtBill Posts: 12
    Sounds to me like he has no clue what he is talking about. Weight training "anaerobic training" paired with cardio "aerobic training" is ideal for weight loss. One without the other will only get you so far. Just ignore the guy.
    Bill Lyons
    US SOLDIER that hold's an Associates of Science in the field of Personal Training from Heritage Institute .I am also ACE Certified.
    I have extensive knowledge in..
    Aerobic Fitness
    Diet & Nutrition
    Low Impact Fitness
    Sports Medicine and Massage
    Comparative Wellness Philosophies
    Preventative Fitness
    Muscular Fitness

    Working on my BAS.
  • ygerman
    ygerman Posts: 10
    Don't let this guy ruin your day and burst your bubble. You are doing your research and seeing results. It's not always about losing weight gaining muscle is also a good thing.