Stupid man who doesn't know what he's talking about/rant



  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    this works if you're a mum with small kids..... if anyone tells you not to lift anything more than 10lb or whatever, the reply is "oh my days, that means I can't even pick up my baby!!" Even after a c-section (i.e. major abdominal surgery) the advice is "don''t lift anything heavier than your baby" - and a newborn baby can often be more than 10lb. So how on earth is that amount too heavy for a woman who has no medical issues?

    that puts those comments into context. How many women bulk up from lifting and carrying their kids? Zero.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I belong to another site that is like an online journal and I posted an entry about being so proud of myself for walking into the free weights area and how it did feel so much better than the machines. I posted how I was reading New Rules of Lifting for Women and how since starting to lift heavy I have lost 6 inches off my waist, 2 on my arm, 3 on my neck, 3 off my hips, and 2 off of my bust. The scale has barely moved but anyone would be crazy to not jump for joy at those numbers.

    Anyway, a lot of women asked about lifting heavy and while I'm not expert, I directed them to sites and articles and told them my own experience. A lot of men cheered me on and praised me for getting over my fear of the weight room.

    Then this guy showed up and wrote this comment on my picture of me in the weight room:
    "Forget the Weights - Use the Treadmill ;-)"

    When I got that email notification I was about to flip my lid! Then he wrote me a note on my entry:

    "Hi MissTattoo:
    I see you love to take photos and that immediately
    puts you on my side. I saw your gym photo...nice image in front of those
    dumb bells ...Don't use weights as it will bulk up your want to aerobic training ( treadmill, elliptical, zumba class) and if you must use weights, try not to use anything more than 10 pounds because you will end up looking like one of those bodybuilders. Message me if you want any tips! I'll make a special plan for you and you will see results. Srsly thou...stay away from the big boy weights. Trust me. Cardio is the only way to melt fat. Lifting will just add muscle to fat and you will just get bigger."


    My first reaction was to cuss him out. How many women has he convinced with this bs!? Then I got mad at the word SRSLY! WTF!? It took me longer to type Srsly than Seriously!

    I'm calm now but I still plan on sending him a very long reply about how he is wrong and should do his research before sending that crap to people.

    Here's the photo he commented on. Does it look like I got bulky from doing weeks on machines and then got to the free weight room?


    TROLL!!! And he apparently knows nothing about the female body. Just explain to him that the female body doesn't make enough testosterone to get "bulky". And weight lifting will burn off more fat than any amount of cardio. Hell, it's hard enough for men to gain muscle. Women need steroids and/or HGH pills to do it - and then they just become more masculine rather than bulky.
    And even if his definition of bulky is "fat over top of muscle" that fat will eventually go away as you lift. (Sounds to me like this guy has done absolutely no type of scientific research at all other than maybe reading some exercise articles from the 60s or 70s)
    My dumbbells are at least 15lbs (my purse weighs more than 10!). I've done squats with 80lbs. I use 30lb resistance bands for pull downs. I'm 5'2" and maintain 110-113lbs (depending on my carb intake).
    Keep lifting!!!!!
  • sofakingawesome69
    I say beat his *kitten* with your newfound muscles so he can see just how bulky you are. JK If you found something that works and you can stick with, do it. Obviously if you are getting results you like, then it works. SO many of us try to find that something and just spin our wheels trying different things. GO for it, you are looking great and getting into shape.
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    By the way, OP, you look great. Fabulous figure.
  • TinaKeniston
    TinaKeniston Posts: 76 Member
    You look great! I would just ignore him and his friend request. You have better things to occupy your mind and time than people like that! Keep up the great work!
  • Jess830409
    Jess830409 Posts: 285 Member
    lol the only reason I still do cardio is because it's rule #1 in Zombieland.

    LOVE this...haha
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member

    Srsly I tht I'd prgrs pst ur lvl. Sry u hv sml pnis syndrm, pls fnd anthr outlt. Pfrbly on ur own pink trdml, *kitten*.

    I thought I was having a stroke for a minute!
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    Then I got mad at the word SRSLY! WTF!? It took me longer to type Srsly than Seriously!

    Oh man, this made me laugh :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I thought the same while I was reading it!!!

  • braign
    braign Posts: 89
    Automatically not a 'nice guy' with a helpful attitude because of the 'stay away from the big boy weights' comment. Not a respectful way to talk to anyone. Whether he was flat out trolling or just a poor, misguided chauvinist (eyeroll) who really did want to help you doesn't matter, and I'm glad you didn't listen to him.
  • JosieMars
    JosieMars Posts: 6
    Obviously a troll! It'd be funny if it wasn't so stupid :P
    I just hope noone else sees that comment and takes him seriously.
  • mama2shi
    mama2shi Posts: 300 Member
    Oh my...big boy weights, huh? lol

    That is as bad as one of my friends telling another one (both girls) "Make sure you use the girl weights" WTF are girl weights??? Do we have special pink sparkly weights somewhere? 5 lbs. is 5 lbs. and 100 lbs. is 100 lbs.

    You keep doing what you are doing, he sounds uneducated and creepy.
  • tinglesby
    tinglesby Posts: 96 Member
    i agree with this dude!!!
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    Obvious troll/pervert/wind up.

    I would not take his message too seriously.

    I wouldn't take it too srsly, either. ;)
  • mistylovesmusic
    For the first time in my life, I use free weights. I mostly use 20 pound weights right now but use heavier weight on the machines. Unlike when I do strictly cardio, I've seen a difference in my entire body! I finally have defined arms and not bulky man arms! Both forms of exercise are great and even better if you alternate them. Apparently he has a fear of women being stronger than him. :ohwell:
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Don't waste your energy getting upset at the schmoe!
    He knows keep on lifting, chick.
  • DeadEyedSuburbanite
    DeadEyedSuburbanite Posts: 34 Member

    Condescending jerk probably trying to hit on you.

    Ignore him. Don't bother trying to argue. Just don't engage the crazy.

    P.S. You look smashing.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    you look like your going to be pretty bad *kitten* with those weighs.

    That sounds like some garbage I would troll to people who deserve it.
    That guy is obviously a moron.
  • Squeeee
    Squeeee Posts: 71
    I'd just be tempted to send him a picture of my head pasted on a body builder's body saying "Oh no! You were right!! ...but seriously, thank you for your concern, but I'm doing what works for me. I encourage you to do some research because it seems that you've been misinformed."

    Or something along those lines...
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member

    Yup. I can definitely see how you're starting to look like a bodybuilder.

    Oh wait. No I can't. LMAO. Some people are just so clueless.
  • angeeishere
    angeeishere Posts: 89 Member
    He sounds like a total buttwad...