Has Anyone Obese Tried the New Rules of Lifting for Woman?



  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I started with NRoLFW, but due to a knee injury had to alter my program. I've lost 24kg (52lbs) and I've got AT LEAST another 24kgs to go.... maybe more, but we'll see how I look once I get there.

    I'm currently doing StrongLifts 5 x 5 and I highly recommend lifting heavy things.
  • MogwaisGrandma
    MogwaisGrandma Posts: 196 Member
    I am going to treat myself today and buy this book. Just been reading the preview on Amazon and I like the look of it.
  • summaryzn
    summaryzn Posts: 122 Member
    LabRat is spot-on. I have 50 pounds to lose, and I LOVE LIFTING. I feel so good - strong and healthy. My overall fitness has increased. I haven't lost pounds in the last few months, but I've dropped almost two full dress sizes. Which is my goal - to be strong and healthy and smaller. The number on the scale doesn't matter.

    I started lifting because I homebrew and got sick of asking my fiancee to lift heavy brewing equipment around the house for me. I'm very happy to report that in the last four months of lifting weights, I have gained the strength needed to manage my hobby on my own.

    Oh, and I'm starting to look pretty damn amazing naked.

    You made my day! I am also doing strength training and the scale hasn't moved much since October. I think I may have lost 7-8 since then. I joined the gym in January and I have lost inches. At my highest I was wearing 22/24 and now I am between 18/20s. I went into Lane Bryant today and tried on a pair 18 jeans. They were the tummy slim jeans and the 18 didn't work for me but the 20 did. I know I am dropping something. LOL. I have banned my scale until the 13th of July. Again, thanks for your post.

    That is awesome. I am now regretting not reading this book sooner.. the authors do such a great job of dispelling myths and giving you a play by play of how as women we have erred on the side of caution unecessarily as it relates to weight training. I decided to get a Personal trainer to ensure my form is correct with the goal of being able to rock by myself after 15-20 sessions and I gotta tell you given that Im also doing a C25K program on my non training days IM IMPRESSED by just how much and how quickly im sweating and winded while training. I thought running was my 'way to fitness' and im quickly learning its all about the weights. I havent quit my running program but I dont feel slighted that in the same 30 mins Im on the treadmill the 30 mins with the trainer goes faster and im as good as drenched and begging for water in between exercises!
  • ohmyjustme
    ohmyjustme Posts: 3 Member
    I'm brand new and love lifting heavy weights! I usually do it 2-3 times weekly at my maximum. How do you track this on the exercise tracker thingy???