Do you log when you binge?



  • nymami
    nymami Posts: 54 Member
    i definitely log, it helps to keep me accountable to myself.
  • KaidaKantri
    KaidaKantri Posts: 401
    I log EVERYTHING. It gives you a good idea of WHAT you did wrong and HOW you can fix it. If I don't log it, I lose my motivation to watch calories, therefore overeat, and gain weight. If you log it, you will MOST likely have more motivation to fix what your doing wrong rather than just try and hide it cuz your ashamed of it. admitting to what you did wrong is always the first step in fixing anything.
  • HorganMom3
    HorganMom3 Posts: 63 Member
    I try to log in EVERYTHING. If I cant find it and can't scan it through the phone app I try to find the closest thing I can on here and log it. It is a task logging in all the little junk things you may give into here and there, but if you don't try to log in all you can then what's the point of logging in at all? Everyone has their off days, their over days, their "ashamed" days, but not logging in everything that you can isn't using mfp to its or your full potential.
  • KaidaKantri
    KaidaKantri Posts: 401
    i definitely log, it helps to keep me accountable to myself.

    ^ Exactly this. No one is going to hold you accountable except for yourself. And that's the biggest idea in losing fat and getting healthier. If your not going to hold yourself accountable, then being healthy is never going to happen.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    didnt read any replies, but here's mine.

  • SelkieDiver
    SelkieDiver Posts: 260 Member
    I always argue with myself about it, but end up logging it in the end. At least to the best of my ability - some binges are so out of control I honestly don't remember everything I ate. The good thing is these seem to happen less and less often. Will I ever totally eliminate binges - probably not. But I don't feel guilty about them or shamed because of them anymore. I don't want food to have that power over me. By admitting to myself (and the world as my diary is public!) and being accountable to myself, I take that power back in some strange way.
  • tajmel
    tajmel Posts: 401 Member
    I usually log. Knowing that I'll have to log keeps me more aware of exactly how much I eat.
  • reneecgc
    reneecgc Posts: 179 Member
    I log it in the best I can, but I usually miss something. When I get to 2500 calories I just stop. It is good to
    see what your eating adds up to. I usually make good choices when I over eat ,but with small splurges of
    alcohol and a small desert.
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    Yes, I do. Ugh. But then I don't log after a while because I get totally depressed by it. Bingefree since here I am...and happy. Trying to be happy with my relationship to food.
  • veduffey
    veduffey Posts: 73
    I put everything I eat in. It helps me to know how much I binged on. And it helps me be accountable for what I am eating. When I see the calories in RED I just know I need to do better the next day!
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    sometimes I do sometimes I don't it just depends on how tired I am that day. I tend to have cheat days when I'm tired or eating out where it's hard to control my calorie intake
  • PaperThinLips
    PaperThinLips Posts: 79 Member
    YOU HAVE TO DO IT!!! or you might tempt you to binge again.. D:
    i log almost everything i eat (except if i have like a carrot or a little bit of fruit, i put that in my notes)
  • RipperSB
    RipperSB Posts: 315 Member
    So I have been doing really well lately and very happy with my results since starting on MFP, but last night I gave in in a bad way and totally blew my whole day! I had drive-in popcorn, a whole bunch of candies, tootsie rolls - it was a bad scene!

    So my questions is this: do most of you log that in, or do you just leave it and start new the next day? I wold not even know where to start to log all that I ate, so i am not logging it. I logged the rest of my day up intil that point.

    Just curious to see what the rest of you do.

    If you bite it, you write it! Good, bad or indifferent log everything you eat to the best of your ability... make your diary private if you don't want others to see but who are you kidding by not logging?
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    I log but I don't finish the day. Just seeing all the red is wake up call enough.
  • tappleton17
    tappleton17 Posts: 29 Member
    I would have to because well for one I am nosy and 2 I can make sure I do not repeat my pattern lol. but thats just me. :smile:
  • MommaRou56
    MommaRou56 Posts: 68 Member
    Log it all. It will make you really step back and look at what you've done. Also, write a note on that page (in the little box on the right hand bottom corner of the page) that explains what you did that day and why. It will help when you go back to see what and WHY you ate the way you did that day. And if you have a binge day once in a while, so what? As long as it doesn't become the norm for you, I think it can be "cathartic" in some ways to have a "blow-out" day so you don't feel deprived. Just get back on track and don't jump off completely because of one binge day. Hang in there! :)
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    I log it.

    It happens. It helps me track it and hopefully prevent it next time.
  • KathleenGreenfield
    KathleenGreenfield Posts: 22 Member
    I would , just to remind me not to do it again lol :)
  • tdcibilly
    tdcibilly Posts: 78
    i always log it
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    honestly I don't log it, but it should be logged for shame

    haha, I couldn't have said it better than that.

    I will admit, depending how "shameful" I feel or the amount of food I ate is dependant on logging. Unfortunately.