Why do people always have to put down my diet



  • stephalvarez5
    stephalvarez5 Posts: 154 Member
    one word: haters
  • empressalexa
    so what you think about stop looking for a diet and just eat healthy or cleanier? if is a lifestyle change. it can be done and i know that for sure. since i have really changed myself for better.
  • jadedzen
    jadedzen Posts: 221 Member
    Some people just have to know everything, including what is best for YOUR body. DASH is medically recommended, i doubt the youtube diet was. Stick to your guns :)
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I'm just trying to find a diet that works for me and makes me feel good. It seems like every time I find a diet I get real excited about other people are always putting me down.

    For example my girlfriend told me about the bitter truth thing on youtube. I watched it and I went on the diet with her to support her, then I tell my co-works at work and they rip on me for weeks everything I eat is picked apart and I never hear the end of how unhealthy it is.

    Then I hear about the DASH diet, it seems like the perfect diet for me, does my girlfriend support me absolutely not, She laughs at me, and tells me it will never work and it's the exact opposite of what I need ....

    I think I just need some new friends

    Forget "diets" JUST eat Healthily. DO you know HOW and WHAT eating Healthily is? If not, I suggest starting with something like South Beach Plan and follow the Phases. OHH, YOU will need to be your OWN Man, stop going to and fro and shifting like a boat in a storm. Make a decision dude, and give your Body time to adjust! Make a COMMITMENT>>>Eat Healthily and Moderate Exercise.
  • Lilie555
    Lilie555 Posts: 49 Member
    I know how you feel. My family does the same thing for me. (except i cant really get a new one). They always pick at what eat... and think that since im on a diet i shouldnt it Anything, or something like that. Whenever there is something good cooking and I say "I cant wait to try that!" They say "You cant, your on a diet!".

    They just don't get it. So just stick to what working for you and trying not to pay too much attention to them, I know its hard, but you can do it!

    And like other people are saying, just eat healthy, dont tell people, who dont really need to know, that your on a diet, so they dont ask and ruin it for you, and if they do, just say your trying to eat more healthy.
  • freckledrats
    freckledrats Posts: 251 Member
    Good luck with your diet, sir! More power to ya. At least you have the kahones to try something and get the ball rolling. Who cares what anybody else thinks.
  • CallmeKellie
    Just stop telling people what ur doing until you get down to your ideal weight. Sometimes the ones with the most to say are actually the ones who need to lose weight.Stick to your guns in whatever you do and ignore the nay-sayers! :))
  • MrExcessive
    You could stop falling for fab diets and just eat healthy.

    Just a thought.

    What he said ^^

    What they said^^^
  • KayeeDaisyBee
    To echo what some other people have said...there's only really, at the heart of it, one way to do this. Eat healthy and exercise. That's all it is. Calories in vs. calories out. Burn more than you consume. That's what it's about. There are plans out there that work for people, sure...but fad diets aren't sustainable. If you're serious about weight loss and making a lifestyle change these temporary fixes are not going to cut it.
    That said, take criticism from others with a pinch of salt and always, always CONSIDER THE SOURCE. Really think about who is telling you this stuff. Do they care about you? Are they JEALOUS of your ability to do something about your life? Are they trying to sabotage you for their own selfish reasons? Are they just being *kitten*, maybe?
    You do YOU...don't let the haters bring you down or talk you out of being healthy and changing your life. Believe in yourself, work hard and the rest will fall into place. Brush that dirt off your shoulder and keep on keeping on.
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    Fad diets. Fab diets are fabulous, fad diets are woeful things altogether.

    Maybe I was alluding to the sexuality of said diet. Not in a negative way, of course, nothing wrong with the fabs.

    Or maybe it was a type-o.

    We'll never know.
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    No matter what "diet" you are on, there will always be someone who disagrees with it or thinks it is a waste of time. My suggestion is stop telling people you are on a diet and you'll be less annoyed by the people around you. I know it is easier said than done, but who cares what everyone else thinks, you are doing it for you not to please them.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I tell my co-works at work and they rip on me for weeks everything I eat is picked apart and I never hear the end of how unhealthy it is.

    Yes, because your co workers are at the peak of healthiness and you should follow their advice to a T.

    Honestly though, this is why there are only 3 people in my life that know I'm trying to lose weight. My good friend, a supportive co worker and my significant other. Who else needs to know your business??
  • harlesslee
    I care, so I'll tell you, straight up. It's because your thing doesn't really matter to them. It's not their life, so they don't care. Just go do your thing and be healthy, for you. Your quality of life is your business, not theirs. If you're constantly going on about new diets, then they may see you as a flake. Just do your thing and be healthy and keep the dietary conversation to a minimum. You'll be a lot happier and so will everyone else. Be confident in yourself and be happy about what you're doing, but don't bother everyone with it. It gets to the point, sometimes, where "diet-talk" is like sitting around with the grandfolks as they discuss medicines and surgery and poop. I wish you the best! Good luck and strength in all that you do!
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Why do you invite the unwanted input by sharing what you are doing with your diet? It's none of their business. A wise man once told me that, outside of a handful of people who truly care about you, in life, most people don't care about your problems and the ones that do are glad you have them.
  • kuger4119
    kuger4119 Posts: 213 Member
    First, I have found that my co-workers have gotten very critical about anything that I say about losing weight ever since it got to the point where I was making real progress. Two of them were on MFP and both quit when I had dropped 10 lbs and they had dropped maybe half that. Jealousy is an ugly thing and they really hate the topic now. Of course, I'm a bit of a sadistic SOB so I'll poke them every once in a while just to get to them. The good news is that we actually have pretty good chemistry so it is mostly in good fun, but at the same time, there is some underlying bitterness. On that note....ignore what others say if what you are doing is working for you.

    On the other hand, it is my personal opinion that people who use unusual diets to make progress are the ones that are least likely to have long term results that stay. Do you have a plan for maintaining your weight once you lose weight using a "diet". I've taken the position that eating whatever food that you plan on eating after you lose weight (but in lower amounts) is the best way to make sure that you can be successful in the long run. On that note, you really should evaluate if you are doing the right thing for yourself in the long run.

    At the end of the day, disregard what all of us say and do whatever works for you and commit to it.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    It's easy to avoid these issues, just don't talk about it. My eating habits are the subject of some fascination with some of my coworkers. When coworkers comment on my eating, I usually just shrug at them and keep eating--really, it's none of their business. Your girlfriend is a slightly different issue. If you have high blood pressure, and you are seriously trying to lower it using diet and exercise (which is, I think, a good strategy) then she should be supportive. There are limits though, you should not expect her to go on the diet with you--it might be nice of her to do so, but I would not call her unsupportive just because she keeps her old habits.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    F that noise..

    Do what you need to do.

    That is all. :)
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    F that noise..

    Do what you need to do.

    That is all. :)

  • eimajb18
    eimajb18 Posts: 20 Member
    You're an adult and you don't have to justify eating the way you want to anyone. Regardless of what anyone else thinks about your meals, YOU are the one who has to live in your body and function with the calories and nutrients you consume, so if you find a diet that keeps you happy and healthy, it's your prerogative,

    My advice (from experience): Don't tell anyone about your diet unless you're sure they'll be supportive and accepting of it.

    When I am out with unsupportive friends, I never use the word "diet." I'll say "No thanks, I'm good", instead of "I'm on a diet, I can't." Or "Eh, I have a taste for something light tonight."
  • SingeSange
    SingeSange Posts: 98 Member
    You could stop falling for fad diets and just eat healthy.

    Just a thought.

    What he said...