30 Day Shred good enough alone?



  • clarebear1982
    I've been doing this since Jan 3rd 3 times a week but exercise total of 6 days per week (other days I do body attack/combat, running on treadmill - normally 5k, swimming and spin) I feel more toned, however, am not losing as much weight as I'd have hoped (7lbs since Jan 3rd).

    I like the shred and feel out of breath doing it, but I don't think it is a long enough or tough enough routine to burn the calories needed to lose weight. I guesstimate the calorie burn for 20 minutes (level 2) as 100 calories. How much do you record it at??

    I use 2 x 2lb handweights for the shred - should I be using heavier for better results??
  • jjblogs
    jjblogs Posts: 327 Member
    I use 2 x 2lb handweights for the shred - should I be using heavier for better results??

    YES...as heavy as you can manage to get better results. I use 5 and 8lb depending on the exercise.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    I've been doing this since Jan 3rd 3 times a week but exercise total of 6 days per week (other days I do body attack/combat, running on treadmill - normally 5k, swimming and spin) I feel more toned, however, am not losing as much weight as I'd have hoped (7lbs since Jan 3rd).

    I like the shred and feel out of breath doing it, but I don't think it is a long enough or tough enough routine to burn the calories needed to lose weight. I guesstimate the calorie burn for 20 minutes (level 2) as 100 calories. How much do you record it at??

    I use 2 x 2lb handweights for the shred - should I be using heavier for better results??

    i use a hrm when i do mine and through the whole dvd 27 min ( with warm up and cool down) i burn anywhere from 160-190. i'm 5.2
  • sammj85
    sammj85 Posts: 3 Member
    Oooo fab news. My copy I ordered at the weekend arrived today, I am currently running 3-4 days a week, doing 2+ miles each time so I can do the shred in the afternoons :D Looking forward to it x
  • kford12
    kford12 Posts: 112
    I love this advise! I started it yesterday and after drinking two glasses of water and eating a tub of yogurt I fell into a 3-hour nap. I don't want that to happen again as I was up until 4 a.m. Getting ready to do the Shred again and this is a great tip for me!

    Sorry, but this comment actually made me laugh out! I have visions of someone sprawled on a sofa in their workout gear, fast asleep with yoghurt dribbling down their chin!! Hehe!! :oD
  • babigurl86
    babigurl86 Posts: 138
    I love this advise! I started it yesterday and after drinking two glasses of water and eating a tub of yogurt I fell into a 3-hour nap. I don't want that to happen again as I was up until 4 a.m. Getting ready to do the Shred again and this is a great tip for me!

    Sorry, but this comment actually made me laugh out! I have visions of someone sprawled on a sofa in their workout gear, fast asleep with yoghurt dribbling down their chin!! Hehe!! :oD

    me too! lol
  • youngmom30
    I love the 30 day shred!!!!!!!!!! I just love Jillian Michaels workouts in general. I think you can get great results. I am doing the buns and thighs one right now and let me tell you it's tough. when I'm done my thighs and butt is burning!!!!
  • marla_jones
    marla_jones Posts: 45 Member
    bumping for later
  • kford12
    kford12 Posts: 112
    I think it's a great workout, but not enough cardio alone. There is only 6 minutes of cardio a day. I would try to supplement it with whatever cardio you can do.

    You're right, there isn't that much cardio. It still burns some calories mind you. I burn around 240 calories each time without the cool down afterwards :)
  • gretta987
    gretta987 Posts: 5 Member
    In response to WATEVA:

    It's pretty cheap, so you could try it and see. I'm 46 and have problems with my knees, and I use a rebounder with the jumping jacks and impact exercises...works great. If squats bother your knees though, it might be a struggle as she does a TON of squats. They don't seem to bother me at all. It's the jumping that gets me.

    Something else very interesting that I've been experimenting with. Someone mentioned barefoot running helping with their knee issues. I thought that sounded crazy because I have been advised to use arch supports and have tried every tennis shoe under the sun to help with my knee issues. The past 3 days I've been doing the 30ds barefoot and I've noticed a huge difference in my knees. Still not sure I'm believing this yet, but I'm going to keep doing it barefoot for a while as it really seems to help.
  • gretta987
    gretta987 Posts: 5 Member
    In response to WATEVA:

    It's pretty cheap, so you could try it and see. I'm 46 and have problems with my knees, and I use a rebounder with the jumping jacks and impact exercises...works great. If squats bother your knees though, it might be a struggle as she does a TON of squats. They don't seem to bother me at all. It's the jumping that gets me.

    Something else very interesting that I've been experimenting with. Someone mentioned barefoot running helping with their knee issues. I thought that sounded crazy because I have been advised to use arch supports and have tried every tennis shoe under the sun to help with my knee issues. The past 3 days I've been doing the 30ds barefoot and I've noticed a huge difference in my knees. Still not sure I'm believing this yet, but I'm going to keep doing it barefoot for a while as it really seems to help.

    Apologies about the double quote/post... I hit enter too soon.
    Anyhow, I also do this workout barefoot, on a pilates mat, and it helps with my knees a lot.