can you lose weight with unhealthy food



  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    "can you lose weight with unhealthy food?"

    try eating nothing but sawdust for three weeks and see if you lose weight :bigsmile:

    Yes, you can incorporate junk food into your diet but if you do it too often you will get a ticket from the Nutrition Police. REpeat offenders are subject to Nutrition Jail.
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    sure. but why WOULD you?
    Because some people want to enjoy the occasional piece of birthday cake or a hot dog when they go to a baseball game, but they're trained to think the tiniest amount of fat or sugar is going to pack the pounds back on. More people need to learn moderation over deprivation.
  • julie781
    julie781 Posts: 221 Member
    You can lose weight with unhealthy food but you won't be "healthy". Eating healthier is good for all your organs. One of my favorite saying.. "You wouldn't put economy fuel in your maserati ".
  • trey4cubs
    trey4cubs Posts: 20
    if were merely talking about losing weight then yes you can eat unhealthy food and lose weight.
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    Lighten up, people. The OP already said she'd mix it with healthy food. She didn't ask if eating at McDonald's three times per day would help her lose weight.
  • ClaSSiE86
    ClaSSiE86 Posts: 72 Member
    I try to make the best and healthiest choices everyday.. but once in awhile when I'm in a slump and I don't see the number on the scale moving, I take my brothers advice (who has lost a tremendous amount of weight and is a total inspiration to me) and "shock your body" and eat a few pieces of pizza one night for supper (or whatever it is you want) This has helped me to be able to enjoy some bad things and not feel like I'm depriving myself :)

  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    sure. but why WOULD you?

    This professor said that by far the most significant thing you can do for health gains if you are obese is to the lose the weight, no matter how. If you can't do it the best way then it's still of more benefit than not doing it at all. MOST important = lose the weight, All other health concerns is secondary
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I see a lot of people take an all or nothing stance on weight loss. I've tried this - more than once and every single time, I gave up and gained all the weight back and more.

    This time.. well, this time I vowed it would be different. Instead of making foods off limits, I simply learned to eat them in moderation. Instead of an entire package of cookies, I only eat the serving size of them.

    I've lost nearly 60lbs and I've kept it off since Sept 2010. I eat M&M's in my Greek yogurt everyday. I eat cookies every single day. I've had all kinds of blood work and tests done (I have a lot of nasty illnesses that plague my family and I wanted to make sure I wasn't heading down the same road). Everything I've had done? "Excellent" or "textbook perfect".

    So, the answer to your question is yes. You can lose weight, keep it off AND be healthy even while enjoying unhealthy foods. It's all about balance.

    Too many people put so much focus on losing weight that they forget this is the only life you have to live - don't live it feeling resentful over FOOD. For heaven's sake, if you want birthday cake - have it. If you want a hot dog - have it. If you want chips - have it. Simply do it in moderation.

    I will say that since I've changed my eating habits a lot of things I used to love (donuts, Mt Dew and even the occasional fast food item) are no longer appealing. They aren't "off limits", I just don't want them anymore.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    You can lose weight eating bacon dipped in mayo or tofu wrapped in sea weed - it matters NOT!
    If all you care about is mere weight loss, eat whatever.
    If we are talking about optimal health, that's a whole different discussion.
    If you want to look your best, feel great and live long, eating clean is paramount.
    And nobody, including this absurd professor, would dare debate that without looking quite foolish.
    Good Luck :flowerforyou:
  • drcrimson
    drcrimson Posts: 20 Member
    Absolutely you can lose weight on unhealthy food. The better question is should you. In the long run, you are better off with both healthy food and a healthy weight. I think you need both to have long term success.
  • PrayerofAmity
    PrayerofAmity Posts: 176 Member
    Sure you can lose weight eating unhealthy foods if you stay in the calorie range, but the fact is that your body won't be able to live on those empty calories forever. Eventually you would find yourself with severe nutrient deficiencies (like I did) and that can cause a horrifying host of very bad side effects which could also include the body storing fat and weight gain. I also agree with others on here. Why would you want to? The host of wonderful, amazing foods I am eating now taste so much better than the junk I used to eat to the point that even thinking of them turns my stomach. Don't deny your cravings, that leads to trouble too, but everything in moderation is always the best way to go.
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    I see a lot of people take an all or nothing stance on weight loss. I've tried this - more than once and every single time, I gave up and gained all the weight back and more.

    This time.. well, this time I vowed it would be different. Instead of making foods off limits, I simply learned to eat them in moderation. Instead of an entire package of cookies, I only eat the serving size of them.

    I've lost nearly 60lbs and I've kept it off since Sept 2010. I eat M&M's in my Greek yogurt everyday. I eat cookies every single day. I've had all kinds of blood work and tests done (I have a lot of nasty illnesses that plague my family and I wanted to make sure I wasn't heading down the same road). Everything I've had done? "Excellent" or "textbook perfect".

    So, the answer to your question is yes. You can lose weight, keep it off AND be healthy even while enjoying unhealthy foods. It's all about balance.

    Too many people put so much focus on losing weight that they forget this is the only life you have to live - don't live it feeling resentful over FOOD. For heaven's sake, if you want birthday cake - have it. If you want a hot dog - have it. If you want chips - have it. Simply do it in moderation.

    I will say that since I've changed my eating habits a lot of things I used to love (donuts, Mt Dew and even the occasional fast food item) are no longer appealing. They aren't "off limits", I just don't want them anymore.

    ^^ This
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Of course you can. Just make sure its not mostly unhealthy because you might not feel as good.
  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    Nutrition is key! Take it from me cos I am learning the hard way. As you can see my ticker below is in my 40's its been in my 40s sine I started only losing maybe 5lbs but not a steady 5 bcuz i wud lose and gain. Now I am going to start this thing all over again after vacation and do it right.

    My advice to you: if you are going to lose weight at all atleast do it right so you wont have to retrace and do it all over again.
  • KayeeDaisyBee
    Ugh, so sick of food snobbery on here. Why would you? Simple - 'cause this is a lifestyle change and LIFE happens sometimes. Birthday parties happen, Christmas happens, nights out happen, bad days happen, social occasions and celebration happens and i'm tired of people preaching that it's not okay to spend those calories a little less wisely from time-to-time. The goal is weight-loss and overall health FOREVER and forever is a long time not to enjoy your food if you are typically someone who does. It is OKAY to treat yourself now and then. Weight-loss and health is still possible even if you occasionally eat junk food. It's all about how you approach that type of food mentally. Appreciate it for what it is, keep it to a minimum and eat healthily the majority of your time.
  • therottenrook
    Yes, you can.

    Calories in - calories out = weight loss / gain
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    I can say from experience, back in high school when I was running cross-country, training for my black belt, and doing marching band, I ate things like donuts, Junior Mints, and various other crap, and I still lost 15lbs that semester, simply because I was running it all off. It's really a matter of energy in and energy out. If you find the balance, you can still lose weight.

    Granted, you won't feel as good as if you were eating whole foods, but the human body is pretty adaptable. It'll do what you want, so long as there's some energy going it.
  • gertudejekyl
    gertudejekyl Posts: 386 Member
    yes, it all depends on the amount of calories consumed.:flowerforyou:
  • Tat2dDom624
    Tat2dDom624 Posts: 1,226 Member
    From my experience, if i am strict 6 out of 7 days, and the one day i decide to cheat, my body gets "shocked" from those unhealthy calories, and i see the pounds come off.
  • OTchic
    OTchic Posts: 205 Member
    How do you Balance the two unhelathy and healthy foods?

    i eat healthy 80/20 so i will have a good breakfast, lunch and dinner and for dessert a 130cals serving of rocky road ice cream.

    i will go camping and eat healthy too and when it comes to eating smores ill have one a big graham cracker with yummy marshmellows and hersheys chocolate YUM! but of course i WORKOUT!!

    i will go ahead and go to a BBQ and have potato salad OR a slice of cake but i will go home and burn OFF the calories. its summer time and LOTS of family BBQ while i dont eat everything i want like i used to for example three hotdogs (no bun) couple pieces of carne asada and maybe 2 tortillas and macaroni salad, beans and rice. i will cut it down to one hotdog one piece of carneasada no tortilla or maybe one and skip the rice eat whole beans and munch on a lot of fruit salad maybe 2 cups worth. I am not depriving myself because I will NEVER live a 100% healthy diet never and why would I im 22 years old? lol

    but you have to remember to workout and eat healthy most of the time.