How often does everyone weigh in?



  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    every few weeks...but I'm more interested in body fat %
  • lmcww8
    lmcww8 Posts: 10 Member
    When I was first starting to diet/lose weight, I would weigh myself every morning. I kept up the practice for the first few weeks of maintenance, but I found that the number on the scale would dictate my mood for the day and that just wasn't healthy (for me anyway) so I dropped it down to maybe once ever week or two weeks. I feel a lot happier now and less tied to a little plastic box in my bathroom. Everything in moderation :).
  • ichellebereel
    ichellebereel Posts: 55 Member
    I weigh myself daily. No gimmicks, no apologies, no nada. It's like brushing my teeth. If there is a significant fluctuation (more than 2 pounds) that is either up or down, I keep an eye on it for a week and analyze what I've been eating relative to my exercise and cycles. Then I adjust if necessary. This had kept me pretty stable for almost a year and a half!

    I'm the same way but I am so happy that I am losing that I myself several times a day:laugh: but I only go by the my weekly weigh in.
  • ColleenRoss50
    ColleenRoss50 Posts: 199 Member
    I weigh myself at least once a day. I only record a loss if it is over a lb. and only after the weight has remained consistently off for several days.

    As a matter of interest, there have been some studies done that indicate that people who weigh themselves more frequently tend to lose more weight and also are more likely to keep it off once they maintain.

    Here is some information on one of the studies:

    Note that the article does caution that daily weighing is not for everybody and it is not advisable for people suffering from eating disorders or clinical depression to weigh that frequently.
  • wow, such frequent weighers! When I first started losing weight seriously I was told to only weigh 1x per month because if I was honest about my food then I would have to lose weight and the fluctuations wouldn't get me. When I reached some sort of goal weight I went crazy and weighed like 10 times a day....when I first got out of bed in my jammies, after I peed, naked after I peed, after bkfst, after I went upstairs to my mother's scale, after pottying later, and I would carry a piece of paper in my pocket and write it down all day long and then tally and average for the day!

    the next time I got really serious about weighing I didn't weigh for 6 months because I was so freaked out. But my primary care doctor was leaving to start a new practice in another state so he was eager to know b4 he left. I incredibly had lost 120 lbs!!! we whooped and danced around the scale in his office until the rest of the staff were looking at us funny...

    after that I have always just weighed 1x/mo. Whenever I weigh less often than that though, I start being afraid of gaining weight from sloughing off and of course that worry adds to the cycle of viscious insnity that leads to eating some more...grrrrr...

    One Day at a Time Sweet Jesus! ... hey maybe that means I should weigh daily???
  • stpetegirl
    stpetegirl Posts: 241
    As a matter of interest, there have been some studies done that indicate that people who weigh themselves more frequently tend to lose more weight and also are more likely to keep it off once they maintain.

    Here is some information on one of the studies:

    Note that the article does caution that daily weighing is not for everybody and it is not advisable for people suffering from eating disorders or clinical depression to weigh that frequently.

    Great information! Thanks for sharing!
  • icey_pink
    icey_pink Posts: 28
    Every morning. Get up > toilet > scale. I don't obsess over the number, but I still want to know what it is.

    This is exactly what I do as well. however I do keep in mind the fluctuation that your body has. For me, this is motivating. I found that if I wait and only do it once a week.. I tend to get discouraged if its not as much as I think it should be and tend to feel like my hard work that week was pointless. (not saying it is... but that is how I start to think..)
  • stpetegirl
    stpetegirl Posts: 241
    the next time I got really serious about weighing I didn't weigh for 6 months because I was so freaked out. But my primary care doctor was leaving to start a new practice in another state so he was eager to know b4 he left. I incredibly had lost 120 lbs!!! we whooped and danced around the scale in his office until the rest of the staff were looking at us funny...

    after that I have always just weighed 1x/mo. Whenever I weigh less often than that though, I start being afraid of gaining weight from sloughing off and of course that worry adds to the cycle of viscious insnity that leads to eating some more...grrrrr...

    One Day at a Time Sweet Jesus! ... hey maybe that means I should weigh daily???

    WOW! 120lb loss??!! That is amazing!! Congrats on doing so great!! Keep it up!
  • stpetegirl
    stpetegirl Posts: 241
    I only weigh once a week. Unless for some reason I show a gain on weigh in day then I tend to peek in later.

    Like last week it showed I gained 3 lbs (thursdays are my days) so Saturday I jumped back on the scale again and was another lb down.

    Idk how my parents do it though...they only weigh in once a month!!!

    I def know I can't do once a month! I think I just want to monitor myself closely right now because of just starting out, but once I get to a lower weight, I'm sure I will weigh less often!
  • Toomestwin
    Toomestwin Posts: 40
    I weigh myself once a month...on the first day of the new month. I can tell during the course of the month that I'm losing weight because of how loose the clothes feel, but I resist the temptation to hop on the scale right away. This helps me from psyching myself out if the weight isn't what I think it should be.

    Right now I'm at the point where I'm not losing as much as I have in the past 10 months, but I'm not bothered. I've spent a chunk of money on smaller sized clothes and still haven't found the right fit. I figure that while I might not be dropping the pounds anymore, my body is still changing (waist size, chest size, etc.) so I'm probably gaining in muscle mass (hopefully the right areas).

    Not saying it's easy to stick to the once-a-month weigh-in, but it's helped me keep my sanity...measure progress without getting wrapped around the axle on the small stuff.
  • seasicksquid
    seasicksquid Posts: 73 Member
    I do every day because I'm a bit obsessed with everything right now. I track it along with my calorie intake, water intake, period, exercise, etc. I make a chart every 5 days, showing weight vs calorie intake, water intake, etc. It helps keep me motivated and keep my scientificy mind busy. As long as the trend is downwards, I am happy. 16 lbs in 24 days, I'm happy!
  • aegisprncs
    aegisprncs Posts: 236 Member
    I weigh myself daily but only record it when I've gone down, but I track on a weekly calories in vs. out.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    At first it was every day.
    Then I went to every 3 days.
    Next was once a week.
    Now just to keep tabs on myself.....once a month. Or if I feel a little "off" and want to make sure I did not mess up somewhere.
    8 months maintenance and no regain. I is a Happy Camper!!!!
  • icey_pink
    icey_pink Posts: 28
    At first it was every day.
    Then I went to every 3 days.
    Next was once a week.
    Now just to keep tabs on myself.....once a month. Or if I feel a little "off" and want to make sure I did not mess up somewhere.
    8 months maintenance and no regain. I is a Happy Camper!!!!

    That is awesome! Congrats on maintaining!! :bigsmile:
  • Cappicorn
    Cappicorn Posts: 83 Member
    I don't own a scale because my whole world would revolve around it and I would end up caring more about each pound I lost than my goal to be more active and eat healthier.

    I have done almost all my exercise outside of the gym with a friend, but when I do go to the gym once a week with a friend for BodyPump class, I weigh myself there. At the beginning of my exercising in March, I didn't weigh myself for 3 weeks, worried that it hadn't made much difference. I had lost 13lbs! It's kind of a delightful surprise, waiting.
  • I am obsessed with weighing myself every morning as well. I think once a week at the same time and day would probably be best. I wonder if I put my scale away I will not want to do it every day? Any suggestions??
  • obrendao
    obrendao Posts: 318
    I weigh myself once a week on Monday, the same time of the day, with the same scale at my local gym.

    If I weigh myself anymore than that, I psych myself out. We can lose water weight and have a 2 lb difference from day to night. So what I think I may have lost could be totally inaccurate. So, this works for me! :)
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    The better question many times has this question been made into a thread every 2 days....use the search feature.
  • today6212
    today6212 Posts: 86 Member
    I actually threw my scale out. I am gaining so much muscle i was almost in tears over the number. so now i just measure and think about how my clothing feels.
  • I used to daily, but it drove me crazy so I only weigh in once a week now.