Tracking Calories...a diet killer



  • mstifb
    mstifb Posts: 230
    I wouldn't say it's a "diet killer" but I do understand what you are saying. If you can manage your calorie intake by not counting calories, more power to ya. I like the fact that after logging all this stuff that I'll be able to print it out and show my doctor what I'm eating. I also like being able to go back and on the weeks I've lost more sort of track what I was doing that week. The logging does take time and that can be frustrating when you have a very busy life, like I do, but I think the benefits outweigh the cons. Maybe you don't need it now, but it is something worth trying again if you need to lose quite a bit of weight, which is why I'm using it. Good luck to ya! :flowerforyou:

    ***By the way, all other members, I'm new so how do you post the little "how many calories lost" picture underneath your posts???
  • Seahawks909
    I actually disagree. After years of being restricted by diets I find calorie counting really liberating as I can actually eat whatever I like as long as it is counted. This also means that I don't then feel guilty for eating a 'non-diet/healthy' food which could lead to a depressive 'I've blown it so I may as well carry on eating crap' attitude. A win-win situation!

    I perfectly respect this! I certainly understand that type of mentality that if you eat bad once, you might as well continue.

    I try to keep the mindset that my body is accumulated..meaning if I look bad, I need to balance it out.
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    ***By the way, all other members, I'm new so how do you post the little "how many calories lost" picture underneath your posts???

    Its called a weight loss ticker and it can be found under the Tools tab at the top of this page.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member

    Someone who is overweight wouldn't run to the store and buy a bunch of avocados...


    Avocados have a lot of fat in them (which is why they are so calorie dense). Because of this, you are satisfied longer.

    IT'S NOT JUST CALORIES IN vs. CALORIES OUT! Different types of calories have different effects on your insulin, hunger, hormones, etc.

    I'm sure I'll have more to add as I'm only on page 2 of this trollfest.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I don't find counting calories to be a 'diet killer'. For one it's a lifestyle change, as some people here have stared. Secondly it is so easy to underestimate a portion size and over eat. Do I plan on counting all the time and measuring food? Probably becasue it keeps me accountable for every thing that goes in my mouth and by measuring my food out it keeps me in the shape that I strive to be in because I'm not over eating or underestimating my portions.

    I don't consider what I'm doing to be a diet but a healthy lifestyle that I intend to keep.
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    Yes, tracking everything you eat can get annoying.

    Yes, at times I can get frustated because of it.

    YET! IF I don't put down everything I eat then I would mess up with all the work I have done.

    This is a life style change for me. Even when I get to my goal of weight lost, I will always, alway, have to track the said cailories.

    Because if I don't..I would go back to the way I was..
  • Seahawks909

    Someone who is overweight wouldn't run to the store and buy a bunch of avocados...


    Avocados have a lot of fat in them (which is why they are so calorie dense). Because of this, you are satisfied longer.

    IT'S NOT JUST CALORIES IN vs. CALORIES OUT! Different types of calories have different effects on your insulin, hunger, hormones, etc.

    I'm sure I'll have more to add as I'm only on page 2 of this trollfest.

    My god. Yes I know that. I never said that none of that is important, Its not a "trollfest" the thread topic is a QUESTION not a STATEMENT the damn thing wouldn't let me change it to "counting calories...a diet killer?"
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    More importantly, have you sought out help for your alcohol abuse? (this comes from a caring place, I promise no snark)
  • Seahawks909
    More importantly, have you sought out help for your alcohol abuse? (this comes from a caring place, I promise no snark)

    help? no, Im not to the point where I need help.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I do not agree. Counting calories is the only way you know that you have enough of a caloric deficit to make a difference. It's surprising how fast things add up, even if you think you are doing good.
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    I don't find tracking calories difficult using this site, so I certainly wouldn't call it a diet killer and it's easier for me than doing something like WW. I don't intend to count calories everyday for the rest of my life, but I feel like after a year or do of doing it I will know what an average day of calories looks like to me. I'm sure there will be days you go over if not counting, but I do feel tracking this way helps you to learn the calorie content of foods you eat regularly and also what the real portion size is. Before I starting using this site I'd really didn't realise how many calories were in some foods, or realise that I was eating 3 or 4 times the portion size!
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    I don't track calories and I am losing as much weight as anyone else here. I've done both. But I eat low glycemic. So, I don't get too hungry. Therefore, I naturally get fewer calories. Also, not all calories are equal. I have a personal bias against it but I guess most people here do it since that's sort of what the site is built around.
  • JuneBPrice
    JuneBPrice Posts: 294
    I don't agree at all...I agree that it can be frustrating when you're trying to gauge just how many calories are in things (like you're aunt's homemade pie, for instance). But for me, calories are the biggest part of losing weight. And this site helps SO MUCH for everything. But hey, if it doesn't work for you, you could try something like the special K plan, the slim fast plan, or weight watchers. I know a lot of people have success doing that, just be careful when you switch from losing weight to maintaining your weight loss, unless you want to have to stay on those plans forever. Good luck :smile:
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    One thing I always think about before I begin a new diet is whether or not I should track calories to make sure I am eating a certain limit. But by the 2nd or third day, I become so annoyed and can't stand to do it anymore.

    Would anyone else agree with me that tracking calories can be a diet killer by frustrating you? Most people have enough to worry about already. The way I go about it is I just know what a decent portion is and I know what is much less than what I use to eat, so I eat that amount. I think calorie counting is a way that people psych themselves out of staying on a diet because its one more hassle weighing and measuring food makes it even worse.

    Anyone agree or disagree?

    I just started counting calories for the first time in almost 5 months, once I plateaued (after an almost 40 pound weight loss). I don't get frustrated with it, I just feel like my calories won't be that high if I eat good food, and so far my changes have been successful without counting. I have just counted because I have always hit this plateau in the past and maybe counting will help me surpass it this time.
  • kittime
    kittime Posts: 10
    seems i am frustrated when I am over..
    happy as a clam as long as i am under !!
    I need to track to keep losing..besides..
    then I can have a look at how everyone else is going ...!!
  • Gwoman2012
    Gwoman2012 Posts: 163 Member
    I only got through 2 pages because I just cannot take someone seriously who thinks canned green beans are better for you than avocado.

    For the record I don't calorie count either:)
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    I've tried to wing it with eating and cut down on portion sizes but failed miserably because I didn't know how many calories was in what or I couldn't control myself. Now that I track calories it helps me to focus and keep myself balanced out. I've been doing pretty good with it so far. If I stopped I would probably fall way off the wagon at this point. I'm a very visual person and I have to see things laid out in front of me and dissect it or else I get distracted. MFP helps me to stay organized and on track.

    BTW: I eat avocados just about every other day and I'm losing weight just fine!
  • gailashton
    gailashton Posts: 292
    Just my opinion but I disagree. Counting my calories holds me accountable for what I take in. It's easy to have a bite of that, a piece of this, a little more. For me I'm an overeater. My problem was that I would eat anywhere from 3 to 6 portion sizes or a whole bag of crackers or chips, etc. Overeating is overeating no matter how healthy it is. It's whatever works for the individual but for me this works. Best of luck!
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    One thing I always think about before I begin a new diet is whether or not I should track calories to make sure I am eating a certain limit. But by the 2nd or third day, I become so annoyed and can't stand to do it anymore.

    Would anyone else agree with me that tracking calories can be a diet killer by frustrating you? Most people have enough to worry about already. The way I go about it is I just know what a decent portion is and I know what is much less than what I use to eat, so I eat that amount. I think calorie counting is a way that people psych themselves out of staying on a diet because its one more hassle weighing and measuring food makes it even worse.

    Anyone agree or disagree?

    That's where your problem lies - "every time I start a new diet"...... Most people here don't do diets - we live lives.....
  • GelinaKnows
    I love counting the calories in this app & site!! :)
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