C-section, scars and stretch marks, oh my!

Esmerelda13 Posts: 15 Member
Perhaps this isn't the right board to post this on, but my question is aimed at women that have been losing weight for awhile and therefore have some experience. I have had 3 c-sections and my scar runs north-to-south. To be blunt it looks like I have a butt on my stomach with the scar being the crack. I am in my 50's, have 100lbs. to lose and I have seen stories on TV and in magazines about women that have to have saggy skin surgically removed or can't seem to get rid of their pouch. Is it possible to have a flat stomach after gaining so much weight and having c-sections? If you have done it, to what do you attribute your success? I appreciate your help.


  • karagetsfit
    karagetsfit Posts: 191
    Mine is east to west so i can't help
  • alikonner
    alikonner Posts: 67
    mine is east to west too.. so i'm not sure!
  • Nica_LosN_It
    Nica_LosN_It Posts: 115 Member
    bump. I am north to south too. interesting in hearing/seeing results:blushing:
  • PrettyKeli
    PrettyKeli Posts: 29
    I just had a baby and honey I had a c-section, stretch marks etc. My post "had a baby..." you can see my before and after pics

    I credit my success to:

    Cold showers <<< yes Ice cold showers
    Coconut oil
    Bio oil
    Lots of water
    Healthy eating
    and exercise

    At first they begin to lift so they aren't so deep, then they shrink, then they disappear

    hot hot water is no good for stretch marks, it may feel nice but it won't look nice. There comes a point where you have to make a decision to do what is good for you instead of focusing only on what is good to you. I had to learn this

    You can do it! You can lose the weight and get rid of the stretch marks, scars, etc. Have faith, put in the work, and believe!! ^_^
  • MrsFolk
    MrsFolk Posts: 205
    I've had three too but mine are east to west, sorry :/
  • Esmerelda13
    Esmerelda13 Posts: 15 Member
    I guess I had my c-sections in the old days (1978-1982) before they decided, "Hey! Why mess up the whole stomach! If we do it this way, it can be hidden..." I'm not really concerned about the stretch marks or the scar. I consider them my 'badge' of motherhood. I would like to know if a flat stomach is possible though.
  • tajmel
    tajmel Posts: 401 Member
    Losing weight slowly and healthfully gives your skin more time to catch up, and you can certainly do scrubs to improve circulation and moisturize to help with elasticity. You will most likely have some loose skin, but not as much as you see on shows like "the biggest loser". I've never seen anyone completely get rid of stretch marks or c-section scars (it's scar tissue) but they will shrink and fade significantly. Also, there are some cosmetic medical treatments that can help (filling recessed stretch marks, laser treatment for raised scars, and bleaching for discoloration) but really I don't think many women need them. Personally I treat my scars like the hard-won trophies they are :).
  • kmmealey
    kmmealey Posts: 76 Member
    Hmm, honestly, maybe not totally flat. Vertical incisions (yep, in the "old days", I'm your age too) cut thru many different muscles. Three pregnancies obviously also caused lots of skin/tissue stretching. Fortunately they don't do that type incision for C-sections any more. Have you consulted a plastic surgeon? Not saying to have surgery, but, visiting with one, having he/she examine your abdomen may answer your questions. Still, weight loss and exercise certainly decreases abdominal girth for us all. Altho' I'm a former surgical RN, this is only my guess.
    Best wishes on your weight loss journey.
  • tajmel
    tajmel Posts: 401 Member
    I guess I had my c-sections in the old days (1978-1982) before they decided, "Hey! Why mess up the whole stomach! If we do it this way, it can be hidden..." I'm not really concerned about the stretch marks or the scar. I consider them my 'badge' of motherhood. I would like to know if a flat stomach is possible though.

    It absolutely is :).
  • ryansgram
    ryansgram Posts: 693 Member
    Just eat right and exercise and be proud of yourself afterwards.
  • jsp2374
    jsp2374 Posts: 131 Member
    I've had three but mine are all east to west as well. As far as why they do them so low, yes vanity does come into play, but also, big but here. The lower on the uterus the cut is, the better the uterus recovers. SO that bikini scar actually serves the purpose of preserving the integrity of the uterus. I got really pissed before my third c-section, which was done in Australia as opposed to the US, here when the OB complained about vanity being the ONLY reason to do a low cut.

    SOrry off my soap box now. My sister has a north to south scar from her only c-section. It was done because she had a dry breach baby in there.

  • Esmerelda13
    Esmerelda13 Posts: 15 Member
    I've had three but mine are all east to west as well. As far as why they do them so low, yes vanity does come into play, but also, big but here. The lower on the uterus the cut is, the better the uterus recovers. SO that bikini scar actually serves the purpose of preserving the integrity of the uterus. I got really pissed before my third c-section, which was done in Australia as opposed to the US, here when the OB complained about vanity being the ONLY reason to do a low cut.

    SOrry off my soap box now. My sister has a north to south scar from her only c-section. It was done because she had a dry breach baby in there.

  • Esmerelda13
    Esmerelda13 Posts: 15 Member
    I've had three but mine are all east to west as well. As far as why they do them so low, yes vanity does come into play, but also, big but here. The lower on the uterus the cut is, the better the uterus recovers. SO that bikini scar actually serves the purpose of preserving the integrity of the uterus. I got really pissed before my third c-section, which was done in Australia as opposed to the US, here when the OB complained about vanity being the ONLY reason to do a low cut.

    SOrry off my soap box now. My sister has a north to south scar from her only c-section. It was done because she had a dry breach baby in there.


    Whoops! This was supposed to go with that, lol. I just wanted to thank you for that information. I was never told that.
  • willard7
    willard7 Posts: 2
    HI, I have had 2 C-sections (1985 & 1989).Mine is east to west. I am 55 now. I started with MFP in Jan and lost 18 pds but can NOT get a flat belly if I tried. I go to the gym , use my wii fitness and walk. I am very happy with my weight loss but I also have a pouch above my c- sections scar. I don't care about the scars. I just would like to get that area flatter. I don't want to have surgery. Any exercise suggestions that would help so many yrs later.... from someone that has lost the fat above the sections?
  • jsp2374
    jsp2374 Posts: 131 Member
    I've had three but mine are all east to west as well. As far as why they do them so low, yes vanity does come into play, but also, big but here. The lower on the uterus the cut is, the better the uterus recovers. SO that bikini scar actually serves the purpose of preserving the integrity of the uterus. I got really pissed before my third c-section, which was done in Australia as opposed to the US, here when the OB complained about vanity being the ONLY reason to do a low cut.

    SOrry off my soap box now. My sister has a north to south scar from her only c-section. It was done because she had a dry breach baby in there.


    Whoops! This was supposed to go with that, lol. I just wanted to thank you for that information. I was never told that.
    :smile: Not a problem. I did research between my second and third c-sections. I was trying to decide if even thinking of a VBAC would be safe or not. Learned it then.

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    I have an east to west scar. It's really surprising small. It amazes me that anybody could have reached in there and got a baby out! Mind you, there did seem to be an awful lot of tugging going on at the time.

    I put on a LOT of weight in pregnancy, but it seemed to come off naturally (breastfeeding and stress!), and my tummy did go back almost to normal, even with the section. Hipster jeans were in back then and I didn't mind showing a bit of midriff. I did get some stretch marks right in the last couple of weeks of pregnancy, but they faded. They're there, but they're silvery and I don't really think about them.

    So it's certainly possible to return to a flat tummy after a low incision, in my experience. Of course, years later, I've put on loads more weight and I don't know how things will end up. My tummy sticks out at the moment, and I don't know if it will gradually be eat pulled in as I lose weight, or if it will just "empty" and sag into an overhang! I'm trying to aim for the first option by losing weight slowly rather than quickly, eating well, and trying to get stronger (hoping my muscles will help hold everything together!).
  • KateRepine
    KateRepine Posts: 60 Member
    I have the same problem!
  • jodiebarrette
    jodiebarrette Posts: 41 Member
    Thank you for this post - I have had three c-sections west to east and it is the roll that hangs over the scar that brought me to MFP. I am hoping through proper diet and exercise it will eventually dissapear. My husband says the stomach area is the last to go so we'll see. I await responses from women who have had c-sections and now have a FLAT stomach (except for the six pack abs of course) :)
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    all scars and strech marks will fade in time war wounds i am afraid! they are there for keeps! :noway: wear them with pride! :drinker:
  • vkahlenberg
    vkahlenberg Posts: 21 Member
    I would like to know if a flat stomach is possible though.

    Yes, a flat stomach is certainly possible, though I imagine every case is unique.
    I have the worst skin tone/elasticity ever, and though I've had no c-sections and can't answer that part, I have tremendous stretch mark scarring. I lost weight slowly, and no longer have a saggy pouch, but the wrinkles! :frown: If any of you know what "smocking" looks like (a method of tiny pleating in fabric)- that's my belly. And I don't think it's going anywhere. That's not to say someone else would be stuck with it. So, I think a lot of it depends on several factors: genetics (skin tone, elasticity), age, and degree of scarring.
    Anyway, it looks good INSIDE of clothes. :happy:
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