can you lose weight with unhealthy food



  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    I have found that while eating healthier, there are just somethings that my body says no to. Example: fast food. My husband can eat it three to four times a week when he wants to (it's because i'm gone between working and school) but i know when i tried eating it this past week for the first time in about a month, i wanted to throw up and got very nauseous, and even the smell of it in the air makes me nauseated. Another one: Chinese food. I have it maybe once every 3 to 6 months, and tonight was a night where i needed to eat something (sore throat) and it usually is of comfort. Well, i wanted to vomit after having it :(

    To answer your question: yes, you can lose weight doing it. Anything unhealthy i eat is in moderation, and i tend to try and not feel guilty about it. because as fluffy man put it "i don't want to die tomorrow knowing that i could have had a piece of cake tonight." Will there ever be foods that i will say no to? Probably not, but as long as it's in moderation and I workout, all is okay with the world :)
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    Technically yes, but it's an unhealthy way to go.
  • I am a very picky eater. I only eat what I like and I do portion control and I am down 30 lbs. I just do not like vegetables or salads. Not too much of a fruit eater either. So Yes you can. But what exactly is healthy food?
  • jadedzen
    jadedzen Posts: 221 Member
    short answer: yes. When i went from martial arts to irish dance i was in high school and eating typical high school crap and lost weight. However for competition eating an unhealthy diet really made me lack the energy to have the competitive edge. so i went healthier... not to say i never went to A&W with my friends but i tried to make sure MOST of my calories on any given day were healthy.
  • Patg2728
    Patg2728 Posts: 9 Member
    yes you can but just be carefull be heart smart also
  • tcdc86
    tcdc86 Posts: 14
    I found these wonderful shakes at GNC called total lean!! I have used them as meal replacements and they taste SO good!! Its like drinking a chocolate milk and there is no bad after taste!! They are full of vitamins too. They of course have vanilla and strawberry too. But I like the chocolate ones because then I dont feel the need to go get a munchy item too. $2.50 for a meal isnt bad either.

    So if you are feeling like you want unhealthy, grab a total lean shake and its just like a chocolate milk and its very filling too!
  • BOLO4Hagtha
    BOLO4Hagtha Posts: 396 Member
    Yes. In High School, I lost 45lbs eating nothing but a single cup of fat free, sugar free jello and half a bag of single serve chips for lunch the whole year. I wouldn't recommend this as it is not healthy at all, but it really comes down that you need to eat at a deficit.