*December Shredders*

demezat Posts: 158
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Ok I will be checking to make sure everyone is posting daily for accountibility purposes! I will check at night before I got to bed because I know some people can't Shred until later in the day. Also, feel free to post any additional exercise you do. Make sure you log your foods and try to plan your meals on advance if possible! We can do this!! We have each other for support!


No Slacking! No Excuses! and NO QUITING!!

Demezat: 189.6
ChristineL: 178
Sixers3: 160
Adthomas218: 178
Zjole: 230
Nikki143: 235
Annathelu: 135
Shadechick: 140.6
Saraketner: 145
Levans71: 174
Daaazee: 141
Oatmealie: 137
Innercutie: 148.0

We start today! not tomorrow! If I left you off or your name is missing a start weight, please send me a message and I'll add your info to the list...after today I'm not...because we started today! LOL harsh I know but thats life!
PLEASE!! make sure you Shred and get me your start weight before midnight tonight!

Good luck everyone! :) and again....No Slacking! No Excuses! and NO QUITING!! Now GET MOVING!!


if anyone need any help outside of MFP


  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
  • whats shredding?
  • demezat
    demezat Posts: 158

    YAY!! We can do this! If you need anything at all...motivation, advice...just let me know! I'm here for you!
  • demezat
    demezat Posts: 158
    whats shredding?

    Its a Jillian Micheals workout DVD...she claims that with her workout you can lose up to 20 lbs in 30 days....so we're going to test that claim! :) You're welcome to join us...the DVD is about $10 and you can get it at places like Wal-mart, Target or even Best Buy, you'll need a set of hand weights...I think most start out with 3-5lbs....and some room to workout. Its 20 minute workouts, everyday, for 30 days...3 levels....10 days on each level if you plan to make it through the 30 days. we'll be weighing in at the beginning/end of each level up.
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
  • I really want to join this!!!! I love this DVD.
  • demezat
    demezat Posts: 158
    fatty78: OK I don't want to call you fatty LOL I just need a start weight for you...and when you have completed the Shred for the day just post on *December Shredders* threaded...and then every day for the next 30 days! :)
  • demezat
    demezat Posts: 158
    Oh and I'm totally going to fuss if you guys don't Shred everyday! LOL
  • MaryinBflo
    MaryinBflo Posts: 437 Member
    I do this workout but not everyday :) Love it it's great!
  • fatty78: OK I don't want to call you fatty LOL I just need a start weight for you...and when you have completed the Shred for the day just post on *December Shredders* threaded...and then every day for the next 30 days! :)

    Ha. You can call me Katie. Start weight is 268.

    If I didn't just take a shower I'd do it right now. I'll definitely be doing it after my class tonight. So excited.
  • shadechick
    shadechick Posts: 54 Member
    Sounds great! I'm excited!
  • Bless you. This is exactly what I need. My starting weight is 152 lbs.
  • kim38
    kim38 Posts: 1
    I would like to join this if it's not too late :smile:
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    Kill me, Toni.. I didn't shred! My 'excuse' is legit though, the dvd player is in my sons room, i got home late, he was sleeping.. & I wasn't waking his cranky butt.. But tonight..
  • adthomas218
    adthomas218 Posts: 11 Member
    Okay...I did it last night at 11pm and just completed it again!!

    Should I log in daily to this topic to let you guys know I have done it????

    Day 1 - Dec. 1 : Complete 11pm
    Day 2 - Dec 2 : Complete 11:20am

    Should we take our measurments ...I know there is a section on our personal info to keep track of those ....or should we just keep those to ourselves until we complete the 30 days???
  • adthomas218
    adthomas218 Posts: 11 Member
    Kill me, Toni.. I didn't shred! My 'excuse' is legit though, the dvd player is in my sons room, i got home late, he was sleeping.. & I wasn't waking his cranky butt.. But tonight..

    Thats okay! MAKE SURE YOU DO IT TODAY!! You can do this!! (I don't blame you for not waking your son).
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    I posted in the other thread.. but i will post in this one too..
    starting weight 137
    im on day 2 !
  • MaryinBflo
    MaryinBflo Posts: 437 Member
    I;m confused why there are 2 threads on this I posted on the other one

    starting weight 246.6
    2 days done
    Dec 1st - level 3
    Dec 2nd-level 1
  • December 1 - level 2
    December 2 - I still have to do this but just ate dinner so I'll post tomorrow about how I did. This is very motivating to have to check in as I have a bit of a stomach flu today but knowing I have to check in is making me want to do it (sick or not!).
  • I didn't manage to work it in yesterday because I worked on a paper all night but I did do the DVD today. I'm gonna try to do it in the morning before my class tomorrow that way nothing can get in the way. =]
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