Discouraged :(



  • SilverLuma
    SilverLuma Posts: 46 Member
    I need help, encouragement, and a friend... I am on day 2 of the Insanity work out and feel so out of shape. I couldn't even finish the work out; let alone fully complete any of the moves.

    I've come a long way from where I was 2 years ago. Having lost 43 pounds ( 180 to 137) in a year, I look good in my new smaller clothes, but when they come off, I'm not happy. I want to tone up and despite having lost so much weight, I am SO out of shape :(

    I feel like I could cry. Insanity is SO hard and I feel like giving up already. There is no way i can get good results by day 60 if I can't even finish the 2nd work out. Has or is anyone ever felt this way about Insanity? If so, please respond and feel free to add me as a friend on here.

    Sidenote: My beachbody coach sucks.. she's never online and her profile is blank.. no pictures of her own progress or anything..

    Don't give up! I'm on day 2 of Insanity too! It was soooo hard but as long as you are doing some of the moves, in good form then that's great! You will improve. My friend is on phase two and it took her a week and a half before she really started to feel like she was doing well with a lot of the moves. You can do this! Break when needed, do only one to two moves if you need. Just take it at your own pace and you will be fine :). Don't get discouraged!
  • SilverLuma
    SilverLuma Posts: 46 Member
    Also, I already ache so bad! Do your legs feel like they are about to die? Haha, mine sure do! But I know in time I will improve and it will all be worth it!

    side note: Some people suggest doing Month 1 twice if you are just beginning. I think that's what I am going to do.
  • inverseofmissy
    inverseofmissy Posts: 114 Member
    If you are interested in doing the 30 day shred first, there is a large group of people who are all starting today. Some are doing it 30 days straight, others doing it 5 days a week, some rotating the 3 workouts so they don't get too sore or bored, etc. You are welcome to join! I started a few weeks ago with a harder jillian dvd (no more trouble zones-50 min workouts!) and I just couldn't get past the 25 minute mark, I had to accept that I'm just not ready for that level of workout and hence I'm doing the 30 day shred now :) No harm in working up to things :)http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/6853-jillian-michaels-30-day-shred-start-date-july-8
  • ocukor1
    ocukor1 Posts: 66
    You don't really need a special DVD "program" to get toned, lose more weight, or whatever your goal is. Just creating a habbit of exercising couple of times a week doing jogging, push ups, sit ups squats, or whatever you're comfortable with, will work for you. The problem with these programs, just like all these commercial diets that people get on, is that many people just don't follow through. I've seen so many people buying P90X or YouNameIt DVD's and the whole miracle lasted two days until they got tired of it. New programs keep popping up every day, it's insane (Insanity anyone?).

    Anyone can make a DVD with bunch of exercises and sell it. It is the business right now and it's flourishing, because it is a part of national weighloss plan. Bottom line is, you still need to exercise, whatever the exercise is, it doesn't have to be a brand name, you create your own, and you follow through, and you will get results that you want. IT IS ABOUT YOU! And as for the makers of these programs, it is all about $$$$$$$$, they don't care if you fail, but YOU DO.
  • JudyL5305
    JudyL5305 Posts: 196 Member
    Sent a friend request. It is very easy to get discouraged but please don't. I think you have set the bar too high right now., Definitely start off with 30DS and work your way up to insanity. You will feel better about the workouts and be able to do more of it and feel accomplished,

    My only issue with 30 day shred is how monotonus (sp?) it gets after a while. At least with Insanity I'd be doing something different and not getting bored with the workouts, you know?

    I completely understand the monotony I am definitely someone like that. I did the shred for 18 days and was so bored with it. But it wasnt my main workout it was only an additional one. So I went and signed up for Bob Harper online I love him and he always made me work.. I think you just need to find what works for you what pushes you and go for that. Try netfix if you have it try different videos until you build up and can do insanity. The other thing is modify insanity as you build yourself up to doing the moves.
  • ilarrotta
    ilarrotta Posts: 160 Member
    I cannot speak for everyone, but most people feel like that when they start Insanity. I did as well. Felt like throwing up, felt like crying, and actually cried and threw up. I went at my own pace and when I felt like I couldnt continue, I took a deep breath, and when I felt like crying I took a 10 sec break. Never had exercised before, only the occasional spinning class at the gym. I am currently in Month #2 of the program. I cannot denied it, it is super hard. Everyday is a struggled. But then I remember why I started, why I keep going.
    I have lost almost 10 lbs on Insanity alone and 13 inches around my body. It has given me so much energy and strength. Dont give up! Go at your own pace, little by little and in the middle of the pain, you will start to love it. If you need any encouragement, you can add me.
  • mlkleve
    mlkleve Posts: 9 Member
    Maybe mixing up your workout routine would help! Insanity is a hard one to jump into.
  • I agree with some of what the others said. I did Insanity last year (didn't finish the second month). I don't think I finished any of the work outs 100%, I took breaks and adapted exercises, but I saw significant results. Even the people in the videos take breaks! It is very hard, but if it is important to you, just keep going and you will improve. Progress, not perfection!
  • I did the 30 Day Shred and felt the same - it got boring. I LOVE the new Ripped in 30 video from Jillian and Buns and Thighs. Between the two, you get great workouts - 4 weeks of workouts with a set 30 day goal (rather than the 3 week video which isn't quite 30 days..) and you can mix in the buns and thighs videos on a day you are feeling bleh about the Ripped in 30 video. It's a great build up video, and she never does the same move twice - it's promised and she holds to it! Plus the workout it just simply better. There's so much she does better - explains the excersizes, mixes it up, motivates, etc. Friend request on the way as well!