What Time of Day Do You Exercise?



  • Rockmyskinnyjeans
    Rockmyskinnyjeans Posts: 431 Member
    I prefer to exercise early in the mornings, but I am admittedly not always consistent with my times.
  • lornaheron
    lornaheron Posts: 72
    I work early mornings. So i usually go to the gym about 1pm.

  • OMG_Twinkies
    OMG_Twinkies Posts: 215 Member
    Between full time grad school, internship, and a full time job, 10-11pm most weekdays. Plus an hour walk on my lunch a few times per week.
  • mommab23k
    mommab23k Posts: 35
    I agree it doesn't matter when you do it, as long as you do. Was just curious as to what worked best for people. Since we all have different lifestyles, home lifes, etc of course our routines will differ.
  • wender125
    wender125 Posts: 93 Member
    evening. after the kids go to bed.
  • selig0730
    selig0730 Posts: 509 Member
    i go around 6pm, after work and then before dinner so i dont eat a big dinner, whenever i workout im never hungary
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    I always prefer morning as I'm tired late in the day. I get up at 5am for a run before work, then do P90X early evening. In both cases, it's on an empty stomach and right before a meal, ala Body For Life.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Long trail runs in the morning before it gets hot. Short runs and weights at the gym at night after 8 pm.
  • saamantha
    saamantha Posts: 74
    I'm so inconsistent with workout times. Right now I'm doing some walking and the 30 Day Shred. I normally walk right when I get up, or take the dog with me right before I go to bed. I tend to throw the 30DS in wherever I can. 9AM, 1PM, 1AM.
    I start a full time job this week, so it should be interesting to see how it changes when I get back to work. No time off might make things easier for a routine, or throw everything off completely. :) Should be a good challenge.
  • EternalJourney
    I goto the gym at 7am and I do my run at 8pm at night!
  • NoMoreJellyRolls
    Mon-fri I am at the gym by 5am. Weekends vary based off my hubby work schedule, he keeps the kids while i go to the gym and vice-a-versa
  • scott1646
    scott1646 Posts: 110 Member
    If I'm going to work out the next day, I get up around 4:45 to 5:15. I hit the gym at 6am. I like that the fact, that after I'm done working out in the morning and I go to work or if it's my day off, I'm still burning calories and my energy is just pumping.

    I tried to do it after work in the late afternoon, and I just felt like my workouts were not as great and my energy just didn't seem to have the same kick as my morning workout.

    Before that I tried to hit the gym late around 9 to 10pm and it wasn't bad. My workouts were just as good as the morning one's, but sleeping was horrible. I just couldn't fall asleep, my body was too awake.
  • iamcheryld
    Every morning I wake up at 5 am to run with my dogs. It is great motivation to get out of the bed and start the day with some exercise before heading to work at 7:30. It is also great exercise for my dogs and keeps their energy level down to a tolerable level! Most nights after work I will either go to Tae Kwon Do for an hour or to the gym to do the elliptical or a strength training. I know variety in cardio is important, so I try do a little more each day after work to change up my routine. My favorite time to exercise is in the morning though. The days get hot quick and if I am lucky the temperature is only in the 70's waking up early. Lately it hasn't been, but I am looking forward to the days when it starts to cool down at night again!
  • klyssamoore
    klyssamoore Posts: 31 Member
    I live in Texas and by around 10am..it's already too hot to do anything outside! So I get up at 5:15 every morning and do my workouts Monday-Saturday. I love having everything done so early in the morning so that I don't feel guilty about being lazy the rest of the day.
  • ladyplaya71
    ladyplaya71 Posts: 4 Member
    Monday-Thursday 10:00pm-11:00pm and on Saturday's 8:00am-9:00am. I have an extremely busy schedule with work, school, and internship so these are the only times that I have for myself. It does get hard some times but I always look at the bigger picture. In my trainer's voice, "We Have A Game To Win"!!
  • januadiaboli
    januadiaboli Posts: 117 Member
    Right now, I'm off for the summer, so tend to do strength training and cardio mid-afternoon, when my boys are having "quiet time." The next chance I get is around 9-9:30, which is when I usually do yoga. Once the academic year begins, I'll be back at the gym once I'm done teaching for the day ... usually around 2 or so, but usually also manage to keep up my evening yoga.
  • bwmiller1
    bwmiller1 Posts: 98
    After 9pm.
  • GerritTheBlacksmith
    I fit it in whenever i can
  • tonicandgin
    tonicandgin Posts: 175
    4:30am every day:)
  • iLose2Gain
    iLose2Gain Posts: 138 Member
    If I do not workout before work I will NOT workout! & since my husband has to be at work @ 6 it is a perfect opportunity to workout in the morning! So I'm up @ 5a so we can leave by 520a, have him @ work by 545a then I'm @ the gym by 6a home by 7a so I can eat breakfast, get dressed & make it to work by 9a! & I have a 40 min commute to work! Whew, got tired writing this! lol