What are you looking forward to?



  • meabhaline
    meabhaline Posts: 43 Member
    Looking forward to fitting into the 2 suitcases of clothes i have in my parents house that don't fit me but I cant bare to throw out.

    I am then looking forward to throwing them out because they are too big!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • BlackLabel1803
    BlackLabel1803 Posts: 21 Member
    Going back to school, and not being winded and sweaty on the BAJILLION stairs between buildings.
    Also, ModCloth.com.
  • mrskaydon
    mrskaydon Posts: 1
    i am looking forward to not having to worry about losing weight anymore , and looking kick *kitten* in sexy undies for my hubby
  • Krys_140
    Krys_140 Posts: 648 Member
    I can't wait to get massages and not be embarrassed about my back fat. I always feel like I should apologize for making the masseuse touch such a mushy person...
  • Octopies
    Octopies Posts: 157 Member
    Leggings. I absolutely love funky-patterned leggings but they never come in my size. Even if they did, who the hell wants to see that?!
  • TurningBackTheScale
    TurningBackTheScale Posts: 76 Member
    In the words of one of my favorite comedians Kevin James "I just want to lose enough weight so my belly doesnt jiggle when I brush my teeth the rest is maintence." LOL

    All seriousness. I think being able to go swimming again and taking my shirt off again with out it feeling that every pair of eyes is on me. Maybe having the big guy jokes stop. I know a lot of times I make them before other people can but either way they still hurt somewhere inside. I just want to feel hot and sexy again in my own body.
  • sabrinamunin
    Also, ModCloth.com.

    Yes! I was just looking at dresses there today. I want a cute retro summer dress next summer, and maybe one of their cute bikinis, too.

    I'm also looking forward to not feeling huge when wearing a winter coat, and not feeling closed-in trying to wedge my butt between narrow aisles in stores and such. And I want to go to DragonCon next year and dress up all cute.
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    honestly, id like to have a butt. My daughter took mine when she was born, so i have a flat booty now:sad: , curvey in every way but in the seat. Id like to build that muscle and have some form, so as long as i can work on slimming the waist and the toning my backside, i would be ok. i know the old body is gone, but theres gotta be something left to salvage.:cry:
  • Wezlfuss
    Wezlfuss Posts: 122 Member
    I want to be able to order more clothes from Asian fashion stores. They have the cutest clothes but most brands are one size.