DISGUSTING foods/meals you now love&help you lose weight



  • yojaseyrae
    yojaseyrae Posts: 38

    the smell and look and feel of it always made me feel sick, until i cut it into thin slices and fried it in 1 cal cooking spray, so yummy!
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I can't respond to this particularly as I'm terrified to try new things and we don't have a lot of things available in my small town either. I guess, I LOVE fresh mango now, where before I could barely tolerate the taste.

    BUT I can go the opposite....Things I used to love, but can't stand the taste of anymore...Mountain Dew (or most soda in general), cookies fresh out of the oven (they smell so sweet...but I want to puke when I think about eating them), most candies (unless it is above 60% dark chocolate), chips or cheetos (haven't even been tempted with these) and fast food (which I still eat once in awhile because I work at McDonalds, but I feel ill afterwards and I can't stand more than a bite or two of taco bell, burger king, or KFC which I used to frequent once a week at least). I also can't have more than 2 alcoholic beverages without getting sick when I used to have 6 or 7. I may not eat the healthiest, but I'd say just getting rid of those items are a big win!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I can't respond to this particularly as I'm terrified to try new things and we don't have a lot of things available in my small town either. I guess, I LOVE fresh mango now, where before I could barely tolerate the taste.

    BUT I can go the opposite....Things I used to love, but can't stand the taste of anymore...Mountain Dew (or most soda in general), cookies fresh out of the oven (they smell so sweet...but I want to puke when I think about eating them), most candies (unless it is above 60% dark chocolate), chips or cheetos (haven't even been tempted with these) and fast food (which I still eat once in awhile because I work at McDonalds, but I feel ill afterwards and I can't stand more than a bite or two of taco bell, burger king, or KFC which I used to frequent once a week at least). I also can't have more than 2 alcoholic beverages without getting sick when I used to have 6 or 7. I may not eat the healthiest, but I'd say just getting rid of those items are a big win!

    Girl yeah! I used to LOVE sweets, candies, pop/soda...hate them now--too sweet. I used to love cakes, pies and stuff like that...can't stand them now--to sweet or artificial tasting or something, just no appetite for them anymore. Same thing with chips, pretzels, doritos, fritos and stuff like that. I couldn't live without those things before I started this new lifestyle--now I can't stand the smell nor taste of them, too greasy and articial or something. Now I do still get down on some Vegan Brownies (which are equally as fattening and junk-- but l like them and indulge in those every so often also--it's NOT a craving or necessity like the other things were though, Also, I still eat these shoe string potatoes I get from the health food store are all greasy and fattening, but I chew on those every once in a while too. French fries too--I couldn't live without those things for years--now I have some every blue moon, but don't NEED them like I used to.

    My stopping eating these things since January of this year, my taste buds have totally changed and even my sense of smell towards junk foods in general, just turn me off now. Too bad the blasted scale isn't showing MASSIVE weight reduction anymore by not indulging in these things anymore, like when I first started. It's definitely a journey and not a speed race for me.
  • kierstin1976
    kierstin1976 Posts: 123 Member
    I didn't like seafood and now I'm gradually experimenting with different kinds(Salmon, Tilapia) because I'm tired of chicken. I'm also not a big red meat eater.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Nothing at all for me. There are so many healthy foods that I love, that I can't imagine forcing myself to eat something disgusting.
  • DeniseK66
    DeniseK66 Posts: 15 Member
    I am going to have to try your recipe. I put the Amazing Supergreen foods powder in my smoothie this morning and I said I would never do it again. Maybe with oatmeal it will be easier.
  • BlackLabel1803
    BlackLabel1803 Posts: 21 Member
    Straight Olive Oil. At first it was gross, but now I buy the fancy stuff. Yum.
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    I used to HATE cauliflower. Now I use it as a sub for all kinds of carby dishes-cauliflower fried rice and cauliflower mashed potatoes are my current faves.
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    Cottage cheese definitely. I just finished an entire cup with my breakfast though. :P
  • Allie_71
    Allie_71 Posts: 1,063 Member
    Nope. I always liked *all* the food :) That was the problem :/

    I do eat more kale than I ever thought I could eat though. And it fills me up and is pretty darned delicious.
  • kenlad64
    kenlad64 Posts: 377 Member
    It has to be tofu, ... now I make all kinds of things with it
  • CatchMom11
    CatchMom11 Posts: 462 Member
    liver and onions. I've had it every sunday for the last month. I'm ready to pack this meal plan in for something else. 1 more month to go!!

    My grandfather used to love liver and onions... when he had his heart attack he had eaten liver and onions for dinner that night. My grandma hasn't cooked it since... that was 25 years ago. lol.

    I've never had any desire to try it... never will. You enjoy it though! lol
  • christiangandy
    christiangandy Posts: 48 Member
    sardines in tomato sauce, with a whole chopped onion, swished round with a bit of spinach....hmmmmmmm
  • MorganLeighRN
    MorganLeighRN Posts: 411 Member
    I used to only eat oatmeal when I had a hangover, but now I eat it just about every morning before I run. I love it now!!!! I also used to HATE fish. Now I actually crave salmon.

    I LOVE grilled veggies-eggplant, brussel sprouts, asparagus.....yummmmm :love:

    I have started to eat cottage cheese and with a little bit of salt and pepper, it's pretty good!

    I'm still not crazy about eggs, though.
  • xerotolerance
    Pretty much everything I eat now! Hahaha. I used to think protein shakes/bars tasted like "cardboard" and hated anything that didn't have heaps of sugar in it.
  • CatchMom11
    CatchMom11 Posts: 462 Member
    Hummus! I had tried it once and didn't like it. I now LOVE it! However, I have discovered that I do not like all hummus. There is only one brand that I like. I discovered this after wasting about $15 trying other brands... yuck!

    I've had some things that I've developed an aversion to though. For instance, I have always loved egg white omlettes with either different veggies or meat mixed in. I can no longer even take a bite without gagging. I'm not sure if it's the egg white or the mixture of it with cheese because yellow American cheese makes me gag as well (I grew up on natural white american cheese) but unfortunately, in my current area, they don't sell it in the fat free version.
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    I like steel cut oats, but the BIGGEST change for me is that I'm able to eat oatmeal without added sugar or fake sugar! I cook in milk, add crushed up almonds, and just eat them... I used to have to douse them in sugar. :-/

    I now eat peppers all the time. Raw even!!

    I *LOVE* brussel sprouts (with peppers, usually).

    Those are probably my three biggest.
  • TheNewo
    TheNewo Posts: 239 Member
    I had to learn to properly cook eggs to be able to enjoy them. The more practice I've had, the better they've tasted ...thank goodness.
  • CatchMom11
    CatchMom11 Posts: 462 Member
    I had to learn to properly cook eggs to be able to enjoy them. The more practice I've had, the better they've tasted ...thank goodness.

    Do share your technique.... This might help with my aversion to them.
  • arielian
    arielian Posts: 200
    hate oatmeal. will always hate it.
    hate cottage cheese. will always hate it.
    Its the consistency I cant do it ickkk.

    I love Avocado now.