

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member

    You used the wrong code. You need to use the code that has at the beginning and end and then change those to lower caseMimi  when I was at home working the other day I decided to set my computer up on my bar hieght counter and I worked standing up.  I figure standing is better than sitting.  Just a thought.  Worked hard all week on the dog run but far from finished.  Doug was too sick to help much and I just can't do such intense physical labor in long stretches.  Yesterday we unloaded a yard of crushed gravel into the run after finally excavating it.  Lots of shoveling so my arms and shoulders got a good 6 day work out.  I hope you all have an amazing Monday.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    Hello ladies. Wonderful sharing on this board! I'll be out of town until tomorrow evening. I will be taking care of my dad and taking him to appointments and out to eat and the usual fight over Lottery tickets (it's a long story). Anyway, this is the situation that has been so out of control that I continually stuffed myself with candy, cookies, soda/pop, and more as comfort. I believe I have this under control but I need to be mindful every moment. I know you understand what I mean.

    So, time to get ready to sit in the car for hours. Ouch! And not much :drinker: :drinker: for obvious reasons.

    Take care.

  • cindy230
    cindy230 Posts: 1
    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone. I'm just starting. Turned 50 this year and have a lot of weight I need to loss and can use all of the support I can get. This is the first day so we will see how it goes.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Good Morning everyone..

    I was wondering if I could join your group... I'm a 51 year F from Ontario; recently diagnosed with adult onset diabetes as a result of being fat (I tried blaming it on menopause but my doc is the same age so she wouldnt buy it LOL). She has given me a few weeks to lose some weight and avoid going on any medications for my blood sugars, and since fear is a great motivator... and I truly need to wake up and realize I have to change. Being a self admitted couch potato and addict of Lay's potato chips has brought me here, and only I can change my lifestyle.. but... I'm hoping perhaps a group of women around the same age and stage of life can help me along the way, and I've always found that laughter can indeed be the best medicine on occasion..

    So... having said all that... can I play?? I'll bring a veggie platter... :o)
  • loadsandloads
    loadsandloads Posts: 353 Member
    Hello all,

    I'm like Mimi7, I need to read backwards to catch up. This seems like such a nice bunch of ladies I must read more often.

    Have a great week.

  • Brendanow
    Brendanow Posts: 9 Member
    I feel the same Snoozie - my doctor wants to watch my cholestoral and I said that I can fix it with diet and exercise....thank you for the post and keep in touch...:happy:
  • mazie61
    mazie61 Posts: 106 Member
    Hi Ladies! Love this group, thanks!!

    For July:
    walk 30 miles
    lose 5lbs

    Annamay (mazie61)
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Monday, Monday, overcast and cool today:tongue:

    Jen- thoughts and prayers as you wait to hear what your DS orders are. Having been there twice I understand your anxiety:ohwell: :ohwell:

    Marytalleymom-sometimes we have to forego the style for what's best for our bodies:wink::wink: but I really do understand about the ugly shoes.

    Brownbrier- stick with your goal of "tomorrow" and it will become today:drinker: then off you go headed to your goal.

    Deb A- you sound like you are attacking that exercise...good for you:drinker:

    Rose- I so do love Richard Simmins and his Sweatin to the Oldies...that's what I used to get in shape in my 30's...maybe I need to revisit those tapes:wink:

    jb- what an inspiration you are :happy: :happy:

    Barbie- what great words of wisdom you shared. It's always good for us to hear how you got started and have continued on this journey we have all decided to go on...thank you:flowerforyou:

    Mimi-wow you even weighed the food you ate at your daughters...that's commitment :love:

    Barbara- I'm a reader and I have trouble putting down my books, I read everywhere any time. Hubby and I take them with us where ever we go as we never know when we might decide to stop somewhere and just read:noway: I have so many books that i could probably start my own store:laugh: and that is why Son #3 is wanting me to clean out the basement.

    Linda- good job of logging the food and even the pizza after you thought you were done for the day:drinker:

    Amanda- glad that the dought seems to be over...hoping sun shines in a few weeks when the Olympics start:drinker:

    Lin- enjoy your day with your Dad,:flowerforyou: today would have been my Dad's 88th birthday (he passed in August 2009) and I miss him still, but have a lot of fun (and some not so fun:grumble: ) memories combined with a lot of pictures.

    Welcome to all you newbies:flowerforyou: you have found the best group for encouragement.

    After four days off work I'm back at it:grumble: I really enjoyed sleeping in, having my bike rides early in the day and actually having time to read the newpaper. I was able to go to grandson #1's swim lessons twice and took pictures and videos and of course he was doing great.

    We went and saw two movies while I was off, MIB3 which was really good, we liked it better then MIB2. Then yesterday we went to see Brave at the 4pm showing and it was sold out, so went to the 6:50 and we got there in time to get seats but it was full NOT one empty seat and it was one of the big theaters. it was a cute movie and we enjoyed it and made us want to get back to Scotland:love:

    With all the bike rides we had I was able to keep the calories in line for this weekend:bigsmile: and am hoping that the scale will be kind on Wednesday. I'm having a NSV today, with the cooler weather I'm wearing pants that 2 weeks ago I couldn't even button...today I'm wearing them, the are comfortable:love: and one of my 6's from two years ago...so I'm very pleased:wink:

    On Wednesday before I left I had contracted a virus on my computer, thank goodness our IT guy was able to fix it..I thought for sure I had done some serious damage to my computer. So that left me with plenty of work to do and I'd best get to it.

    Everyone have a great day, log it if you eat it, move your body to burn what you ate and wash it down with plenty of water:drinker:

  • CathEsh
    CathEsh Posts: 135 Member
    Good Morning everyone..

    I was wondering if I could join your group... I'm a 51 year F from Ontario; recently diagnosed with adult onset diabetes as a result of being fat (I tried blaming it on menopause but my doc is the same age so she wouldnt buy it LOL). She has given me a few weeks to lose some weight and avoid going on any medications for my blood sugars, and since fear is a great motivator... and I truly need to wake up and realize I have to change. Being a self admitted couch potato and addict of Lay's potato chips has brought me here, and only I can change my lifestyle.. but... I'm hoping perhaps a group of women around the same age and stage of life can help me along the way, and I've always found that laughter can indeed be the best medicine on occasion..

    So... having said all that... can I play?? I'll bring a veggie platter... :o)
    Hi, Snoozie! My husband was diagnosed with adult onset diabetes. He got his under control by diet and exercise. He cut out all carbs and sugars as much as he could, and got it under control and lost 40 pounds! He slipped last Christmas, and his blood sugar went up so he reluctantly went on medication. Since he's been on medication, he has not been watching his diet at all! I just wanted you to know that you CAN control this with diet and exercise! Good luck to you! ~ Cathy [eshlemanc]
  • swkittrell
    swkittrell Posts: 48
    Hi everyone, sounds like everyone is off to a great start. I am having a lazy Monday. I am getting ready to start a few loads of wash this afternoon. My washer and dryer are down stairs in the basement so I will be going up and down the stairs a lot today for my exercise. I lost 1 lb. my first week I am so excited!! I will have to eat a lite lunch today. I have to go to my Red Hat Society get together tonight. We will be eating Italian. I have not eaten there before. I did bring up the menu so I know what to select ahead of time. This is a great group of women and I have been enjoying keeping up with everyone. I was really worried that I was not going to loose last week because we had Chinese Sat. night. I stayed within my points for the day! YEA I have to learn that I can eat a little normal within moderation and still loose weight. Like I said I did loose 1 lb. Everyone keep up the great work. and have a great day. Any others in the Red Hat Society in our group?
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Good morning ladies! I hope all of you are off to a good Monday. Still hot here, but much better, only going to be in the mid-80s today, so maybe a walk is looming with DH this evening. I still have the sinus issue, but it is slowly getting better. At least I feel better today, so I'm going to try to be productive.

    I have started really slacking off on the weekends. Our weight loss challenge leader at work recommended we each have a "free day" a week, which I did without problem for several weeks. I chose Friday, which is weigh in day. Now it seems to extend through the whole weekend. And yesterday, when I didn't feel well, all I wanted to do was eat! So I need to re-motivate myself. One thing is good though. I don't feel guilty or "bad". Before when I would "cheat" I would feel so bad, I'd eat like crazy for days. Now I look at it like, this is a normal part of life. I will not be able to control what happens every day, although I can try and make a good effort. I guess now I feel more in control and now that I've noticed this habit, I feel like I can stop it.

    Marytally: I loved your "ugly shoes" story. At least now you can exercise! My aunt who recently died had two episodes of polio, so she wore "ugly shoes" all her life with leg braces. She never had what she called "pretty shoes". When she died, her wish was to be buried is red high heel stilletos (she was 99!) and so she was! So when I hear "ugly shoes" it makes me smile.

    Djhobs: I will keep your son in my thoughts and prayers. That must be very scary, but yet I am sure you are very proud. I wish these "conflicts" would get over with!

    Brownbriar: good advise (I can't remember who said it)...why not start today? Maybe just log your food to start a new habit.

    JB: great new weight goals!

    Barbiecat: I never thought about being entertained by food but I think you have really hit on something. I think that's what I love about eating out. Or at least it's part of what I love. When we go out (about once a week) I eat stuff I don't make at home, so it's exciting and I guess entertaining. Wow, I am really going to have to think about this one!

    Newbies: welcome! I have benefitted so much from reading and posting on this thread. You all will feel welcomed and you will meet your goals! This is a great bunch of women!

    Snoozy: I have pre-diabetes and chose to start on metformin. One of my weight goals is to lose 50# then stop the drug and see how my blood sugar is.

    Well I'm going to try to get some work done so everyone have a good day! :bigsmile:
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Good morning all. So much energy in this group. It's probably always there (although it seems more so now), I just need to tap in.

    Robin, funny you should mention standing at the computer. I tried it yesterday. (Great minds think alike.) I'm doing it now as we speak. It bothers my hips a little but it sure helps not to be sitting so much. I'm much less likely to stay on (and on and on) the computer! I also "noticed" what I was eating more at lunch yesterday as I was doing nothing but eating.

    Barbara, my daughter gave me one of those exercise balls for my birthday. She ended up keeping the one (I was visiting in Pasadena) and saying she'd send one to me via Amazon. Hmm. That was a few months ago! Think I'll give her a nudge. :wink:

    Logging is so powerful. I'm set for another day.

    Time to get going. All this standing!!!

    xx Mim SVQ
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: It worked...Thank you ladies:smile:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies.I can say from experience,diet and exercise did help with my pre-diabetes.I was a couch potato but liked walking and swimming,but then would come back and eat and not eat the healthy food.
    I was over 50 going into the fitness room at the y for the 1st time,over 275 lbs.I started slow and did manage to loose 130 lbs over the last 6 years,4 surgeries later and working everyday to be the healthiest me.
    There are good and bad days,days I`ve wanted to quit,but quitters never win and winners never quit.
    i`m so glad to be part of this group.On bad days I look for motivation here.
    We can do this,1 day at a time.
    Enjoy your night!!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Hi ladies:flowerforyou:

    Hope everyone is having a good night.:smile:
    I am extremely tired tonight for some reason:yawn: I think between all the hot temps., and my allergies it's just gotten me down.
    So I will wish all of you happy dreams and check back tomorrow.

    DeeDee:yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Hi Ladies! So I have been trying to be good about keeping track of everything I put in my mouth, which is really interesting..... and trying to keep to the 1230 calories that I am suppose to eat.... Hopefully next week will be better with the darling college daughter back up to her internship so no more sweets around the house:smile:

    The weatherman says that the heat is coming to good old Southern California, BUT, living in the OC by the beach means it will be
    great walking/biking weather, yeah!

    KAT.... if you guys didn't make it up to Washington, how far did you get???? Wine Country???? From the pictures it looks like you all had fun........ miss you already:cry:

    Anyway, everyone have a wonderful week.......

    Hi Honey!!!

    We went to Santa Rosa! Lots of wine tasting!!!!!

    Miss you too!!!!! Happy to see you here!
    Kat :heart: :heart:
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Good Morning everyone..

    I was wondering if I could join your group... I'm a 51 year F from Ontario; recently diagnosed with adult onset diabetes as a result of being fat (I tried blaming it on menopause but my doc is the same age so she wouldnt buy it LOL). She has given me a few weeks to lose some weight and avoid going on any medications for my blood sugars, and since fear is a great motivator... and I truly need to wake up and realize I have to change. Being a self admitted couch potato and addict of Lay's potato chips has brought me here, and only I can change my lifestyle.. but... I'm hoping perhaps a group of women around the same age and stage of life can help me along the way, and I've always found that laughter can indeed be the best medicine on occasion..

    So... having said all that... can I play?? I'll bring a veggie platter... :o)

    Welcome!!! Yes you can play :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    ps I love Lays potato chips! They are the best! But sadly I rarely eat them anymore :sad:

    Jump right in, we are a friendly and supportive group!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :bigsmile: I have had to force myself to come inside the house and be moderate with the rock project in the yard and the dog walking....the weather here is so great and I've had several days with almost nothing else to do that couldn't be put off.so I could probably hurt myself if I'm not careful..

    :flowerforyou: We just finished watching the last of the three fireworks shows I recorded....for us July 4th lasts a long time. flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: When I first started MFP my goal was to plan my day's meals and stick to the plan.....I started by eating whatever food was in the house and then buying healthier food after that, so my first week I ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on very thick bread with a measured side of chips. Since then I haven't bought bread, jelly, or chips and I recently had to stop buying peanut butter because I began cheating on the measuring :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Everybody has to start wherever they are.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington, home of the best weather on the planet today. :bigsmile:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Happy day everyone!

    Got up, did 20 minutes of yoga, had breakfast, bought gas, did an hour of extremepump, stopped at the Salvation Army and found a shirt I think I might like, came home to give Loki his med but Vince had already given it to him, then bowled 5 games. Out of 5 games, I didn't even break 100 once! Talk about stinky! Stopped at Aldi's, but didn't get much. then home and made some chocolate banana bars (wonder if I can make them into mini-muffins? I'll try that next time. The hardest part for me is cutting them up). Tonight I will probably go and play mahjongg.

    Cindy - this is a great place to start weight loss. We'll be here every step of the way. Log in often.

    Snoozie - of course you can play, and the veggie platter is a nice addition! Stop by often

    Talking about shoes, I'm thinking that even during the summer, I really need some sort of support. Sandals just aren't enough.

    Wonder if the library has the Sweatin To The Oldies tapes? Want to check them out.

    I really don't know what it is, but I feel so bloated today. The good thing is that I don't feel like eating anything as a result, or very little.

    Laura - congrats on the pants. Doesn't that make you feel so good? And what a good motivator to keep losing

    megblair - I used to have "free" weekends, then I cut it back to one "free" day (usually Sat.). Eventually, I got to the point where I couldn't wait for Saturday to be ovear! Now I really don't have a "free" day, I just try to eat healthily. My point is that this is a great start and eventually you won't want a "free" day

    mimi - Jessica gave me an exercise ball...now she just has to find the pin that goes in it....lol

    Just got home, tomorrow I'm planning to do some HIIT and speed intervals, just haven't figured out how I'm going to do the speed intervals yet, tho.

    Here's hoping eveyone has a great evening.
