Upper Thirty-Somethings and losing the Pounds

I swear to you it is like my body has changed in the past 3 years- since I hit 35. If I skip a few days of working out it is like starting over- I used to skip 2 weeks and just jump back in!

A two week vacation literally put on 8 lbs! That includes walking in theme parks all day- *grumble*

and I am just finding overall that it is harder than it was even 2 or 3 years ago. The thing is, I want to stop the cycle now. I would love to be 13- 15 lbs lighter, but 25 lbs puts me back to wedding weight. (I am not sure that is a comfortable goal for me). I added yoga last week to combat the tightness and stiffness, and I really enjoy that.

Anyone else in this almost 40 range and seeing a shift in their body ?


  • ramsam70
    ramsam70 Posts: 37
    I swear to you it is like my body has changed in the past 3 years- since I hit 35. If I skip a few days of working out it is like starting over- I used to skip 2 weeks and just jump back in!

    A two week vacation literally put on 8 lbs! That includes walking in theme parks all day- *grumble*

    and I am just finding overall that it is harder than it was even 2 or 3 years ago. The thing is, I want to stop the cycle now. I would love to be 13- 15 lbs lighter, but 25 lbs puts me back to wedding weight. (I am not sure that is a comfortable goal for me). I added yoga last week to combat the tightness and stiffness, and I really enjoy that.

    Anyone else in this almost 40 range and seeing a shift in their body ?
  • Katy009
    Katy009 Posts: 579 Member
    Oh yeah....it used to be a lot easier to take off a couple pounds here and there. I noticed a HUGE change in the last 2 years and I will be 37 in Sept......so it would put me at right about the same time. Aging! :grumble: Not much to do about it.
  • ramsam70
    ramsam70 Posts: 37
    I'm so glad I am not the only one! I thought I was losing it......:noway:
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    Geez...thanks for telling me what I have to look forward to (I'm 28).
    This just means I'll have to work a little harder to get where I want to be!:drinker:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Geez...thanks for telling me what I have to look forward to (I'm 28).
    This just means I'll have to work a little harder to get where I want to be!:drinker:

    Seriously, you're smart for taking it off now. I waited until I was 39 before I started getting into shape and it has not been easy. :sick:

    I hear "snap/crackle/pop" long before I get a breakfast bowl out! :tongue:
  • darlenebull
    darlenebull Posts: 17
    Not to be a downer, but wait till the 40's come around, my metabolism died, and everything shifted...down!:grumble: Wish I had started earlier too, I waited until 46.
  • Life_is_Good
    Life_is_Good Posts: 361 Member
    I used to be able to eat / drink whatever I wanted until the last few years.

    What a wake up call the last few months have been - I never realized how much garbage I was polluting my body with! :sick:
  • chriss1tt
    chriss1tt Posts: 365 Member
    Not to be a downer, but wait till the 40's come around, my metabolism died, and everything shifted...down!:grumble: Wish I had started earlier too, I waited until 46.

    I waited till 49.:noway: But plannin on lookin goooooood at 50!:drinker: It ain't easy tho.:grumble:
  • ladyd48337
    ladyd48337 Posts: 16 Member
    omg!! A shift you ask???? more like a full throttle DOWN FALL!!! Plumetting to the pits of god only knows where!!! LOL!! I turned 37 last month and lemme tell ya! Mother nature is no friend of mine at this age! Things I once could do, I can barely stand to think about doing now. I started my quest for weight loss in January. To date I have lost 16+ lbs. I feel great! I just wish I had some of my youth back! :tongue:
  • LightenUp_Caro
    LightenUp_Caro Posts: 572 Member

    I hear "snap/crackle/pop" long before I get a breakfast bowl out! :tongue:

    haha, sadly I do too. its awfully loud...my friends make fun of me for being so "old."
    I can't wait for it to get worse...:grumble:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I'm in my 30's and finding that my body responds better to a gentler workout...

    In my 20's I could workout everyday, for an hour or longer, and felt great. I tried to get back to that, and I just can't do it. I find my body really likes an every other day workout, and responds better to yoga, pilates, stretching, walking/running, rather the crazy cardio and weights of my youth! I find that for me, now, the eating is 85% and the exercise 15%, whereas for the younger me, it was more 50/50.

  • darlenebull
    darlenebull Posts: 17
    Chris, Glad to know I'll have some company when I look good at 50 too!! Hate to be the only one.:happy:

    I was trying to be gentle when I said "shift downward", I did'nt want to scare anyone who had'nt gotten there yet. Congrats Ladyd on your weight loss, you go girl.
  • sharon3541
    sharon3541 Posts: 29
    49 also 50 in August. Would like to down 12 lbs. We shall see

    Have a great week

  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    I'm 35 and I feel like my body is sooooo very different from my 20's
    Also, no matter how much I target certain areas...they just aren't moving..such as my lower belly and arms

  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    I agree!!!
    I was in the best shape of my life in my twenties and early 30's....then I had my son right after my 32nd birthday and basically mine was a fit pregnancy till the last month and a half when I was on lite duty and I got huge...seemed all belly...but it kept me resting a lot....then comes a winter baby...no exercise...lots of picking w/ new mom jitters....seclusion...all that good stuff....and all the while I kept thinking...oh its okay when I do get out and run again, I'll drop it like I always do.....NOT!

    its a whole different ballgame and I'm learning how to "work" this older more "refined" body LOL....I'll be 40 in October and I think I'll be back to where I was if I keep this up....its just taking me alittle longer to get there! lol

    hugs to all of you!!! I think you all look amazing!!! even if its harder...its more worth it now LOL

    Ali :flowerforyou:
  • bodibykelli
    bodibykelli Posts: 135
    JUST WAIT UNTIL YOU TURN 40!!!! :tongue:
  • Suzee
    Suzee Posts: 2
    Me Too! I spent lots of years eating and sitting. I started last summer at 48! to get in shape. It is so hard and I get discouraged easily. I eat low fat/ no sugar yogurt for breakfast, a low cal frozen entree like Lean Cuisine for lunch and a low fat dinner. Weight sticks to you the older you get and exercise is harder on the body. I'm going to hang in there and keep trying. I started finding the ppounds packing on and my body shape changing at around 40. Keep at it! :love:
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    Yes, yes, and yes!! That's one of the reasons I got serious this year about losing weight. It's hard enough now, at 37 almost 38, especially with hypothyroidism. I really, really want the weight off before I enter my 40's! You all are doing great! We will be hot chicks - maybe hens LOL - but we will be hot!!
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Just wait til the 50's you have to be careful how you open the fridge door because the pounds will jump out and land on your hips!!
  • cinandchris
    cinandchris Posts: 229 Member
    Just wait til the 50's you have to be careful how you open the fridge door because the pounds will jump out and land on your hips!!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I had my second child at 36 and that was it. I'll be 40 next month and I still have the pregnancy weight. plus some :angry: