Phentermine 37.5

Ariana120689 Posts: 85 Member
Has anybody taken Phentermine 37.5 and had good results? My friend got a prescription from her doctor and lost 40 pounds in 2 months and has kept it off over 6 months already. She says it gave her a lot of energy. Anybody else with good results?


  • Maris165
    Maris165 Posts: 175 Member
    I had just looked this up in search earlier this morning because a friend of mine is starting it. I had considered b/c even though my calories are in check and I work out, I can't seem to move that scale. I Had taken it in the past (like 8 years ago I believe) and had good luck, but I don't remember the side effects and such. I gained it all back due to emotional eating, bad relationships...etc. excuses excuses and my dr. never recommended learning to eat right to go with it. :(
    Best of luck to you if you decide to do this, get ready though, there is likely to be some backlash comments coming to your thread.....
  • DaoneandonlyMe
    DaoneandonlyMe Posts: 118 Member
    takes your hunger away , I hardly ate when I was on them. My mouth tasted awful and just wanted to drink water.
    I lost around 40 pounds as well in 8 weeks.. it slowly creeped back again bc I didn't learn to live a healthy lifestyle ..I just hardly ate.
    Towards the end the pills just made me feel so shaky, I got a buzz from them that I did not like .My heartbeat was high ...I had a friend who got addicted to them ..she had to have that energy buzz ..but honestly it's not the best thing you can do to your body.

    Now I'm just trying to do it the right way ..I have lost about 30 pounds.
  • justjessy83
    justjessy83 Posts: 1 Member
    I am just about to start my 3rd month of it and the results on weight loss do vary. several other girls in my office are also on it, we've all seen some nice weight loss. I've lost 25lbs so far and like i said i've been on it for 2 months. It did make me very thirsty, especially at the beginning but the energy high is no longer there for me. Mostly it just helps me not feel sick if i dont eat soon enough. i still have an appetite i'm just able to not go crazy with hunger. the one thing that has really bugged me through the two months is that my irritability has shot through the roof. i have to work harder at not being crabby. I have changed my eating habits and i've started working out. I think this pill has helped me to get to that point even if it was possibly just something mental. so I think the best success is found with this pill if you do eat, make sure you eat enough calories and get into the habit of working out. Its not a miracle drug, its just a leg up.
  • TennisQtpye
    TennisQtpye Posts: 110 Member
    The phentermin is a quick solution for people morbidly obese. It's bad for your heart. And it just decreases ur appetite. You have to change your eating and use portion control. This weight loss thing is really a life style change I have finally come to realize. I'm in pharmacy and just about everyone who does the phentermin gains the weight back. The best thing is take one day at a time making positive adjustments along the way.
  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    I took it years ago. It's basically legal speed. And eventually, when most people quit taking it, they'll gain the weight back.

    I ended up with chest pains, nausea, frequent vomiting and lack of sleep. The heart palpitations were unreal. I weighed about 160 at the time, dropped to 140, then gained it all back plus more when my doctor insisted I quit taking them.

    Doing it the "hard way" is the way to get healthy and lean. If taking a pill made us that way, there would be no overweight people! I say pass.
  • bookfaery
    bookfaery Posts: 53 Member
    Be very careful with Phentermine if you have any issues with mental illness. I have Bipolar II disorder, and Phentermine triggered a manic episode after 3 days. Not a happy thing at all. Those first couple of days were fun though - I was FLYING! It just turned out of control rapidly.

    There is a mineral called Chromium that my doc gave me. I take it after each meal, and it kills the sugar cravings. I think I'll only be taking it for a few weeks, until I get back on track and have "detoxed" from falling off the wagon with a sugar binge (okay, several sugar binges). Now, these are prescription, so I'm not sure if there is an over the counter supplement, but they work. Something to talk to your doctor about ...
  • bsaenz06
    bsaenz06 Posts: 1
    I am currently taking it and yes you do have alot of energy and does suppress your appettite but there are alot of side effects. If you take it too long there is a chance of becoming addicted to it and it does damage to your heart and kidneys. It makes you jittery and easily irritated. People close to me tell me they dont like me when I am taking those pills because I become easily irritated, have mood swings. Yes, they have helped me lose weight but I think they key here is changing your Lifestyle into a healthy one!

    Make sure you eat the right portion sizes and get the adequate amount of calories needed and make sure you do some sort of physical actitivity daily, even if its just walking for 30-60 minutes. I think the reason why people gain the weight back is because during the course of taking the pills they did not change their lifestyle.

    hope this helps! Best of luck!!
  • gacornell
    gacornell Posts: 42 Member
    I've been taking it since the end of March. I did have the dry mouth at first (maybe first two weeks). That's not necessarily a bad thing though because you need to be drinking more water anyway. Other than that I've had no side effects. I honestly don't think it gives me any more energy. I really don't feel like I'm taking anything other than the fact that I'm not hungry and when I do eat I don't eat near as much. It definitely isn't a miracle pill though. You still have to eat the correct foods and if you don't learn to do that it won't do anything for you. I actually only take 1/2 pill a day and a 30 supply lasted over 2 months.

    I have lost over 20 lbs with it (and the scale wasn't budging for me at all before), but everyone is different. If you have a hard time maintaining weight loss this isn't really a good option. You really do have to change what you are doing. After talking to my doctor we decided that it was great for me because I don't have a hard time maintaining. I had been the same weight (withing 10-15 lbs) for over 10 yrs, and then gained a bunch with 2 miscarriages and couldn't get it off.
  • vanity_black
    vanity_black Posts: 4 Member
    My doctor put me on a weight loss plan with phentermine and b-12 shots once a month. I must say.... the results are quick an addition to still being able to eat what you want. After they took me off, I gained everything back except for 5 lbs. It is a quick fix, but I recommend a lifestyle change in order to keep the weight off.
  • heagler870
    heagler870 Posts: 280 Member
    I took it for 2 months. For myself personally I lost more weight after I got off of it than when I was on it. After about the 1st week of taking it I stopped feeling that energized affect.
  • JPFleming77
    JPFleming77 Posts: 13 Member
    I am taking it also. I have been on it for about 6 weeks. I am not really sure that I have lost as much weight as most people say they have. I am using this pill to help make a life style change. I am working out at least 4 days a week and eating within a 1200 calorie range. My doctor and I discussed the pros and cons of this medication. She holds me accountable for what I am putting in my body. She makes sure that I eat at least 1200 calories a day. I think that it is really a stepping stone for those that hit a plateau. I started this weight loss journey January 6, 2012. When I went on the pill I had only lost about 12 pounds, wow, I just realized that I have lost 18 pounds on it, but for weeks and weeks I could not loose a pound. No matter how hard I worked out and how well I watched what I was eating. Ok, my sweet tooth may have gotten in my way.
    Anyway, I dont really have any of the crazy side effects that most people say they have. I do get dry mouth but I look at the as a positive when it comes to this pill because it makes me drink a ton of water, which is really good for you. I have never had the shakes and since day 2 I really dont feel super energized. I do notice a small increase in energy. Is that from the pill or this new life style of eating healthy and working out?
    Talk to your doctor and do what is right for you!
  • JPFleming77
    JPFleming77 Posts: 13 Member
    Let me also add that a friend of mine went from 220 to 145 and has kept it off for some time now. She works her *kitten* off though.
    Good Luck!
  • missindepndnt86
    missindepndnt86 Posts: 77 Member
    The phentermin is a quick solution for people morbidly obese. It's bad for your heart. And it just decreases ur appetite. You have to change your eating and use portion control. This weight loss thing is really a life style change I have finally come to realize. I'm in pharmacy and just about everyone who does the phentermin gains the weight back. The best thing is take one day at a time making positive adjustments along the way.

    I'm also in pharmacy and having learned about this drug, I wouldn't suggest it at all. If you're going to take something to help with the weight loss, at least make is something natural or herbal. I've been taking the Green Coffee Bean Extract by Pure Health with the Raspberry Ketones and I have noticed a large difference in my body and how much I can eat before I'm full and how long I stay full. I have not had any adverse effects thus far.
  • smalleyez06
    smalleyez06 Posts: 132 Member
    I am currently on it as a kick start. My doc told me it is not a fix but will help it get going. I was n tot taking it seriously but have started to now and will for a month. I am also counting calorihs, eating well and working out 3-5 a week. He said wto taken I plateu and need a little push to take it again and then stop again. Your body will get used to it. I have not had any adverse side effect or jolts of energy. It does supress my appetite but I still eat.
  • AliB118
    AliB118 Posts: 27 Member
    It can definitely make you irritated. I started taking it in April for about a month and I lost 10 lbs. I didn't really have any of the side effects except moderate thirst and irritability. It definitely makes you never want to eat again. I NEVER had the "high" everyone talks about. It actually had the opposite effect on me for some reason. I was ALWAYS tired. I couldn't take it w/ Zyrtect-D and I cannot live w/o Zyrtec-D, so the time I was on it I had to take a regular allergy medication and even the "non-drowsy" formula made me feel sleepy. I seriously slept 15-20 hrs a day on the weekends.

    I had to stop taking it and get back on Zyrtec - D. The cravings started almost immediately and I gained the 10 lbs back in just two weeks.

    Since no longer being on it though, I have SO much more energy and I've lost 4 lbs from being back on MFP for two weeks.

    If you can lose weight and diet w/o it, do it. Several of my friends have lost a lot of weight on it, and only a couple have maintained it, but they were all addicted to it.
  • Rloral
    Rloral Posts: 112 Member
    I took Phentermine for 21/2 months. Immediately after starting the pill I got real bad hemorrhoids. I had no idea it came from the pill until I stopped it 21/2 months later. I was in devasting pain but I thought it was coming from the lifting and ab exercises I was doing. No where when I researched this pill that it said hemorrhoids was a side effect. I stopped the pill gradually and they went away. The doctor said that was enough for her and told me not to start the pill again. If anything wierd happens after you start the pill tell your doctor and gradually stop the pill. Just remember, the pill has to be stopped gradually; don't stop it immediately. Good Luck!!!
  • Jessie1227
    Jessie1227 Posts: 71 Member
    I took it a few years back and wouldn't recommened it to anyone. It's a quick fix if you don't do it the right way, I gained all mine back and I had the same "I have no appetite" reaction to it. I would forget to eat for days on end because I was so busy powering through everything else with all the energy I had that eating didn't even come to mind. I eventually got nervous ticks that I developed due to it also. It messed with my mental state, also. I was not the same. Yeah, I was happy and HYPER as all could get but that only lasted so long. It ruined friendships, etc. No good.
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    This is a joke, right?

    This is a weight loss site that encourages lifestyle change. Not drug abuse.

    No drug is going to replace hard work and dedication.

    There is no EASY way out. You didn't go to bed last night at a healthy weight and wake up this morning at an un-healthy weight. So what makes you think you are going to go to bed tonight at an un-healthy weight and wake up tomorrow at a healthy weight?
  • lisarenee_x0
    I have never been an advocate of weight loss pills. I lost almost 70lbs on my own by making lifestyle changes - eating healthy & exercising. I am pregnant right now, and I know someone who is on this medicine. She offered to give me some of it after the baby is born (I've only gained 25lbs, and she's due tomorrow, haha ). I am actually not even worried about losing the weight, because I lost over twice as much as I've gained with this baby on my own. Anyway, I have questions about this medication as the person I know has been on it consecutively for well over a year now. I thought it was designed only to be taken for short-term. She has lost weight, and she looks good... but I'm starting to really worry. She told me she had five bottles and more coming, so I don't know if she's ordering it from the internet or what. I'm really quite concerned about this... & I would like to hear what other people thought. I don't want to tell her simply because I'm afraid she may take my thoughts wrong. I just don't think they're safe, period, but to be on them for over a year straight now...I'm really starting to wonder.
  • alexrachel16
    i have been on Phentermine since December. i have lost a total of 30.5 pounds since then. it has really aided with my weight loss. my doctor put me on it. so im not sure you can just buy it espically on line i know i looked.
    but it really has helped! best of luck!
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