Eating what you want and losing weight



  • EmmaGilette
    EmmaGilette Posts: 13 Member
    When I lost 22 kg 5 years ago with weight watchers, I had exactly the same attitude - eat what you want and don't deny yourself the treats you love. If you make sure you're under your calorie count (or "points"), you will still lose weight.
    This worked initially, but I was never able to lose the last 10kg that I wanted to. I tried and tried - for 4 years. In the last year, even though I always kept under my "points" I still ended up gaining weight, until I almost ended up back at the same weight I started with. I don't eat fast foods at all (being vegetarian), but I would constantly crave carby sugary things, such as muslei bars. The up and down sugar spikes constantly send me back to the pantry, and I felt my cravings were controlling my life.
    Eventually, I released that the only thing that worked for me was to completely change my eating habits - I switched to wholesome foods (mostly eating fresh fruit, vegetables, limited grains and as much protein as possible). I also tried to cut out sugar as much as possible. This made a significant impact on me and my body. I look and feel better. I have lost 12 kg in the last 3 months and I feel healthier than I have ever been. I do however believe that if you have no control over your situation and your food choices (such as the party I was at on the weekend), then you make the best choices you can and don't beat yourself up about it. In this day and age, it is very difficult to completely avoid "junk" food, but when I can control my choices, I have an obligation to my future self to eat the right foods to ensure a happy healthy life for me and my family.
  • fatmom51
    fatmom51 Posts: 173 Member
    And this thread is one of the reasons I don't open my diary up to public view. I try to eat reasonably clean, but I do include a handful of chips with my turkey on wheat, but not the whole bag. Or I have a cookie with my morning coffee. I am eating much healthier than I did in the past, both in terms of the choices I make and the sizes of those portions. No. I no longer have a huge chunk of Entenmann's coffee cake (probably at least a double serving, if I'm going to be honest) And I don't have the loaded baked potato and large steak. But I do still eat the foods I enjoy -- clean and otherwise. If I've had an especially hard workout and have the calories left after I've eaten my healthy meals, I may have a half scoop of light ice cream and a 100-calorie piece of 3-2-1 cake. Everything in moderation!!

    So far, I've lost 17 pounds and can see myself continuing on this path. To me, it's a matter of balance. I read on another post that eating healthy one day and then like crap the rest of the time won't get you healthy. In the same way, eating like crap once in a while and then eating healthily the rest of the time won't doom your health and weight loss efforts.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    The truth is, yes, I can eat what I want and still lose weight as long as I stay under a certain amount of calories or burn off whatever excess I eat, but it doesn't work like that for me.

    I eat what I want, then I crave more of it. Certain things seem to trigger more hunger, too. I don't mean entirely head hunger, either, I mean stomach growling hunger. So I'm trying to avoid those foods now.

    I'd prefer to be able to eat a couple bites of icecream, a small piece of chocolate, and even a soda once or twice a week, but that wasn't working out for me. I was having too many bad days. So now I'm going to see if low carb works for me. If that doesn't do the trick in the long run, I honestly don't know what I'm going to try. Diet pills, maybe.

    I'm not saying others can't eat what they want in moderation, because many can and do and still lose weight. It just wasn't working for me.
  • Moral of the story? You CAN eat junk food (although it should be in moderation IMO) and lose weight - please do not listen to these ney sayers who claim eating junk food will result in not losing weight.

    No there ain't no moral....I just like that story...
  • LFiestan
    LFiestan Posts: 175 Member
    i eat what i want but in moderation, i dont want my weight loss journey to be torture by depriving myself of the food i love, even junk food. :)
  • Meikmeika
    Meikmeika Posts: 108 Member
    Why are most people looking at his post as "all or nothing"? As he stated moderation is key.

    Depriving myself usually leads to huge binges. So if eating a cookie here or a piece of candy there will prevent me from scarfing down an entire pack of oreos or a whole cake I'm game.

    I have a bodybuilding friend who has shown me that you really can have your cake and eat it to. She's healthy, always glowing, and has the most amazing body and when I ask her about her diet she states before competitions she eats "clean" but any other time it's all about moderation. I'm good with having her in between competition body....LOL!
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    I suppose the OP is right but I don't think it's a safe or healthy thing to advocate.

    There are so many people here on MFP who are just looking for an excuse to not make life changes. There are so many folks here looking for the easy way out. The reality is that for the average person on here, they are looking for any excuse NOT to change their behavior so telling folks "Oh sure, you can eat like crap and still lose weight" is just the excuse they are looking for.

    I also don't think the "eat crap, just eat less of it" approach is sustainable. It doesn't make logical sense that if you ate like crap and got fat, that you can sustain eating like crap and stay thin. Sustainable weight loss comes with behavioral changes, and that usually means changing how you fuel yourself.

    Also, telling folks that the quality of food they put in their body for long term health doesn't matter seems irresponsible.
  • schustc
    schustc Posts: 428 Member
    But if you do follow, say, a twinkie diet, how horrible would your skin and nails be? Sure, you might lose weight eating that sort of diet, but it won't satiate you. You'll still feel like crap.

    Probably true.

    But, I believe there lies a middle ground somewhere between eating 100% unprocessed and nutrient dense foods and only eating twinkies . It's somewhere between these end-points that, given a diet that's nutrient rich with the proper total food intake, one can incorporate some of that junk food and still lose weight, and not be miserable.

  • I guess the saying goes, "We always want what we can't have". I really thought I was starting to eat right and cutting back but when I started on MFP today I realized I needed to cut back even more by 500 calories. I think I am going to starve... :(
  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    Before ANYTHING I'm going to say to each their own, what works for some doesn't work for others and vice versa.

    I personally totally cut out soda and trans fat and thats about it. Soda because it gives me such horrible heartburn and trans fat because it's trans fat. Other than that there isn't anything I cut out. With that said I try really hard to keep the good stuff 85% of the time but if I want cake I eat it. I am just working really hard an learning when enough is enough. I'm also cooking a lot more so I know exactly what goes into what I eat. I'm trying to re learn how to eat and be healthy.
  • gdortiz
    gdortiz Posts: 169 Member
    Totally true, you can lose weight with any type of food as long as you have a caloric deficit. But, weight is not the only aspect of health.

    Right ... in the end junk is real bad for you, so why even entertain it?
  • Vercell
    Vercell Posts: 437 Member
    This is funny. I have been formulating thoughts around explaining the addictive nature of junk food, and how my 4 year journey has finally gotten me to a place where I no longer desire it at all, in fact, quite the opposite; I am repulsed by most of it, and completely indifferent to the rest. I crave natural wholesome food now and make those choices every time when offered either or. But, it takes some explaining. This little Preamble doesn't really do it justice.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Totally true, you can lose weight with any type of food as long as you have a caloric deficit. But, weight is not the only aspect of health.

    Right ... in the end junk is real bad for you, so why even entertain it?

    It's a matter of dosage and context. Junk food is not "real bad for you" under all circumstances. If you can eat "some" junk food without any ill effects, why wouldn't you?
  • tasiamere
    tasiamere Posts: 233
    I completely agree. I have lost about 30 pounds so far with portion control and moderation. This is the only thing that would work for me. Otherwise I wouldn't be successful for long at all.

    Same here. I'm gradually making changes to WHAT I eat. The initial changes were HOW MUCH I ate. A little more salad here a little less chips there. Cutting it all out completely I would've fell off before I blinked.
  • panzerhaus
    panzerhaus Posts: 16
    Every morning I wake up and I smoke a cigarette. And for breakfast I eat five strips of bacon. And for lunch a bacon sandwich. And for a mid day snack...BACON. A WHOLE DAMN PLATE. and I usually drink my dinner. Now according to all those flat belly experts, I shoulda took a dirt nap 30 years ago! Just goes to show ya.

    hahahahahaha Grumpy Old Men Love it!!!
  • daisy2555
    daisy2555 Posts: 21 Member
    Eating what you want and still lose weight? Reel me in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • downinaggieland98
    downinaggieland98 Posts: 224 Member
    I've read countless amounts of crap from people on this forum that just doesn't make sense, for example in order to lose weight you need to eat wholesome foods and NO junk food, to lose weight. But the truth is, you can eat what you want and lose weight - no, it's not ideal, you obviously need X amount of vitamins, protein etc, however anyone can lose weight eating what they want, as long as it's within their calorie allowance.

    There is an interesting read on the link below, a scientist eats nothing but Twinkies and junk food for two months and, would you believe it, lost weight. He took tablets for his vitamins and what not, but it just goes to show that these "only eat wholesome to lose weight" preachers are people who fell off a bandwagon somewhere along the way.

    Moral of the story? You CAN eat junk food (although it should be in moderation IMO) and lose weight - please do not listen to these ney sayers who claim eating junk food will result in not losing weight.


    While it may be true that you can eat whatever you want as long as you are expending more calories that you are taking in, you will never have a fit, healthy, good looking body if you do that. And I think you're chastising without realizing the reality of these forums and the people on them.

    Most people equate losing weight with getting the body they want. They equate losing with getting healthy and getting fit and trim. You're upset because you think in literal terms only and you don't see what most people see.

    The FACT is that HEALTHY, SUSTAINABLE WEIGHT LOSS can only be done eating healthy, wholesome foods. And even your twinkie-eating scientist has to admit to that one.

    Oh btw, if all I ate was twinkies...even if it was only 1200 calories...I would blow up like a balloon. So perhaps they should have used a wide range of people for their little scientific test so it would be a real test and not a total, non-scientific, absolute fail. What that scientist did proved only that HE could lose weight eating that way. It proved NOTHING about the majority of the population.

  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I just do not feel that you will be as healthy from eating 1200 calories of mcdonalds as you would be from eating 1200 calories of fresh, homemade, healthy food. There is no way its the same
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    I have to agree with some of the other posters. When I want to be a piggy, I crave real food (like extra chicken or pancakes) not junk.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Totally true, you can lose weight with any type of food as long as you have a caloric deficit. But, weight is not the only aspect of health.

    Right ... in the end junk is real bad for you, so why even entertain it?

    Define "junk food" and how much is real bad, 1 calorie, 1 bite, what exactly?