Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's Week 11



  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    snow in Houston? Wow, that is a major thing.... so you know the stores will be crowded w/folks getting shovels, salt, milk, bread & eggs.

    Last week my German penpal asked me if I had snow yet in NJ. She seemed disappoined when I told her no snow.

    I have my work-out clothes in my backpack. Today, I have sneakers. I will leave for Curves after class.

    Take care.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey gang...

    been outside today since it is so nice.....and that will be it for while. am thinkin we're in for a 'drier' winter this year. took off basement window screens, washed 3/4 of our house/garage windows, dug and planted some bulbs, and tinkered with some xmas lights...still need a few more strands..

    do any of you have info or personal experience with p90x, 30 day shred, turbo jam, etc? i am thinkin of startin one and just don't know which one to do. some of them just trim body fat/tone, while not helping to lose wt.....altho i really want to get into better shape and transform myself, i need to lose wt too.

    ammcnett ~ you are doing so well in your pregnancy. and your workouts rock! that is an awesome advantage while you are preggo! hope you are feeling happier and the sadness leaves soon....take care lil mamma, we're here if you need to vent.... :heart:

    barb ~ your DC experience is memorable! you are handling it very well, i would have been sobbin somewhere at the station. i bet you worked diff muscles while tredding in your heels. in your 'un-normal' circumstances, you are doing fine m'am! very positive!

    jacque ~ so you had some snow...COOL! my inlaws are in Mission now til the end of Dec. they said it has been cloudy/rainy. i too like the cooler weather and have been thinkin i need to get my *kitten* out of bed in the am and do my walk/jog around the town before it gets busy!

    are we gonna miss BL so we can see the Prez??? :angry:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Kelly, I'm not familiar w/any of the shreds you asked about.

    Today's Curves experience... 1. I knew where I was going once I got off the metro. Yeah. 2. I did the circuit in the right direcction. Yeah. 3. I had sneakers Yeah. 4. The Curves staff suggested a local diner about 10 minute walk from the Curves.

    The diner was a great choice. Not large portions, tasty food, good prices and best part a very good waitress. I am used to being ignored as a single diner by wait staff. My guess is they think it's just a meal and beverage thus no large bill/no larger tip.

    However, I realized on the walk back to the Metro station I needed to break a $20 for metro ticket back - I had to add $$ to the card. Well, unfortunately I passed a Carvels. One small cone please!

    Then my card won't swipe in the metro kisok or gate. Why, it was next to my cell phone. The phone wiped out the magnetic reader in my card.
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning Pepper's,
    Sorry I have not checked in for a while. Fell off for a while aunt flow visited me through the holiday and I am sick, not feeling very well and have not exercised since last week, ( too light headed) I did not weigh in this week, but will see where I am at on Friday. I have not been bad with calories and did well through holiday. I was going to check in yesterday, but was first day back to work and very busy.

    Hope everyone did well on holiday :drinker:

    Have to take my preparer test tonight so going to be a late night. Have to get back to work, have a nice day. Will check back in later.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    g'mornin' peppers!

    gonna try harder to have a better day here....need to get serious and back on track. have to take my pugger to the vet for shots today, then might buzz into the city to get a few groceries....seems like when i run out of banana's my eating just gets out of control.......anyone else get thrown off b/c of a regular/daily foody not in the house? weird. might do a lil shoppin too, but need fuel in my bus so will have to be back earlier than a usual shopping day. i am confused as to what workout i should attempt next....thinkin i might try Jillian Micheal's 30 day shred....then start the P90X Jan 1st. I know it will take a lot of commitment and it is just all mental now....

    YEAH Barb! you kinda, sorta had a better day! by the time you get it all figured out, you will be back home! your nerves are sure being tested this week!

    Sindy ~ sorry you're not feeling the best....hope you are better soon. so many things can side track us, it is all normal girl. I am not doing so hot right now either. trying to get motivated again and eat right and move some more...well, a lot more. just try to remember why you came here and all the benefits that you will have in taking care of yourself, each and every day. i know you can do it....look how well you have done so far.....i tell myself, " don't look back unless I want to go there ". hang in day at a time. :heart: {{hugs}} :heart:

    so, have a good humpday team. do what you gotta do and make it count! :flowerforyou:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Good morning Peppers!!! :flowerforyou:

    Well, I didn’t manage to get to the gym Monday night. :grumble: DH asked me out on a date :heart: and there just wasn’t time. I was very proud of myself. We went to Texas Roadhouse and I ordered the smallest sirloin with a baked potato and applesauce. I did have 1 roll and a handful or peanuts, but I didn’t go over my day by much. If I had gone to the gym, I wouldn’t have gone over at all. I made it to the gym yesterday and started Week 3 of C25K!!! :drinker: Starting this week was easier than started week 2. I’m taking that as a good sign. :drinker: I think I’ll do the 2nd day today.

    Angie, I hope your mood peps up soon. Hormones suck!!

    Barb, love the story about Curves! Just shows how committed you are. Yay for you!! It sounds like your trip has been slightly frustrating. I bet you can’t wait to get home!!

    Kelly, I’ll check with my sister on those videos. I know she did P90X for a while and I think she may have done one of the others. I’ll let you know what she thinks.

    Sindy, I hope you feel better soon.
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Thanks Kelly, when I lost 30 pounds last year it did not seam this hard, I only gained 12 of them back, I feel like I should just start all over. and today I have been good. I started off good yesterday, had one sweet food and it went out the window. So no more sweets until I get control again. I may do slimfast (with fruit for snacks), just for breakfast and lunch. But no sweets at all. Just to change it up. Just having trouble getting control. Exercising is getting tough too, the cold really bothers me and I tried to do a dvd but because of not feeling well I get dizzy. So since exercise is not happening (until I feel better) I will try to just stick to my calories.

    Any suggestions will do.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    On Monday at Curves I saw a very overweight woman working out and I thought if she's here then I have no excuse.

    Yesterday, I saw her again today. This time I noticed she was wearing a hearing aid and using a red tipped walking cane as she exited the building.

    So if a woman with sight and hearing problems is at a gym, we can exercise too.

    If I offended anyone w/sight or hearing problems, I do apologize. This woman inspired me to have no excuses for not working out.

    Lunch break over - need to head back to the class.
  • jacque509
    OMGoodness!! I so need help! I have fallen off the wagon and have been eating like I have not a care in the world! Really stressed out, am no longer able to steal from Paul to pay Peter!! It finally caught up with me. the thing that hit so hard was Sunday I had a major fight with the kiddos and decided to cheer myself up and try to put up Christmas. Upon taking the stuff out of boxes I realize about 80% of my decoration require furniture. So then I really got bummed out. Since then I feel like I been hungry 24/7. Then I eat and then I am miserable!! this tangle web i weave. Was unable to walk yesterday due to storm. So today as cold as it is I got to walk and see if that will clear my head. Well thanks for lisstening
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    I hear you jacque, I have been out of control and its mostly at night. But it is depressing, which for me is a trigger. I am trying all different things to do to stop but its not working. I just have to have one thing and it sets me eating like there is no tomorrow. Today I just had slimfast for lunch and not touching any sweets at all. I will have dinner and run out of the kitchen. (too much bad food in there and it is very hard to walk by lately).

    WE CAN DO THIS. I will be saying that to myself until I get control back. once I realize what I am doing I stop but not before I go over my calories. Not anymore. I have put my foot down (drinking way too much water) I punished myself :wink: no sweets, no junk. only veggies and fruit. I hope to loose something this week but will start loosing again. I am determined to do this. :bigsmile:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    just checkin in folks....

    my wish is for those of us struggling right now to focus on the 'what' and 'why'.....and try to only eat for nutriton and energy, NOT for feelings. tough i know....sharing it all with ya peppers... well i bought the 30 day shred today. maybe that will get me moving again. i want to be feeling a little lighter, toner and un-sluggish by the holidays. do you guys all know how that feels?? i know you have all experienced how good it feels when you are eating healthy and exercising.....just plan your day to do what is needed to help you feel that steps here and we'll be off and running in no time!. nothing can hold you back from what you really want when it comes to your's our choice. we decide. ok, just a lil pep talk here for ya.....thinkin of ya all and i just want to help anyone who is having a hard time.....while trying to help myself too.

    crystal ~ woweewow! a date, how special!! and week 3 girl! woot woot! look at you go! i am so happy for you, and you are making me want to get movin'!

    sindy ~ you are going to be just are coming here and that tells me you are still in this., being mindful. don't give up sweets! c'mon be strong, fight those temptations! hope your dizziness is better so you can get back to activity.

    barb ~ thanks for that lil reminder of working out * excuses *. somedays i feel like the Excuse Queen. truly, simply, no reasons! w-h-a-t-s-o-v-e-v-e-r!! it is never to late to start..and it should never end!

    jacque ~ well hon, i am right there with ya, no control and eating my feelings. i know i need to stop this. it isn't going to get me where i need and want to be. thinkin of ya and sending some power your way. you can do this!!

    well, time to pick up my house and get some soup on! have a nice nite and see you all in the am!
  • Whitneyh29
    hey.. Not sure what this group is all about but i was reading through the posts.. and its a team!!.. this is what i need.. i am just trying to lose my freshman 15.. and be fit like i was in high school.. currently i am working full time going to school on line part time.. heres the thing.. sometimes i have days where i am all ready to go motivated to eat well workout all that stuff.. I get plenty of rest almost too much like 10 hours sometimes cause i go to bed at ten ish and get up around 7 or 8 .. i wake up at 6 naturally but have no motivation to get out of bed ha.. anyway point to story is that sometimes by the end of the day i get too tired to go work out.. i need motivation/ support and advice to reach my goal!! HELP...
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    my wish is for those of us struggling right now to focus on the 'what' and 'why'.....and try to only eat for nutriton and energy, NOT for feelings.

    I read something a while back (could have been on our thread for all I know) about how any emotional satisfaction you get from food will be gotten in the first 3 bites. You can continue eating after that, but you will be no happier after 4, 5, or 6 bites (or the entire slice of cake!!) than you were after 3. I guess I'm an emotional eater. I eat when I'm bored, and I think boredoom is an emotion, right? So, I'm trying to take that to heart. If I find myself just really wanting to have some of DH's cheddar and sour cream Ruffles, I have just 3 and then I stop. I know if I really want more, they are still there. But I'm finding that most of the time those 3 chips are enough. I know my ultimate goal is to get past eating when I'm bored, but like Kelly said, baby steps. I'll be happy for now if I can change those 500-600 calorie binges into 3 little chips.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    I agree w/the emotional eating. I am one of those. I noticed I will overeat when I'm happy, excited, sad or upset.

    So.... now what... how do we conquer this?

    My adventure today. A classmate told me she would show me where the post office was located. Again, I'm walking around the DC area in those heels and let me add rain. The problem was she had the wrong location thus we're walking around the city even more.

    I did make it to the Curves again today.

    Let's try again on Thursday.

  • angiemcnett
    Crystal - I read the same thing about the 3 bites. I had forgotten about that until you reminded me. I am going to have to try that instead of eating 4 servings of chocolate animal crackers. I am excited you had a date night. I don't even remember the last time my hubby and I had a date.

    Whitneyh29 - welcome!:smile:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    It seems Crystal got a date w/hubby and the rest of us may be thinking "How come xxx and I don't do that" or "I can't recall the last time xxx and I did that." :cry:

    So I propose the next challenge be a "DATE" with our significant other. :smooched:

    If your significant other isn't available due to military deployment or away on business trip, then I suggest the date be with a family member, co-worker, girlfriend, classmate, or guy friend. Just please don't pick up some random person.

    The date can be anything.... a meal, a walk to see Christmas lights, bowling, bike ride, etc etc.

    Anyone game for this idea? :bigsmile:
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Hey all sorry that I have been missing, they have been working on our power, and it has been out:;( not fun at all.. anyhow I went jogging/walking/hiking/running on the becah today...2 miles worth!!!! WOW and then I went bowling tonight an hour worth:) I wont tell you what I ate there but that is what i did!
    Aunt flow and her ugly face are here and she is hurting my body all over the place like i am a youn girl:( I am not happy with that, so i am getting out and hurting her right back by exercising!
    Barb` you are totally right, if i saw taht woman it would give me a huge kick in the butt reality style!
    Jacque~ i have holiday issues ( I am very ba-hum-bug) I hate christmas! I do it for teh kids and that is all taht matters, but I hate to decorate. So i am an anti-holiday eater! which means I eat not because it is the stressfull time of year but because i cant stand the christmas junk all around LOL sorry if that is a killjoy to anyone, ts been that way for years, Id like to say that it is getting better, but i dont believe so. ;(
    It is never too late to jump on this wagon, we have been there before, and lord knows we will be there again! as long as we have good friends by our sides pulling us up by the coller we will win this battle:)
    I heart you all
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Barb love the date idea, and the not picking up a random person ;) lol
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    WELCOME Whitney! Thrilled to have another SHGP here! Weigh in's Friday's and I will message you too!

    Crystal ~ yes, I agree 110% on 3 bites, lol not 3 servings, altho I am guilty on that one, even a double! i find too that when i make too many restrictions, i will cave and binge. so, why not have my fav's in moderation! just to satisfy my taste buds!

    Barb ~ love LOVE the date challenge! dh is on vacation starting this Saturday, and he takes it every yr to deer hunt, but what a great idea! the next time i go to DC i am gonna ask you for all the details of what and where :bigsmile:

    Miss v ~ nice workout girl! sounds like you are doing well with takin out Aunt Flow! seems like i have better ( less painful, symptom free ) months than others...anyone master this yet? well, i am a holiday lover....and crazy as it seems i wish the season was celebrated longer, or maybe just the * spirit * spread throughout the year more.... i was thinkin of makin little "goodie" plates for my bus kids this year to share with their families. now, that will require a lot of work, but i think it would be fun too. my dh doesn't really care for xmas, but he survives. he shops all year long for his toys, so i dont worry too much bout him. and i could really do away with all the gift buying, money spent. i love to just be around family and friends...time, time, time, just can't get enough of them special memories... :heart:

    well, i am feeling pretty good here today. have lots to do...clean my bus, do laundry, workout and wrestling trip tonite...gotta plan supper for everyone too. have a good one and i will try to check in before i bus the wrestlers.
  • jacque509
    Morning Ya all!!
    Wow thanks for all the feedback ya all!! I love you guys so much:smooched: :heart:

    Had a good night last night. Walk the mile and half to my car and felt good after. Did nothing but gab all night. Was totally a bum. didnt even watch tv. So it was a good night

    Kel-I think you are gonna like the shred, I have and like it, it very aggressive and the first time I did it I cryed after, it really get you endorpines going. So along with the date challange how about we do the 30 day challage together. I havent used it and really think I want to try again.

    Miss V- I am so there with u about the christmas thing. Growing up with family that makes Christmas so out of control and an Ex that made Christmas misrable I have no desire to celebrate most of the time. Like you I do it for the kids. If I didnt have kids I probably never even own a tree. And I relly do believe the streess of it gets to me too. Whats weird is I have no problem watching other people love it I just don't get it.

    Whitney-WELCOME:drinker: :bigsmile: :smile: We are a pretty cool group, some of us have been together for a while, some are new but we have a good bond! We really are like family and I brag about my friends here to my friends and family at home. So feel free to join the family, I think you will love it!!

    Barb-you are too funny!!:laugh: Like the date idea, I kinda had that last night with mom and dad and It made it a great night!!

    Crystal and Angie- I never heard of the 3 bite thing, so glad you guys brought it up I am so gonna try that. I really think that would help me alot!!

    Well got to get back to work. Later:glasses: