Why cant I just do this (VENT)



  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    Start by logging everything. This will help you see where those calories are going.
    If you are anything like me and hungry all the time, more small meals a day helps, I've been known to order something and eat half and save half, that way you get some and 3 hours later, Hey! More food!
    Drink alot of water, it helps with hunger.
    Just do it every day and, I know this is hard, be patient!!
  • happypath101
    happypath101 Posts: 534
    Instead of some lame patronizing comment (there will be many to come), all I can really say is this:

    You have to want it.

    Yes, everyone WANTS to have a model or a gymnast's body. Or a bodybuilder's body or whatever. But 99% of people just don't have the dedication and willpower to put in the hard work.

    Until you're really ready it's going be next to impossible. It's like quitting smoking or drugs. You have to really want it or you're just going to keep relapsing.

    Once it clicks, there's no going back.

    My only real suggestion is to try baby steps. Don't try to uproot your whole way of eating or exercising. Do one thing. Cut out sugary drinks and/or soda. Just try that. In a month, try walking for 15 minutes a day, every day. Everyone's got 15 minutes right? Keep progressing and slowly substitute crappy snacks for better snacks, crappy meals for better meals, and sitting on the couch for meaningful exercise. I'm 14-15 months in and I'm still making improvements to my diet and exercise every week. Baby steps. No one just changes their entire way of life in a day.

    This is exactly how I got started about 20 years ago. And if that girl could have seen ahead to this girl, she would not believed it. My first goal: Eat one piece of fruit or veggies a DAY.
    My second goal: Walk around the block once a day.

    My entire journey, I've given myself to take it at a slow pace if that's what I need and to take breaks, but never give up. And, when I have the willpower and energy to do something impressive, don't second guess myself.

    You can absolutely do this!
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    I wasn't motivated til my husband left me... for other reasons (some mutual)... I wish I had been motivated for my health (and many other things) long before. But it is what is.

    I read somewhere, "Do something today your future self will thank you for". Think about yourself in 6 months, a year. Where do you want be, how do you want to feel and what do you want to accomplish. And if you don't pursue your goals, imagine that in a year. That sort of visualization does help me to get going since time just keeps passing by.
  • Pimpmonkey
    Pimpmonkey Posts: 566
    Ok so I have dieted myself all the way up to 240lbs. Ughh I try almost everyday to stick to any diet plan and I fail every single day. Ive tried it all. I fail if its too restricting and I fail if nots outlined and planned for me like counting calories because I just eat junk food and sugar and go over my calories. I have two daughters who I DO NOT want to inherit my weight problem and I feel so gross and fat that it affects my marriage in a very negative way. I want to change my life but I just dont know what its gonna take for me to do so..... I cant believe im putting all this out there

    First off you have to quit looking at it as a diet. Look at it as a total lifestyle change. Secondly never give up!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I so agree with wanting this will make you push on! Girl....I also have 2 girls who I DO NOT want to be self conscious about their weight like I have ALWAYS been. I got up to 265lbs with my last pregnancy and she is now 18 months and I have been on here since she was 3 months....lost 58lbs.....slowly very slowly. But I refuse to fail. I am gonna get to goal if it takes another 18 months! I suffer with food choices....I got the exercise thing perfectly...I work out 5-6 days per week BUT I love food and this is so hard for me! How one can only eat 1200 calories per day is beyond me! With MFP....meeting some awesome people who struggle with the same stuff you struggle with you WILL be motivated. When I look at others busting butts and eating clean this makes me re-evaluate what I do. You can do this if you REALLY want it! You have to have the willpower to want this change! I am here for you if you need support and motivation!
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    IT also really helps to have supportive friends who are likeminded in their goals and take it seriously. I don't know many people outside MFP that are really into being healthy (My stepsister Heather, and my Sister Sandy... my sister Erin also). Everyone else is kinda like... "fat is sexy!".. lol. I don't want to live like that.

    I'm just saying that you can find a lot of support and friends here. :flowerforyou:
  • MysticMaiden22
    MysticMaiden22 Posts: 325 Member
    Instead of some lame patronizing comment (there will be many to come), all I can really say is this:

    You have to want it.

    Yes, everyone WANTS to have a model or a gymnast's body. Or a bodybuilder's body or whatever. But 99% of people just don't have the dedication and willpower to put in the hard work.

    Until you're really ready it's going be next to impossible. It's like quitting smoking or drugs. You have to really want it or you're just going to keep relapsing.

    Once it clicks, there's no going back.

    My only real suggestion is to try baby steps. Don't try to uproot your whole way of eating or exercising. Do one thing. Cut out sugary drinks and/or soda. Just try that. In a month, try walking for 15 minutes a day, every day. Everyone's got 15 minutes right? Keep progressing and slowly substitute crappy snacks for better snacks, crappy meals for better meals, and sitting on the couch for meaningful exercise. I'm 14-15 months in and I'm still making improvements to my diet and exercise every week. Baby steps. No one just changes their entire way of life in a day.

    Great advice!!!
  • greendragonfly52
    greendragonfly52 Posts: 5 Member
    Oh my goodness! I completely understand where you all are coming from. I've been wanting to loose weight and change my habits for about a year now, but it's only been the last month where I've really wanted to try. Motivation is my main problem. I'll get myself all worked up and ready one day, and it's like I've spent all my motivation in one fell swoop. I just can't seem to stick with anything. It's frustrating to say the least and it makes me feel like I'm in a downward spiral everyday when I know I failed to do what I said I would do.

    It's comforting to see though that I'm not alone. I'll keep trying. Just need to reduce the giant leaps to baby steps. Maybe that might help. Thank you so much for posting this! And thank you everyone for the great comments! :)
  • michnforest
    michnforest Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you for posting this. Like many of us, I have gone up and down in weight. The difference is that I don't have children, which sometimes makes me feel worse because I don't have baby weight....just lazy weight.

    It is one day at a time and the desire to want to change. Seeing the good in the small challenges and really defining why I want to do this. There are so many of us out there coping with the same issues...and for that I am thankful.

    The only one holding us back is ourselves.
  • Blondehelmet
    Blondehelmet Posts: 32 Member
    I think the main problem is how to get yourself to want to do it. My self esteem was shot and I hated myself every day.... I couldn't get motivated and just kept feeling worse for every day I couldn't get myself to start so I was willing to try anything... So I got these 'hypnotism for weight loss' CDs... It sounds odd and I'm not a huge believer but every night before I go to bed I listen to it, it's about 20mins... At first it didn't do anything other than put me to sleep but over about a week it's filled me with positive affirmations about myself and attitudes to food etc. I realised after a week that it was less about the goal and more about the journey, that it's okay to not lose all the weight in week, that it's going to take time and I'm surprised in myself that I actually believe that now. It was so subtle but I think it pulled me back into a positive state, and it's much easier to get started when you're feeling positive about the future and starting to look forward to working for it.
    I'm not sure how everyone else feels about it, but I was surprised at how well it worked for me. Hope this helps! Bec
  • tanyaslosingit
    tanyaslosingit Posts: 178 Member
    I'm late to this party; but I just wanted to second (or third, fourth, ...) the concept of baby steps. I set up a weekly mini-NSV goal and focus on that. Once you've claimed your non-scale victory, set up another mini-goal. It's amazing how the little things add up!

    FYI, my own mini-NSV goal this week is to make sure all my meals and snacks are at least 3 hours apart (but no more than 4.) I know it's sounds silly and/or arbitrary; but in my case, it's helping me avoid grazing throughout the day and, keeping my cal intake/energy steady :-)

    Slow and Steady wins the race every time :-)

    Please feel free to add me as a friend! I know that slow & Steady requires a little more patience and support than those going for the dramatic weight loss!
  • grannyfunk
    grannyfunk Posts: 9 Member
    I made many excuses to, just not motivated. My sister started losing weight and made me want to do it but still not enough motivation. Then my mom came to visit. She fell and we had a hard time getting her up. She doesn't want to do nothing but sit in her chair. I don't wamt to be like that. I had to make myself do this! Been doing pretty good took a week of and thankfully I didn't gain, just stayed to same.! Find you motivation! You Can do it. Find someone who does crafts and someone with a cricut and get some vinyle and cut out I CAN DO THIS and put on you mirror where u see it every day! I know you can do if I can.
  • allyjoy83
    allyjoy83 Posts: 176 Member
    I have read a lot of articles on getting started, and I was in the exact same boat a couple of months ago. I was talking to a friend a little over a month ago who does personal training, and he made it plain when I was getting on myself about my weight gain, and he had just lost 50 lbs. He was very straight forward and said, it will be a priority when you make it a priority. It was like a light switch. I had spent a lot of time focusing on everything else in my life, and I wasn't making my health a priority. I was obsessing over my weight gain, and the stretch marks, and being tired, but I wasn't making my eating right, or exercising, or stress reduction a priority (for various reasons/excuses).

    Two years ago, I was 80lbs lighter than what I am today, and, in many ways, I felt devastated about the gain. 40lbs ago, I had a personal trainer and worked my booty off with no visible results. I mean I was sweating, and working, and stressing. I didn't want to step on a scale because it always showed the same number. I quit and gained another 40 lbs. I watched documentaries on food, and how we process it, how it's made, cooked, farmed, success stories. I bought a juicer after watching Sick, Fat, and Nearly Dead, thinking that I was going to just juice everything, but life got in the way (and juicing really wasn't the answer for me). AND, there was always some form of temptation and it seemed easier to "give in" to the temptation.

    3 weeks ago, I started eating paleo. Last week I started P90x. This is not an endorsement for either, just things that have changed for me in the last few weeks. I kept a food journal for the first week (until a friend turned me on to this site), and now it's not a chore. I LOVE food. I always have and I always will, so I made peace with it. Up until these last few weeks, it was a struggle to figure out what were right choices for me, and what works for my lifestyle. I need meals that are quick (and single person friendly); I need to be able to keep track of my calories without feeling like it's a chore; and I need to eat tasty things. So far, I've been sticking to it, and I don't feel deprived. It's still new to me, but I think this is the turning point because I made an affirmative choice about what's important to me.

    I think the hardest parts about starting new habits are: (1) we are results driven, and if we don't see the result that we expect by a certain time, then we feel we have failed which makes us less likely to attempt again; and (2) that we think in terms of success and failure when it comes to our health. Food, and living, and existing is not a test we pass or fail. It's an experience. It's about how we want to live it. It took a lot for me to reach a point where I was ready to stop wanting, and start doing, and once I made the personal choice of how I want to live, and what I was willing (or not willing) to sacrifice, there are little to no temptations.

    I'm sorry if this was too much information, or if it's out in left field. Good luck with everything, and if you want support, feel free to add me as a friend. I will say that this community has been very helpful for me thus far.
  • stephenwebbe
    stephenwebbe Posts: 31 Member
    Ok so I have dieted myself all the way up to 240lbs. Ughh I try almost everyday to stick to any diet plan and I fail every single day. Ive tried it all. I fail if its too restricting and I fail if nots outlined and planned for me like counting calories because I just eat junk food and sugar and go over my calories. I have two daughters who I DO NOT want to inherit my weight problem and I feel so gross and fat that it affects my marriage in a very negative way. I want to change my life but I just dont know what its gonna take for me to do so..... I cant believe im putting all this out there

    In the past I got way too much into dieting, and invested so much of myself into it that I felt so frustrated when I failed. It took me a long time to pick myself back up. There are so many elements that contributed to my previous failures and I spent a lot of time thinking about what really motivates me to diet. If you fully understand what your true motivation is, not the rational reasons why, but what makes you WANT to diet, then it will be a lot easier, because you can always lean on that when you are feeling frustrated or down.

    For myself, I found that my true motivation is that I want to be mentally happy. As an inactive person, I found myself to be falling into a depression, that I had to pull myself out of. Something had to change, so I began walking every day - no pressure - just walking, and it eventually developed into me wanting to lose weight.

    One of the hardest parts that I have found of losing weight is realizing things about my self image/self esteem as I change, it's really hard. I also am very sensitive to talking to others about my dieting/weight loss, because I don't want to fall into the trap of being motivated by others and I've been hurt in the past by other's comments about my weight.

    A general rule that has worked well for me is don't be too hard on myself. Treat myself like I would want another person to treat me, with respect, understanding and patience. I also try very hard not to make a HUGE deal out of my successes or failures, but just to try as hard as I can to reach a balance in my life that is healthy. I'm not saying I don't try, I'm just saying that I don't beat myself up about winning or losing, I try to keep realistic about what I need to do...

    :smile: I hope you end up doing well in your weight loss. A lot of people refer to it as a journey because it really is, don't be too hard on yourself, and just keep on picking yourself up and trying again the next day... be realistic with your goals. One thing that I've come to realize when reflecting on my weight loss, and frankly this can apply to everything in life. Who we are as people is simply a combination of the decisions that we make. So when you are feeling really crappy, and you want some sugary treat, and you rationalize it by saying that it's no big deal, just remember that one choice is a small decision that becomes part of who you are. The combination of choices to avoid certain foods, or find alternatives to the foods you love is what will ultimately determine if you are successful or not on your diet.
  • escualida
    escualida Posts: 1
    At the risk of going against what some of you have said, studies actually show that people are more likely to stick with a change when it is DRASTIC, rather than doing baby steps. I agree that something has to "click", you have to really decide that you're going to make a change no matter what, and then make one, a BIG one, and you're more likely to succeed.
  • bluestocking06
    bluestocking06 Posts: 66 Member
    I would also suggest, if you have the means and/or access, seeing a counselor who specializes in disordered eating. A lot of times if something just isn't clicking no matter how you've change the diet plan, there's a deeper reason that may take a little digging to find.
  • RedefiningMe
    RedefiningMe Posts: 44 Member
    I need to read in detail later. Great ideas from what I have read so far and YES...it is definitely baby steps!
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    I will put this out there and say that the first poster is right about being in the right mindframe and that food addiction is like drug addiction... Well, I was a heroin addict for years. (Don't freak out, I've been clean for three years now.) You really have to just be done. Done making excuses, done treating your body like crap, done saying, "I can't." The most important thing is... Finish it. Be done being sad. Be done wishing you were someone else. Be done feeling sorry for yourself. Be happy being you from now on. Just get up and go!!

    Edit: and I must mention, baby steps are what its all about. One day at a time, baby!
  • psoshkin
    psoshkin Posts: 27 Member
    You can do this! Just start by eating whatever you like and just measuring out 1 serving size according to the nutritional guide on the box. Drink lots of calorie free liquids to fill up on and start there. I know diet sodas are "bad" but start there. Slow and steady wins the race! For example, when I started, I still ate my beloved potato chips daily. I ate 1-2 serviings (160 calories each). I know it's not healthy but I had to have it! This is a way of life, if you're planning on doing this for the long haul, you have to eat foods you love, just in the proper portion sizes. YOU CAN HAVE YOUR CAKE AND EAT IT TOO! and you can have everything you want, just not at the same time :)
    Add me!!!!! I would love to help :)
  • Montemuscle1970
    Montemuscle1970 Posts: 21 Member
    Ok so I have dieted myself all the way up to 240lbs. Ughh I try almost everyday to stick to any diet plan and I fail every single day. Ive tried it all. I fail if its too restricting and I fail if nots outlined and planned for me like counting calories because I just eat junk food and sugar and go over my calories. I have two daughters who I DO NOT want to inherit my weight problem and I feel so gross and fat that it affects my marriage in a very negative way. I want to change my life but I just dont know what its gonna take for me to do so..... I cant believe im putting all this out there

    It doesn't sound like you're failing to me. Every time you try a diet you're taking a step, reorganizing your thoughts and tactics, doing something differently and ultimately you're eliminating what doesn't work. You're only getting closer to doing it. Diets are a lot more complex than just weight control. It affects everything about you. Every day is preparing you for the final step, which is losing the extra weight. That will be the last and easiest part of it when the rest of you is ready.

    Also, from what you said, being too strict will make it harder. Sometimes you'll have a great week and you can really have that strictness and it will work. And some weeks you'll go over your calories every day. Don't worry about sticking to what any plan tells you. Just use it as a guideline. Even with the MFP app, start with just trying to maintain your weight. If you reduce your calories too much, your body/mind will "panic" subconsciously, and you'll just get the "craving" feeling. Have you ever tried a hard diet and found yourself eating right out of the peanut butter jar? Your body wants those calories back! But if you ease into it, you'll kind of train that reaction to not be so bad down the road.

    One thing thats helped (still helping) me is just being proud of my own strictness about my diet. Don't let your family or friends lure you back into complacency with their opinions. (if it happens...it does for me) I can go out to a restaurant with a friend and watch them eat an appetizer, entré, and dessert and...CLEARLY it looks good and I would love to eat it, but I'm content with me making a decision and sticking to it. I've spent many an evening watching people eat those things while I sit there with just a glass of water. Its one way I get to exercise some control over my own life. Of course, I eat before I put myself in that situation. But I eat what I've decided. Not whats just available in a pinch.

    Anywho, these things will fall into place for you over time. Rarely do decisions people make yield immediate results for them. Don't worry about the time it takes. Its month to month, not day to day. Just keep doing.