20 pounds/ 2 month challenge



  • I'm in! I'm trying to get back to being the girl in my profile picture! I've been struggling with my weight since having my little one (who is now two). Enough is enough! Let's do this!!!

    CW: 225
    GW: 205
    Daily Cal: 1220

    Week 1 Weigh in: 225

    Super duper stoked!
  • kelze92
    kelze92 Posts: 2
    I'm in,
    Week 1: 175
    Daily calories: 1200

    i want to lose 40 pounds so bad but i know i cant do that in 2 months lol, My problem is i don't eat enough. For some reason I've never really ate that much unless i was preg, I've had two boys & that were i got my pounds. I want to be 130 back to were i was before my sons. lol
  • lbb76330
    lbb76330 Posts: 1
    me me me!!

    CW: 175
    DCG: 1200 calories
    End of challenge GW: 145
  • newlife414
    newlife414 Posts: 33
    I could keep a spreadsheet of everyone's weigh ins if we want?
  • loulou118
    loulou118 Posts: 1
    I'm in!! =)

    CW: 159
    DCG: 1200 calories
    End of challenge GW: 139

    Week 1 Weigh in: 159
    Final Weigh in:
  • hhoward11
    hhoward11 Posts: 13
    Hi there! I am new to this whole MFP world, but not at all new to struggling with my weight. Very excited to try something new! This sounds like fun!

    Here it goes:
    Wk #1
    DCG: 1200
    Challenge GW: 147
  • Magenashley928
    Magenashley928 Posts: 6 Member
    im in :) i previously lost 20lbs with weight watchers, i got down to 152 for my wedding in march, and since then i have gained 12lbs back! i have started the body by vi 90 day challenge along with myfitness pal....i hope that this helps me get back down to my previous weight!

    CW: 164lbs
    DCG: 1200 calories
    End of challenge GW: 144lbs
    UGW: 130lbs

    Week 1 Weigh in: 164
    Final Weigh in:
  • I'm In!! I need some serious motivation // a goal to look toward.
    C.W =147pounds
    G.W =130pounds
    DCG = 1200 (give or take 200 either way)
    Main challenge = no binges!!!!

    Week 1 weigh in = 147pounds
    Week 2
    Week 3
    Week 4
    Week 5
    Week 6
    Week 7
    Week 8
    Final =
  • Excited to do this. Where do we post are weigh in's... maybe create a group??
  • back4good
    back4good Posts: 17
    I'm DEFINITELY in! I need to lose the weight and stay focused!

    CW: 183
    GW: 163
    Calorie Target: 1200
  • I could keep a spreadsheet of everyone's weigh ins if we want?

    Fantastic idea! I'm adding all the latest joiners to the group, so if you could set up a thread in the group and keep up the spreadsheet that would be fantastic!

    Look out for the group invitation!
  • Cblackburn221
    Cblackburn221 Posts: 22 Member
    Count me in! Just started day one of a 90 day Tap Out exercise program.

    GW: 175 (would like to lose more but don't want to set my goal to high)
  • For those who want to join Group is called....

    20 pounds minimum - 2 month challenge

    It's open at the moment, so look it up and join in the challenge!

    lets do this!
  • rubyred75
    rubyred75 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm not sure if the group is still open. I tried to find it but it wouldn't come up for me. I'm actually looking to lose 10lbs every month til the end of October. I have an awesome pair of size 10 jeans that I really want to be able to wear for my birthday this year. So 20 lbs in the next 2 months will be my half way mark.

    SW 186.6
    DCG 12-1600.
    GW 165

    Good luck everyone.

    ETA - I found the group. Had to set my safe search setting to "off". :happy:
  • goldair23
    goldair23 Posts: 160
    This is exactly what I need! I am looking to lose 20 - 30 pounds by December (Summer!) so this should definitely get me on track. I'm not sure if I'll lose the full 20pounds as I'm not overly overweight to begin with, so it's a little harder to get the kilos to drop off than say if I were bigger. But I am definitely in this to give it my all! Good luck to everyone! :)

    CW: 167
    DCG: 1000-1200 calories
    End of challenge GW: 147

    Week 1 Weigh in: 167
    Final Weigh in:
  • goforit06
    goforit06 Posts: 132 Member
    I'm in!!! I love challenge and accountablility.

    CW 160
    DCG. 1200
    GW. 140
  • MaxlacusNight
    MaxlacusNight Posts: 44 Member
    CW: 224
    DCG: 1400 calories
    GW: 204

    Week 1 Weigh in: 224
    Final Weigh in:

    I'm really excited to join this group! I would love to do this. I'm going to be honest though I'm 23 with PCOS. I'll be moving soon and starting a new job. I'll be moving from PA to Durham NC. So it's gonna be a big change. However, I want to loose weight for myself and for my job. :] Nothing to motivate you like having other people seeing your progress >.<
  • dlm682001
    dlm682001 Posts: 7
    I'm in and VERY new to MFP. Thanks for creating this thread! Where do I find the group?

    CW: 149
    DCG: 1200 calories
    End of challenge GW: 129

    Week 1 Weigh in: 149
    Final Weigh in:
  • arielian
    arielian Posts: 200
    I'm down!

    CW: 232.7
    DCG: 1800 calories
    End of challenge GW: 212.7

    Week 1 Weigh in: 232.7
    Final Weigh in:
  • NancyG55
    NancyG55 Posts: 86
    Sounds like a great idea! I would love to participate, though not sure how.