Any ladies afraid of bulking up too much?



  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    What we all need to remember is that today is someone's very first day on here.

    You are correct about that. Which is why I wish the mods would take time away from "disciplining" people for ridiculous crap and take some of the good threads on a particular topic and sticky it at the top of the forum so people have something to read before posting.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Damn it!! I use gloves so I don't get Callouses. I want to lift like a man, not have man hands.....:sad:

    I've never bought gloves. My wife buys them for me. She says the callouses make back massages less enjoyable. I've almost shredded this pair now. Several of the fingers are torn off. I'm sure I'll mysteriously get another pair for my birthday. :smile:

    Well I'd like to keep my nice soft girly hands so am going to stick with them and persevere with making my grip stronger :happy:
    P.S Callouses on a man are hot, I like my men to feel like a man, not a boy. Just my opinion

    I'd be a little nervous if I jumped into bed with a woman that had major callouses on her hand. *ouch!*
  • jtslim42
    jtslim42 Posts: 240
    I completely agree! I love lifting heavy
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    This thread is SO full of win :).
    Do you use chalk?

    Na. I do wear gloves but eventually my fingers get tired. Maybe chalk would be better. I'm waiting for the day I do it to total fatigue and it slips. I'll probably get a lot of dirty look for that. :laugh:

    Oh, take off dem gloves. Gloves make your grip worse, not better. Callouses are your friend! :) I'm pulling a fair amount of wait off the deck for DL's and Rack Pulls and I have yet to need chalk or straps. Ditch the gloves and do some heavy (6-8 reps) of hammer curls.

    Damn it!! I use gloves so I don't get Callouses. I want to lift like a man, not have man hands.....:sad:

    Change your grip. Instead of holding the bar in the crotch of your thumb...hold it in the hook of your fingers. The calouses form because the weight is pulling your skin down, forming a ridge.

    Look here:

    By the way, anytime you see the name 'Mark Rippetoe' in regards to lifting anything, even if its your toddler...shut up and listen.

    And don't forget to take notes lol.

    By the way, on the deadlift topic, I'm finding my grip is limiting me as well (though not as much as I thought). I don't like the idea of straps, but if I wasn't so concerned with my grip I'm betting I could get 300lbs up for 4 reps. As it is, I'm looking at being stuck repeating 275lbs over and over and over until my grip improves :l.

    I haven't tried chalk though...maybe that will help. Any specific place you guys buy it at?
  • nikkiprickett
    nikkiprickett Posts: 412 Member
    I've been trying to convince people of this for a long time!
  • Generalle
    Generalle Posts: 201 Member
    Damn it!! I use gloves so I don't get Callouses. I want to lift like a man, not have man hands.....:sad:

    I've never bought gloves. My wife buys them for me. She says the callouses make back massages less enjoyable. I've almost shredded this pair now. Several of the fingers are torn off. I'm sure I'll mysteriously get another pair for my birthday. :smile:

    Well I'd like to keep my nice soft girly hands so am going to stick with them and persevere with making my grip stronger :happy:
    P.S Callouses on a man are hot, I like my men to feel like a man, not a boy. Just my opinion

    I'd be a little nervous if I jumped into bed with a woman that had major callouses on her hand. *ouch!*

  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Oh oh I'm one of those 5lb weight girls =( I know it wont really work, but in all honesty I was a little nervous of bulking up, but after this think I might start going heavier. What weight would you recommend to be starting with?

    It's not about the actual weight ("heavy" differs for each person)

    It's more about the reps. Find a weight that you can lift for approx 6-8 reps. The last 1 or 2 should be a real struggle, but still maintaining good form.
  • desireedare
    i love when people try to talk down to others who are giving motivation. This post is for people who want to lift but are afraid of getting bulky. hence the title.. if you're not.. then don't respond. thanks!!!!
  • tauny78
    tauny78 Posts: 180 Member
    Hey all...I'm getting ready to start lifting heavy soon. I'm still in weight loss mode for now, but I'm building up to heavier weights and studying form and such. I know you have to eat at a surplus to build muscle...My question is for those gals lifting heavy but still needing to lose weight, how much do you eat? And, (yes I'm completely ignorant on this subject, just trying to learn here) do you eat at a surplus every day? Or just the days you lift? Thanks for the help!
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Hey all...I'm getting ready to start lifting heavy soon. I'm still in weight loss mode for now, but I'm building up to heavier weights and studying form and such. I know you have to eat at a surplus to build muscle...My question is for those gals lifting heavy but still needing to lose weight, how much do you eat? And, (yes I'm completely ignorant on this subject, just trying to learn here) do you eat at a surplus every day? Or just the days you lift? Thanks for the help!

    In regards to my eating I focus on one at a time. Either muscle building (a surplus) or fat loss, and maintaining my muscle (a small deficit)
    When I was bulking, to gain muscle I would eat 2800 net, which made me gain 16lbs in 6 months, around 6 of which was lean mass. Now that I am cutting to lose the fat I also gained alongside muscle, I am eating 2300 a day regardless, so around 1600-2300 net depending on my exercise that day. It averages at around 2000 net a day. I am losing slowly.

    ETA: I've always lifted heavy. Even when I'm not focused on building muscle, I still was lifting. It has many benefits, including maintaining muscle while you lose, plus you can still gain lots of strength even in a deficit.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Hey all...I'm getting ready to start lifting heavy soon. I'm still in weight loss mode for now, but I'm building up to heavier weights and studying form and such. I know you have to eat at a surplus to build muscle...My question is for those gals lifting heavy but still needing to lose weight, how much do you eat? And, (yes I'm completely ignorant on this subject, just trying to learn here) do you eat at a surplus every day? Or just the days you lift? Thanks for the help!

    Start now, it will speed your fat loss substantially.

    A good generic deficit while lifting is 10-20% below TDEE. If you do it that way, don't eat back exercise calories.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    A good generic deficit while lifting is 10-20% below TDEE. If you do it that way, don't eat back exercise calories.

    YES! Wise words!

    Now let the new debate on eating back exercise calories begin!!!

    I called it! :drinker:
  • desireedare
    I hear this way too much from women.. "i'm afraid of getting bulky".. which is why I had the motivation to post this. OBVIOUSLY this is still a misconception. It works, over and over again.

    I see it every day. Women who are strong and dedicated to their goal but doing nothing to get better because of misunderstanding of the science. If you always do the same thing, over and over, at the same weight, you're training to stay the same, not to progress. THAT is the point I'm making.

    Women are strong. We can lift more than 5 lbs. We can get weird looks from men in the gym because we are repping out 10 pull-ups. ITS DOABLE. I am encouraging women who are afraid of getting bulky that they will not... plain and simple. All
  • sunshine77493
    sunshine77493 Posts: 25 Member
    Hey all...I'm getting ready to start lifting heavy soon. I'm still in weight loss mode for now, but I'm building up to heavier weights and studying form and such. I know you have to eat at a surplus to build muscle...My question is for those gals lifting heavy but still needing to lose weight, how much do you eat? And, (yes I'm completely ignorant on this subject, just trying to learn here) do you eat at a surplus every day? Or just the days you lift? Thanks for the help!
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    you go desiree!! love this post!!

    LADIES>>> LISTEN TO THIS WOMEN. You've been looking for the secret, she's got it. Weights. That's it. Pick them up. Get fit. The end.
  • sunshine77493
    sunshine77493 Posts: 25 Member
    Messed up earlier so I won't put the quote in this time. I was just going to say I have lost 18 and have 7 more to go but I have stayed where I am for a while so I've decided to try cutting the calories back a little and drink more water. I lift heavy when I strength train 2 to 3 times a week. My clothes fit great and this might be my stopping point but I'm gonna try to lose a little more body fat, hopefully.
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Ok, I'll start soon. My rec center has a nice weight room with both free weights and machines.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    A good generic deficit while lifting is 10-20% below TDEE. If you do it that way, don't eat back exercise calories.

    YES! Wise words!

    Now let the new debate on eating back exercise calories begin!!!

    I called it! :drinker:


    Seriously though...if you use MFP, eat the bastages back, or most of them anyhow. This system was designed for it.

    That's part of why I don't use this system though. Too complicated, too difficult to plan my menu...just too big a pain in the *kitten* overall. TDEE minus a given deficit on rest days, and maintenance or just over on workout days is the actual method I use.

    That's a good place to start. If you don't want to calorie/macro cycle, just set the deficit on both workout and rest days the same, and set the macros the same.
  • desireedare
    Messed up earlier so I won't put the quote in this time. I was just going to say I have lost 18 and have 7 more to go but I have stayed where I am for a while so I've decided to try cutting the calories back a little and drink more water. I lift heavy when I strength train 2 to 3 times a week. My clothes fit great and this might be my stopping point but I'm gonna try to lose a little more body fat, hopefully.

    EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption) is a measure of increased oxygen consumption after exercise or strenuous activity. EPOC is also accompanied by a post-exercise increase in energy (also recognized as an increase in metabolism.)

    Your “EPOC” after strength training is significantly higher than after cardio training. Lifting will burn more calories…during the session…AND after....

    plus, the more muscle you build,the more you'll burn while you're not doing anything!!!!!
  • hypallage
    hypallage Posts: 624 Member
    Just think that the horse has been beaten plenty of times.
    If the horse would have been doing Romanian dead lifts he would have survived. Just saying. :wink:

    Hoofs for hands.....make it very difficult to hold the bar, with or without chalk....
    No wonder the horse died :(