my boyfriend's ex = my motivation



  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    Chicks are gnar
  • sandrajune72
    sandrajune72 Posts: 492 Member
    Man, women are terrible.

    You're an adult, why are you bothered by someone being 'mean' to you behind your back?

    Grow up, move on. Why is she a factor in your life?

    Because she uses her kids against us.She can't bear to see us happy. For as long as his are kids involved, she's always gonna be a part of my life. I tried to be friends, but she's so bitter she threw it back in my face. And she's the one that left him, btw, I wasn't with him til a year later. She has no reason to hate me, but she does. OK, it might seem childish to be pleased she's put on a bit of weight, but I think I'm entitled to a little giggle at her expense after what she's put us through! :tongue:
  • lovehandles3076
    lovehandles3076 Posts: 27 Member
    I don't really think it's mean but why does your current boyfriend's EX motivate you? It would be more of a EX boyfriend's new girlfriend that would motivate me. Just seems kinda backwards to me. You already have him so what are you worried about, and you are beautiful! So I don't think you have anything to worry about!
  • I think that is hilarious!! It may be mean in some peoples eyes, but if it gives you motivation who the heck cares!!! :laugh:
  • I always compared myself to my BF's ex-girlfriends but they are exes for a reason. I realized that was a way to project my inner insecurities with my looks.

    Motivation is always important, but would you be still feeling this way even if she was skinner then you?

    Just my two-cents, not knocking on anyone's thoughts or feelings.

    I used to use my BF as motivation, but now my health and my life is my motivation.

    if she were skinnier than me, i'd be motivated by her too. :smile: i know she's an ex for a reason. and we're happy together. shes not a part of our lives or anything. i just think its funny that this is happening to someone that's being unneccesarily mean to me. and it makes me feel "empowered" if you will. :bigsmile:

    If she is not apart of your lives then who cares what she looks like? If she is talking crap, that is her jealousy and insecurities, don't stoop to her level. By looking at her pics on FB she must be getting to you which is what she wants.

    You are beautiful thin or not. You already got the guy- you already won.
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    Posts like this make me glad there is no unwanted drama in my marriage. Seriously. Grow up

    Edit. It's also why I don't have very many female friends. Sorry but I hate seeing women bash other women. I think women should stick together not tear each other down. It makes me sad.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Well I'm sure some of us have felt like this at one time or another. However, remember you're on MFP for a reason right? To lose weight, which you have and now she's gained. So you were once in her shoes. You don't know her situation as to why she has gained (why should you even care) and would you have wanted someone laughing at you? If you want it as motivation so be it. However he's with you now, that's all that matters and your motivation should be to get healthy for you not to stick it to someone.
  • LOL . I say, if it keeps you motivated, but some things are better to just keep to yourself (no offense). As long as you think this way on a sub conscious basis, I think you have every right. If karma existed for everything we thought about......well.... lets just say that it would be like final destination.
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