I was [overweight] because...

1. I was not taught differently when I was young.
My mom is/was a single mom. Starchy carbs were a staple, so was pan-frying, since both are quick and easy.
(as an adult, I now know that my body doesn't handle pasta and bread very well)

2. Low/no-fat are Gross!
"They taste different." "You can't bake with them." "It changes the consistency of whatever you're making it with." So don't bother.
(After gradually easing from full to low to no fat, I don't notice the difference. Be warned of the consequences if I prepare something, and someone complains that it tastes weird AFTER they find out I used a substitute! NO REPEAT INVITE!!!! :angry:)

3. It was cheap.
We were on a really right budget for a long time. So we'd grab a pb&J and have some ramen. Cereal for the majority of my meals. Eat whatever was leftover from dinner, add in some pasta.
(Now I know that eating from the perimeter of the grocery is cheaper)

4. Eating was how stress was relieved, and love was shown.
Comfort food... chocolate, cereal, ice cream, French toast, etc. Celebrating was cake or elaborate dinners, or eating out.
(There is no greater love you can show than providing a custom, HEALTHY meal for your person/family)

5. Lack of planning.
Scrounging last minute for a meal, it's far easier to order out, or go to a restaurant. That is also a lot more caloric. And more pricey.
(Assigning/agreeing to specific clean up jobs eases the workload. Resolving to spend no more than 30 minutes in each store, and no more than 2 stores a day helps keep it interesting, quick, and easy. Forget something at one store? It's cool, we're going again tomorrow any way.)

6. Exercise? No thanks.
Growing up, the mentality was, "I'm allergic to exercise, it makes me break out in a sweat." Let's not forget the typical driving around for 15 minutes (wasting gas) to get the closest parking spot possible.
(When I started actually trying to lose weight, it literally started with one 10 minute walk a day, which turned into a 30 minute walk, into an hour walk, which turned into a 10 minute jog plus 30 minutes walking, etc... and I felt GOOD!)

These are my reasons. What were yours?


  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    1) carbs are good. If your going to eat some ham, you better have two slices of bread. Pasta yum! pasta!

    2) My parents never let me go hungry. We always had food available, snacks, cookies cakes, doughnuts, pancakes on weekends.
    Cookies were a way to have everyone together.

    3) Parents tried to work with me to loose weight and diet. It was a diet though, that denied me what I wanted, so I rebelled.

    4) lack of portion control. None, zilch. tons of food with plenty of left overs. All you could possibly eat.

    5) school sports, but nothing else after.. so I was pretty lazy in the summer

    In general my parents loved me to death and gave me what I wanted. They didn't know everything about portion control. restraint, or making me understand WHY I was fat.
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    They didn't know everything about portion control. restraint, or making me understand WHY I was fat.

    This is a big reason for me, too.

    When people hear my lean, fit kids talk about protein and calories, they look at me like I'm breeding ED's in my kids. Then I say that I used to be 218#, and they were with me on my journey to a healthy weight, suddenly it's okay.

    Literally, I am arming my kids to never be in the situation I was in before.

    On the flip side, I don't deny my kids things. When their sitters ask if they have food restrictions, I say no. And it's true. Even when I was Pescatarian, my kids ate chicken, pork, etc.
  • arw4
    arw4 Posts: 51 Member
    1) My dad was a vegetarian. For many years all we ate was pasta, pasta, and more pasta.

    2) I had no sense of control over my eating. I have a huge sweet tooth, and sweets are always in my house. I never had portion control restrictions set by myself or my parents. I could eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted.

    3) I didn't exercise much. My dad has always encouraged me to exercise but I didn't really get into it until a few years ago. And even then, I thought exercising more meant I could eat more sweets.

    4) I've always been slightly overweight, so I never knew any different. Doctors never said anything to me because I always followed the same trend that was normal for me.
  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    1. Grandpa had a philosophy that if it was on your plate, you could not waste it.
    2. Mom and Dad didn't cook, and rarely were around. We were latch-key kids and we ate whatever looked good, which for most kids is crappy high fat oversugared garbage. when we did eat as a family, it was usually in front of the t.v. and it was fast food or hotdogs with mac n cheese
    3. Grandma LOVED to cook carb heavy meals, and we were over there quite a bit.
    4. My best friend and I grew up (and out) together. We both had parents that weren't really invested in us, so when we were at each others houses, we ate equally awful food. Most of the times we would hang out, it would be an unhealthy food fest. We weren't popular, and we both had a lot of issues going on at home. I think we started eating our feelings and finding comfort in it since we were doing it together.
    5. Exercise? I tried when I was younger to be active. I rode bikes, roller skated, climbed trees, ran, jumped ramps... I was really in good shape until I was about 8. I had a really bad injury that year that required surgery. I used it as an excuse to be inactive for the most part. My grandpa also died that year and we had been close. I ate that pain, too. I did try once as a child to become active again by joining tae kwon do, but I broke my wrist doing that and my mom made me quit.
    6. in junior high, my weight was high, but I was still able to shop in the juniors section and wear cute stuff, that changed when I went to high school. All my friends went to the school across town, and I was left alone to fend for myself at a new, bigger school. I freaked myself out and stressed so much about it that I gained about 50 lbs in the course of that 3 month summer break.
    7. Inactivity piled on inactivity, piled on a newfound appreciation of alcohol at 15... so not only did I eat a whole lot and not work out, but I would also consume all sorts of liquid calories... oy vey!
    8. Started smoking pot at 16, decided that even if I didn't really have the munchies, I could still use it as an excuse to eat more.

    Then between sophomore and junior year I lost a LOT of weight in a completely unhealthy way... so:
    9. When I tried to eat normal again, I gained weight crazy fast because I had been unkind to my metabolism.
    10. Met my ex who had a drinking problem... which compounded my drinking/drug problem. I would wake up at 5pm on weekends, go out to eat a huge nasty meat lovers pizza from pizza hut with him, and then drink multiple handled bottles of liquor until the wee hours of the morning.
    11. Fast food, Fast food, Fast food... every meal of every day.

    And thats why I was fat.
  • Tashmayes
    Tashmayes Posts: 244 Member
    1. I was also never taught to eat properly. Everything was packaged, processed, high in sodium, sugar, and fat. It wasn't until I met a dietician i realized how wrong i was eating.

    2. I ate when i was stressed.

    3. I had a traumatic incident that caused me to turn away from people and move towards food.

    4. I played sports but never exercised consistently.
  • mscrumbyy
    mscrumbyy Posts: 116
    1. Student living is ridiculous. My friends and I are all about 17p noodles/cheese on toast/pizza and the only exercise we ever got was tottering on our heels down to the pub.
    2. I got super lazy in my last relationship. We were as bad as each other for not really ever doing much and eating super huge amounts of crap.
    3. I stress eat. During uni for the last few months I've lived off snacky foods that I can pick at when revising. I never thought I ate much because I was never hungry but it turns out I was just permanently grazing.
    4. I never exercised. Ever. Aside from walking to the bus stop. I was "too tired" after a long day of lectures and I almost always found something better to do (like going to that house party or movie night or girls night out).

    So glad it's summer and I have time to reassess things.
  • historygirldd
    historygirldd Posts: 209 Member
    1. my parents did everything they could to give us a wonderful life, but so ground beef, fish sticks and canned pork and beans were cheap. I kept it off as a child, but it took me a while to learn to cook and eat well. I don't blame them, I just wasn't taught about balanced meals.

    2. I let the mean girls in high school steal my self-esteem. No longer, I was beautiful in high school and college (I now realize that - and you know what I am beautiful now. I'm not being cocky, just accepting of myself.)

    3. I was lazy

    4. I was lazy

    5. I was lazy
  • breckrose
    breckrose Posts: 10 Member
    I was hungry, I wasn't hungry, I was bored, it was a party, I was depressed, I was happy, because it was there!
  • loribenfield
    loribenfield Posts: 120 Member
    OMG! Do we have the same mom? My reasons are all the same. And my whole family is over weight so it continues until some one breaks the chain.
  • jbiancad
    jbiancad Posts: 66 Member
    I decided right after I gave birth to my daughter that I had an undying love for oreo cakesters. It caught up to me pretty quick
  • Smilez22
    Smilez22 Posts: 19 Member
    1. I was molested by my god father and cousin at 6/7 until 9
    2. Comfort/Depressed - Only way I think I could deal with it/Only way I think my mother felt she could comfort me.
    3. It became a habit by a point and just how I was after so long
  • Starla_
    Starla_ Posts: 349
    I was lazy

    I was an adult when I got fat, no one else's fault for why and the reasons behind it other than my own laziness.
  • ediesmommy
    ediesmommy Posts: 76
    We were poor. When we did get food, I would horde it, for fear of not having it. I still do that (it is a cycle I am working very hard to break, and am doing VERY well...)
  • shellebelle87
    shellebelle87 Posts: 291 Member
    1. I'm an emotional eater. Sad, depressed, happy, didnt matter. I would eat the pain away.

    2. I just didnt care about what I ate. Takeaway was the easiest option, and so were snacks like chips and lollies.

    3. I didnt care enough to change my habits, even though I was unhappy about my appearance. It seemed like too much hard work when I knew I wouldn't be able to lose those pesky 15kg in a week, I would actually have to work at it. And why exercise when you can sit on the couch and watch movies and eat crappy food?

    I've lost 13kg now and still struggle with the motivation to do anything about my weight. I still have another ten to go and sometimes it just seems too hard, even though I really really want to lose it.
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    I got the big girl genes from my Dutch grandmother and Hungarian grandfather. My father preferred the petite type of woman and expected that ALL women should be petite. So, as the years went on and my weight wasn't "model thin", the more he put me on diets. The more he put me on diets the more I snuck food, ate behind closed doors, felt compelled to eat everything, couldn't make up my mind as to what I wanted to eat so I ate it all, and then, when I was in front of the rest of the family I would eat "diet" everything... which, we've all found that those fake sugars and lo-fat items of our past just perpetuated the situation.

    I truly believe that if my father hadn't had me in some horrible diet place as a 12 year old that I may have grown up to be a large framed, beautiful, 5'11" woman who weighed somewhere around 180 pounds.

    Now, I've finally stopped blaming myself for the other abuse that he put me through, and I'm trying to learn to stop blaming him (not working so well), but at least to get over it (working better) and recognize that I am the one that can fix it. So I'm working on it.
  • Alisha_countrymama
    Alisha_countrymama Posts: 821 Member
    Carbs where a staple of meals. Gulash, Hamburger helper, Speghetti, all served with fried potatoes and bread and butter. We were poor.

    Cake mixes where cheap. Mom always had a cake for dessert.

    Never exercised. EVER!

    No one ever told me I was fat. "Big Boned" was often said.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    For me I grew up around junk food. My mother would allow me to eat a tub of ice cream @ the age of 4. There would always be chips, cakes, cookies, soda, ice cream, pies, candy, etc... in the house. Portion sizes were huge. I didn't live near a park so play or anything like that. And my mom was like a watch dog so I wasn't allowed to even walk along the road. We lived in a wooded area right outside of town away from other kids but we still had neighbors most of which were elderly. So, growing up I spent most of my free time watching tv which was perfectly fine by my parents until reached around 15 or 16 then I was always getting put down by my dad for being a fat *kitten*. Telling me I was lazy. Needless to say, once I moved out @ age 19 I lost 85lbs and have kept it off. I still dread my past memories and I refuse to eat the way I was brought up to eat!
  • DivaJadelyn
    DivaJadelyn Posts: 280 Member
    This is harder to define for me, but I'll start at the most recent burst of weight gain that tipped me well over 200.

    1. Bed rest through pregnancy.

    2. A 3 month NICU stay for my youngest daughter. I was so concerned about Ileanna that I just put anything in my mouth. And during the really tough times I ate for comfort.

    3. Depression. Depression. Depression. I had many many many triggers to my depression. One being finding out my S/O(at the time) was cheating on me. My weight in and of itself depressed me. My daughter being in the NICU and struggling to live... so many triggers.

    4. Moved from Maryland to my home state of North Carolina and binged on foods I hadn't had since I was young.

    5. Difficulty finding the time and inclination to exercise. I missed ballet from my youth but couldn't afford classes and didn't have a space conducive.

    6. Living with an anorexic woman who tended to look down her nose at overweight people... only triggered me to eat more for comfort.
  • portalm
    portalm Posts: 201 Member
    i was a discusting pig... the end
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    because i like food and beer.............it's all your own fault, not anyone or anything else! It's nice to put the blame on things, but ultimatley only you control what goes in you rmouth.