What is the better sugar substitute?



  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I use both splenda and stevia, but honestly, stevia is way better for you because it's natural.....

    So are hemlock, radon, poison ivy and snake venom.

    Just because something is "natural" doesn't mean it's good for you.

    And frankly, some of those things probably taste better than stevia!
  • meghanner
    meghanner Posts: 180 Member
    I absolutely agree. Stevia is the way to go.
  • wyomingmama
    wyomingmama Posts: 71 Member
    Oh please do not use a chemical sweetner! I did when I was pg and my son had a heart problem and had to have an emerency heart surgry at 2 days. Please watch anything on youtube under "splenda dangers"!

    Use Stevia! !00% natural!

    I do! I agree that between sugar and chemicals go with the sugar!

    Really It causes cancers!

    Try Stevia!
  • MomsTaxi23
    MomsTaxi23 Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you so much for all your input, I wasn't too conscerned with the calories I will work those in. I was more concerned with the health benefit or disadvantage to some of the sweetners. Sometimes I read things that the substites are bad for the body or might have side effects or health issues down the line. Of couse taste was important too.

    Thanks again for all the posts
  • I love splenda I use it in everything. Have a blessed day
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Black Coffee contains 0 sugars.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    it amazes me how many people have bought into the "its natural, so it must be good" thought process! Like was previously stated, there are a lot of things that are natural that aren't good for you. Cocaine is "natural" (after it has been separated from the plant and refined). Sugar is natural, but most people on here avoid it like the plague.

    I would also like to point out that Stevia and Truvia are the same thing - Truvia is Cargill's brand. Truvia has some sugar alcohol and is refined a little more, though I think.

    Finally, unless you are buying stevia leaves and using the "herb style" you are still eating a chemically processed item. While I don't really agree with the bias this article takes, they make some good points about how the white powder stevia is made.

    I don't subscribe to the "don't eat anything processed" camp since it is nearly impossible in the US nowdays, but I think it is a dangerous game to decide something is safer/better/healthier just because it is a naturally derived extract. Don't buy into the marketing campaigns and use your head a little.
  • Truvia or Stevia are my favorites and low or no calorie
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    Bump to come back and read posts.
  • SenshiV
    SenshiV Posts: 131 Member
    Well I bought a box of Truvia yesterday and this is my personal review:

    I will call Splenda, Sweet'NLow and Equal 'The Trio', because to me all 2 taste about the same

    Price: More expensive then The Trio, I wonder why (sarcasm), but I calculate I can buy either a 1000 splenda packets box or 3 to 4 "40" Packet Truvia boxes.

    Flavor: Still have it's non-classic sugar taste as expected, but not as pronounced as The Trio, and I noticed that at the end (of my cup of coffee) I had no flavor in my mouth at all, like, whit The Trio, when I can still taste that specific flavor they have that I have never liked.

    Taste: Not as sweet as The Trio, the difference in sweetness is noticeable, but is sweet enough, you can put 1 1/2 packet if you like I guess.

    Texture: Is like sugar, granulated, not white powder.

    It would seem Truvia lost, however, I think Truvia won in flavor, so I guess I'll stick with it unless next time, when i try Stevia, find a diference which I think I won't. If Truvia and Stevia taste the same (I guess they should) I'll stick with the cheapest of those two. I'll keep splenda there in case of 'emergency' (no money haha).

    This is a personal review, you really need to taste stuff for yourselves and decide what you like the most.


    I don't see a point discussing 'natural' vs 'not as natural', 'etc... It's very hard to find natural products nowadays. It doesn't matter if something is treated with chemicals when it doesn't change the fact, it comes from a natural source, while splenda and the others comes from an artificial one.

    All are sugar substitutes only, not nutritional foods.
  • Laurie1267
    Laurie1267 Posts: 169 Member