Worst date?

This has probably been done a zillion times, but worst date stories are always fun!

My worst date was with a guy who arrived fifteen minutes late, complained about the price of the food even though he was the one who picked the restaurant, and then spent the entire date *****ing about his ex to me, telling me how she was a '*kitten*'. Then when I got home he text me saying 'I can't believe how expensive that place was!'

It's a good thing I was paying for myself, or I imagine he'd have had a heart attack! :laugh:

What about you guys?


  • stepherzzzzz
    stepherzzzzz Posts: 469 Member
    We went to the mall with one of his friends, and I felt like the third wheel. Then we went back to his place and watched some stupid action movie I'd never heard of.
  • judith3
    judith3 Posts: 296 Member
    Well ive got a few to choose from shall i tell the story of the guy who showed up in basketball shorts or the racist guy?.....

    Lets go with the second one well he took me to the zoo it was going ok until he brought up mexicans :huh: and then proceded to explain how much he hated mexicans!!!! Racism is a big deal breaker for me in relationships as well as in friendships i love all types of people and do not tolerate people who are racist. So once he mentioned this i was done havent spoken to him since and if you havent figured it out yet i am Mexican :angry: oh and so was he!!

    ETD: he took me to the zoo in june in arizona!! wat the hell was he thinking it was so hot and i got sunburned
  • Myslissa
    Myslissa Posts: 760 Member
    This has probably been done a zillion times, but worst date stories are always fun!

    My worst date was with a guy who arrived fifteen minutes late, complained about the price of the food even though he was the one who picked the restaurant, and then spent the entire date *****ing about his ex to me, telling me how she was a '*kitten*'. Then when I got home he text me saying 'I can't believe how expensive that place was!'

    It's a good thing I was paying for myself, or I imagine he'd have had a heart attack! :laugh:

    What about you guys?

    I think we might have went out with the same guy.
  • BVannillie
    BVannillie Posts: 140
    I know what you mean about racism. I'm the same, and with homophobia too.

    I had a friend who I met at college, we were friends for 6 months and then one day she drops a racist bombshell on me making some comment about 'hating blacks', and that was it. BAM. Friendship over.

    Never had that on a date thank god.
  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member
    Well it was more like on the way home from the date...

    He was driving me home, and all of a sudden a car out of nowhere almost rams into the side of us, then proceeds to follow us. I'm wondering why we are having to drive 90+ mph to get away from this car and he then tells me, "Oh, that's my girlfriend, she's crazy, you better leave." Ummmm, yea he was definitely dating 2 girls at once.
    He wouldnt even drive me home, because he didnt want her to know where I lived. So he slows down really fast by a big bush, where she can't see me and I jump out the car before it's even stopped and hide behind the bush until she passes.

    I had to walk home.
  • LoggingForLife
    LoggingForLife Posts: 504 Member
    He took me to an AA sponsored function....fine. He disclosed later in the date he had done time for stabbing someone in a barber shop....not fine.
  • rachgolds
    rachgolds Posts: 75
    My first date got lost on the way to my house and my parents had to go looking for him since I didn't have a license yet!!! Not my worst date, but it was definitely one to remember!
  • _beautiful_disaster_
    never had a date, so I could never even had one! #forever alone.
  • BVannillie
    BVannillie Posts: 140
    never had a date, so I could never even had one! #forever alone.

    Don't worry, I didn't have a date until I was 21, and I'm only 24 now. You'll get one ...let's just hope it's a good one!
  • Corryn78
    Corryn78 Posts: 215
    I also had a guy take me to an AA meeting on a second date! After that he asked if we could meet his friends at the bar! lol.
  • met42485
    met42485 Posts: 71 Member
    I had a really fun one recently. He was racist, talked about every other girl he had dated in the past, asked about my income, told me about his abusive family who he still works for I might add, lied about where he went to college, and informed me that spirits and demons were walking among us at Starbucks. And he was genuinely surprised when I said no to dinner!
  • CarleyLovesPets
    CarleyLovesPets Posts: 410 Member
    I went out with a guy who said he was 5'6 and ended up being an inch shorter then me - so 5'3... He was also maybe 100 pounds soaking wet and I am a bigger girl (hopefully for not too much longer!).
    We went on a double date with another couple to the movies, shopping and a restaurant.

    The whole time he kept trying to hold my hand.
    He pet me on the head at once point and said my hair was beautiful.
    He kept telling me about how he doesn't have a job, can't drive, lives with his parents and lives off welfare ...
    Then when we went to the mall he spent 50 bucks on two ugly shirts, if you're on welfare you think you'd spend the tax payers money better?
    Then he kept drinking my redbull margarita and even the other guy was like "Dude, wtf are you doing?"
    Then at the end he even said 'I'm coming home with you tonight" and I laughed in his face, like dude... No you're not.
    I jumped out of his friends car SO fast at the end so he couldn't try and kiss me or something.

    Yeah, it was horrible.
  • abbeyl11
    abbeyl11 Posts: 73
    These are hilarious!!!! I'm not sure if I'm sad or happy that I don't have one to contribute!! Now if this was worst marriages I would totally contribute ;) My first one was a joke!
  • OkieinMinny
    OkieinMinny Posts: 834 Member
    well, this wasn't my date but we were on a triple date and my girlfriends date was upstairs at their Frat house as we awaited them to come down, her date was being sobered up by his buddies - not being too successful - he basically had to be held upright by his friends and yet continued to drink...lets just say that was an entertaining night for those of us that were not his date!
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    well, this wasn't my date but we were on a triple date and my girlfriends date was upstairs at their Frat house as we awaited them to come down, her date was being sobered up by his buddies - not being too successful - he basically had to be held upright by his friends and yet continued to drink...lets just say that was an entertaining night for those of us that were not his date!

    Bwah hahahaha, I was coming over to post the same story!!! And then I think my date may or may not have proposed to me that night.

    *edited to add, it was my first official date when he did this^^^. There may have been alcohol involved.
  • MrsRadder
    MrsRadder Posts: 207 Member
    Oh I have a few because when I was single I was a crazy magnate!

    The blind date that spent all dinner telling me how I should not work because I was a women, and how tomorrow night I was cooking him dinner or else, then 'forgot' his wallet.

    The one who after two drinks got drunk and told me how he was a virgin and expected to stay that way tonight (don't flatter yourself dude you're just drunk) and he was in love with his roommate.

    Officer Crazy who when my steak arrived promptly took it from me and cut my meat up. When I asked him if he had kids he looked surprised and said no.

    Went on a double date with is friend (another girl and her guy) She kept complaining about her date and wanted me to lie for her and say she needed to ride home with us. I said no just tell him you don't like him and good night she got all mad and went to the bathroom. My date yelled at me for being rude to his friend. And yelled at me in the restaurant I calmly asked him not to yell at me twice then I stood up grabbed my chicken and walked out.

    Few others one that was three hours late, one that didn't eat in front of people but wanted a dinner date, a dinner date that resulted in no dinner, blah blah blah.

    If you ever want to know who is crazy in a room it would be the guy checking me out. I am so thankful to have found my husband (who is not crazy) Thank goodness dating is over for me!
  • shaybethxo
    shaybethxo Posts: 153 Member
    one guy i had a date with was half an hour late, we walked around town for about three hours not doing anything. he then took me to the ikea cafe, where he bought himself tea and i had to buy my own lemonade.
    the whole time he was moaning about being poor. at the end of the date, we walked to the car park where he asked if i would pay for is car parking. i did. he then said 'okay see you soon!' and went. i had to get the bus home.

  • srawr
    srawr Posts: 32
    Oh I've had so many bad dates...

    worst I think was meeting someone for drinks in birmingham, convo being literally zero, barely said 10 words to eachother, then he claimed he'd 'forgotten his wallet' so I had to pay the £30 drinks bill!
    Then asked for a lift home.
    Told him to piss off. :P
  • lil_bit_crazy
    lil_bit_crazy Posts: 161 Member
    Had a "regular" call my work...was a 24 hour restaurant. Asked me for a date. WTH why not. Was young, bored..sure!
    I made sure to meet at a grocery store, as I lived on my own at 17 and was cautious. THANK GOD!
    The first thing he tells me is he doesn't want to go to where all my friends are as he'd feel alone and out of place.
    Ok..sounds reasonable.
    We decide to go shoot pool. Walk in..who's there? All his friends. Who now feels alone and out of place? Yeah ...well...
    We left and I thanked him for the night out. Figuring he'd take me back to my car.
    He says he needed to pick something up at home, it'll take a second. I said whatever and decided to just wait in the car.

    Pulling in the drive, lights are on and people are there. Great! Not alone! So I got out..made it to the door..dead stop. Apparently the creep thought I'd come in and "get comfy" with him and his friends.

    I didn't walk past the threshold. He ended up with a bloody broken nose and I walked 3 miles back to my car.

    My employer had to get a no trespass order because he harassed me at work for days after that.

    That has to be the worst date...yep, by far.
  • sarahlucydaynes26
    The worst date?
    Meeting my ex, him throwing me a note saying ` to the fit one ` when I was with my friend for lunch, asking if he could take me for dinner, I went... for McDonalds!!!! Could have killed him - then we dated for 8 years and his last words?? ` you`ll never meet anyone like me and you`ll never meet anyone because you`re such a spaz with your epilepsy ` My reaction?? I slapped him right across the mouth!! *kitten*! And now since I have lost 80lbs - I saw him up A & E and he could `nt believe his eyes! My reaction? ` SEE YA ` :laugh: