Anyone who has lost a significant amount of weight...



  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Do you have a ton of sagging skin or anything like that? I'm terrified that I'll lose weight and just look like a deflated sack. My mom (who is very overweight) is kind of against my dieting and has said that I'll look bad because of having been so heavy in the past, I'll just have skin to my knees and deflated boobs, etc. Is it really that bad?

    No. If you lose the weight slowly and exercise while you are losing it, you'll probably do just fine.

    If you crash diet and/or don't exercise, loose skin might be a problem.

    More importantly, that loose skin used to contain fat. So if you're one of the unlucky ones, the skin does tighten up if you work out a bit and drink plenty of fluids, and revel in the loose skin and what it USED to contain!
  • jimmeezwyf
    jimmeezwyf Posts: 140 Member
    The most I had to lose was 110 lbs. after the pregnancy with my first and I lost it all with a bikini body. I see that my weight loss is not as much as some people but I do know and have seen people do it without really bad saggy skin. A mixture of heavy weight lifting sessions and walking/cardio will help, if not alleviate the saggy loose skin. Genetics, age, and losing quickly play a part. Unfortunately you really won't know what is going to happen until you start losing the weight, but do not underestimate heavy weight lifting to really make a big difference. Just my two cents...don't know if this will help, every body is different. :) Good luck!
  • nancykhayes
    nancykhayes Posts: 20 Member
    I lost about 160 lbs. just before I turned 40. I found that drinking a lot of water and exercising throughout your dieting does help with your skin. I did have some sagging skin but it was nothing like it could have been. I feel like everyone else, it was worth it!
    I am dieting again now at 52 because I have put the weight back on. 50 lbs. in the last 4 years. I will use the same philosophy this time, water and exercise.
    Good luck and don't let anyone discourage you! It is sad to say but there are saboteurs everywhere!
  • rdbennett2000
    rdbennett2000 Posts: 1 Member
    ... overweight people I know keep telling me I'll look deflated and terrible.
    ... I don't know why all of the overweight people I know are against me getting in shape?
    I am doing circuit training so I'm hoping to tone up a lot, I don't just want to lose weight, what I care about is losing inches of fat and gaining muscle. I care less about numbers and more about having less fat on my body and being stronger/having energy. I don't want to be skinny, I want to be fit! Maybe added muscle mass will help with minimizing the saggage.
    I wonder what makes the overweight people you know think they're experts on the matter?

    As to why they're against it? For the same reason unreformed alcoholics are the worst people for a recovering alcoholic to hang around with ... they're part of the 'old' you and think they're going to lose you.

    As the others here have said, the weight training will help. Also as they've said, the rate at which you lose the weight will impact it significantly, as will your relative youth.

    Good luck in your pursuit!
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    You can't really compare and we are all different and you are young so with exercise you have a could chance.

    I am 50 so yeah I have saggy skin but I will take that over being the size I was every day of the week and twice on sundays!!!

    Best of Luck!
  • isis2triple0
    isis2triple0 Posts: 106 Member
    Honestly I would not worry about it too much like someone else on here said just take care of your skin as you loose weight lots of water, vitamins, healthy diet with plenty of greens which help tighten up skin, and most important keep your skin moist lots of good lotion like coca butter or Shea butter. Your still young so if you EAT CLEAN, LIFT WEIGHTS (serious weights make mom buy you some dumb bells or pay for gym membership instead of doughnuts), add in some sweat dripping heart pumping CARDIO and I think your skin will all tighten back up even your stomach you have to work for it though and work HARD!!! But, most importantly it's better to have some saggy skin then to stay fat and all due respect to Mom this is your body and you are entrusted to keep your temple fit she will come around and probable even join you!!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I personally do not have loose skin, but I've only lost about 50 pounds. That said, one of the most important things I can tell you is to do some kind of strength training throughout your weight loss. A lot of people wait until they get to their goal weight to "tone." You will be so much happier if you start working on it earlier in the process!
  • I've lost close to 120 lbs and am glad I lost the weight. I do have some loose skin on my arms and thighs but nothing excessive. I say lose the weight. You'll be happy you did. As for the doesn't look as bad as the excess weight did. I notice it more than anyone else does. I am also almost 50 yrs old. If you are younger your skin should bounce back easier. I went from a size 26 to a size 6. I also have been lifting weights and have seen an improvement there. Lose weight slowly, lift weights, stay hydrated and use a tightening lotion. I did that and like I said I am happy with the results and my loose skin is tightening up. Don't let your mother's comments deter you from losing weight. You need to stay positive and surround yourself with people who encourage you. Good Luck.
  • gailashton
    gailashton Posts: 292
    Of course you're going to have some sagging skin. But if you smoke, have sunbathed a lot, heavy alcohol, age they all play factors in this. I've lost over 100 pounds 3 times in my life starting at the age of 30. I exercised lifting weights, aerobics, etc. the entire time. At 30 i didn't have hardly any at all, at 40 not as good as 30, but not bad. At 50, well, lets just say it's not like 30 and 50. A lot of it depends on your skin, your heritage and your habits as well as your age. Keep exercising, lifting weights, etc. Of course you'll have some but it's way worse being obese and carrying all that around. I feel great and I'm proud of my skin. If it bothers you that much they make compression garments that keep things in place. Other than that save your money and get surgery at some point, but you've got to lose it first. Good luck. Just remember your hard work will show and you will be happier and healthier. No ones perfect.....
  • Please google Amy Barnes the bodybuilder. She has lost 340 pounds without surgery and has no saggy skin. She looks incredible and should be an inspiration to us all.
    Goodluck on your journey.
  • closeyone
    closeyone Posts: 31
    You've received some excellent advice here. I would just say take it slowly, remember that everyone is different and keep drinking that water - there really is nothing better for the skin. I am also a massive fan of Bio Oil. Ok, it isn't cheep but it helps (plus you can often find it on offer in TX Max). It may not help with sagging skin, but it helps with stretch marks (which people often think you get for weight gain, but can also come with weight loss). Best of luck for the future
  • I think your mom is probably afraid that when you lose the weight, you won't want to eat what everyone else does....assuming she's a fabulous cook that can seem like a threat to her....i have lost 25+ pounds before I heard about this sight and although my mom hears others compliment me on my weight loss, she just give me a dirty look...( I think she's afraid I'll get skinnier than her ) at any rate, DON'T let your mom discourage you !!! you're not doing this for her but, for you....Like others have said, go slow, exercize, and eat healthier and you won't be sorry and the skin will not be as saggy as you might think !!!
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    I definitely have saggy skin and I still have a long way to go.

    I am definitely starting to look "deflated".

    No I don't like it, but I'll take an entire body of saggy, deflated skin over a single day of being the way I used to be. I fully intend on having surgery to help correct this in the future once I reach my goal weight.

    The benefits of getting healthy and fit FAR outweigh loose or saggy skin issues. Anyone that encourages you to not get healthy for fear of skin problems does NOT have your best interests in mind.
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    Better to live a long life with saggy skin than to die in misery far too early.
  • JaninaRello
    JaninaRello Posts: 11 Member
    I've lost 220 and yes, I am covered in saggy skin. If you lose 179 pounds, you'll have saggy skin - I promise you that.


    Do you want to be insecure and uncomfortable 24/7 because you're obese? Or do you want to be insecure and uncomfortable only for those rare times in which you get nekkid and in front of a mirror, staring at yourself, but confident and secure the rest of the day when you're clothed?

    Would you rather be healthy, fit, and active or would you rather be plump, but not saggy?

    Your obese friends don't want you to leave their "Fat Girls Club". If you get slim, not only will you be leaving the club, but you'll make them feel inadequate because you are bettering yourself and they are NOT.

    Get your priorities in order. Saggy skin and insecurity while nekkid or a Healthy, Activite, Confident and better life the other 99% of the time.

  • HowieTwoPointZero
    HowieTwoPointZero Posts: 494 Member
    Better to live a long life with saggy skin than to die in misery far too early.

    I was 249 lbs heavier at one point. What he said.
  • kris4chloe
    kris4chloe Posts: 245 Member
    i have lost the weight slowly, it has taken almost 2 years. There is a little bit of sagging in my belly and chest but nothing to bad. I have been weight training since January and doing cardio as well as I drink lots of water and try to eat good clean food. My arms have almost no sag and that was the part I was most worried about. My plan is to wait a good year after I reach goal weight and continue to work on my fitness and if i need to get surgery I will address it then. I have read that sometimes your skin will eventually go back.

    But saggy skin is worth all the health benefits of losing the weight. My back, knees and hips thank me, plus i am being a good example to my kids and several people at my work have started working out and eating better after seeing what I have accomplished.

    Your overweight friends are just trying to find excuses to keep you from making them feel bad for not doing it themselves, do it for you, don't worry what anyone else says about it. You will live longer and be happier because you are getting healthy!
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    I have lost and gained over 300 pounds with 5 kids. I gained from 187 to 298, down to 175 back to 289 with my second child to 164 to 250 with my twins back to 200 back to 278 down to my current 252. My secret to my skin not looking like a deflated balloon is Palmers cocoa butter firming is cheap and it works on returning your skin to its natural form..I used it after my second child while I was losing weight and I was so excited that my tummy returned to really close to normal..definitely not saggy.
  • xoMeaghan
    xoMeaghan Posts: 175
    I expect to be a bit saggy, but overweight people I know keep telling me I'll look deflated and terrible. I don't know why all of the overweight people I know are against me getting in shape? I am doing circuit training so I'm hoping to tone up a lot, I don't just want to lose weight, what I care about is losing inches of fat and gaining muscle. I care less about numbers and more about having less fat on my body and being stronger/having energy. I don't want to be skinny, I want to be fit! Maybe added muscle mass will help with minimizing the saggage. I do use coconut oil on my skin/hair so maybe that will help too.

    Hey! In all honesty a lot of people will tell you bad things(Correct me if I'm wrong) but those people could be just jealous that you are looking to lose weight, that you're taking the time out of your day to recognize that you're not healthy and that you wanna get into better shape, so they're just putting you down because they can't do what you wanna do.

    Also: A good way to prevent loose skin/bagginess is exercise!!! Strengthening your muscles, tightening your skin. I'm not sure if you'll still have some loose skin going on but it's better than the fat being there! Also, you can look into surgeries that are offered free, just ask doctors and they'll give you a guideline. For my mom she lost a TON of weight(by gastric by-pass) and has to keep it off for a whole year and steady before they offer her the surgery. Keep at it, don't get discouraged, and good luck!
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    I think it takes a minute for the skin to catch up with the weight loss. I was saggy skin for a few months after the last baby but I belive the running tighten it up.
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