3 weeks and still nothing



  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Yes I have seen you posting this same PM all over the site like you are some sort of hero / nutritionist. You are so proud of it. Good for you. Give yourself a pat on the back. Congrats.

    At least he isn't some mean little guy who makes small minded personal remarks on other people's photo's and then tries to save face by editing afterwards....Have fun doing what you do, but go learn more before you attack other people you don't know at all.....
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator

    And cheers to you for knowing my story :drinker: . If you would like to continue to play, please let me know and I will gladly help you. I can even set you up on a higher calorie diet so you can cut faster. If you don't believe it works, talk to a MFP member, waterboy. Helloitsdan took him from 1300 calories to 2000 and he is cutting fat faster.

    Or even better, contact tim_bayliss or even look him up. He has photos (before and after) of what happened when I took him from 2000 calories to 2800 calories. These are 30 day photos. I am sure you can contact him and ask yourself as well.

    Thanks but I am doing great on my own following the base MFP concept.

    Unfortunately, the MFP concept doesn't work for everyone. I was one of those as I have more muscle than the average person my height and weight. Also, MFP only works if you know the guidelines to follow. For example, a person with 10 lbs to lose can not aim for a 2 lb weight loss. Your body doesn't have enough fat stores to provide energy. That is why you need to follow a guideline like below.

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal, and
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal.
  • brittany17love
    brittany17love Posts: 66 Member
    I have only lost two pounds but I have lost inches! Try measuring yourself around the waste, continue what you are doing and then measure again in a week.

    Sometimes the inches come off first and the fat goes but the muscle replaces the lost weight. DON'T GIVE UP! :D
  • ShanaGore
    ShanaGore Posts: 58 Member
    Looks like you are off to a good start. I do have a few suggestions
    1. Check your portion size. When I first started I was sometimes underestimating the size of a portion. So I would put I ate 6 oz of something when in reality it was more like 10 oz. So use measuring cups and spoons, scale ect . . . at least until you learn to better judge portion size.
    2. Replace your grains with all whole wheat (breads, pasta, rice, ect)
    3. As many others have said, cut back on sodium, sodium can really make your weight fluctuate.

    Also, I noticed you said you were exercising regularly and using weights. Take some other measurements to track progress. Often when you first start working out your body builds muscle so while the scale shows no pounds lost, you may have lost several inches. Relying on the scale alone can be frustrating. You should be looking at how your clothes fit, measuring inches to see the full scope of results.
  • Springer007
    Springer007 Posts: 84 Member
    Yes I have seen you posting this same PM all over the site like you are some sort of hero / nutritionist. You are so proud of it. Good for you. Give yourself a pat on the back. Congrats.

    At least he isn't some mean little guy who makes small minded personal remarks on other people's photo's and then tries to save face by editing afterwards....Have fun doing what you do, but go learn more before you attack other people you don't know at all.....

    save face? How am I trying to save face. She said she did not want a 1500 calorie body, and I clearly told her she did not have one. Then I made it even more clear and placed her more at an 1800 calorie kind of gal. How is that attemting to save face?
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I would recommend dropping the diet sodas and other drinks. Drink water instead. Also, if you are logging accurately then I would start dropping the processed foods for more whole foods. I made these changes and the weight started coming off. With the amount of processed foods I saw you might actually be short of micronutrients which are important for effective metabolism. I would also increase exercise if possible and start accurately logging your exercise.
  • kathygail86
    It looks like you've already gotten a lot of good advice. I say, "Ditto" to most of it. Refined sugar can lurk in the strangest places. Jiff Peanut Butter (one of my favorite breakfast foods) is high in sugar as are crackers and various types of condiments. I really say watch the refined sugar and carbs. Fruit is a good sugar/carb so don't give that up in preference to refined, processed foods like cookies and candy.

    Ah, the tricks our minds play on us to allow us to keep doing things that aren't good for us. The reason I think I've finally been successful this time is that I changed my focus from numbers of pounds to numbers of calories and grams of carbs in a day. The pounds will come off. If I am eating fewer calories than I am burning in a day, no matter what, the pounds will come off. When I wasn't quite ready to lose my weight, I would play any number of games with myself or play tricks on myself to sabotage my effort. I would lie to myself about exactly what I ate but I couldn't lie to my body. I wouldn't measure accurately or at all. I would have selective memory, usually forgetting the most fattening foods. Then, when I couldn't lose weight, I would give up wondering why. I believe the difference this time around has been my unflinching honesty even on those horrible 3000 calorie days.

    Whatever you do, don't quit trying. You'll get it right if you just keep going. You're doing the right thing to reach out for support.
  • BeSophisticate
    Two things:

    1. I didn't see any change in the scale either for about the first month. For many people, there is an adjustment period.

    2. When I looked at your food journal, it looks like you have more days you've gone over yours calories than you have days under. Not that going over is bad. I go over at least 3 days per week. I don't think there's anything wrong with it. We all have to figure out what we're going to be able to live with for the rest of our lives, after all. Just be aware that this is going to slow your progress. If you have your goal set to a 1 pound per week loss and consume too many calories at least half the week, then you might lose only half a pound or you might lose nothing.

    You are making important changes for your health. If you can't do it for 3 weeks, how are you going to do it forever? I think the most important thing you can do is focus less on the scale and more on the changes you are trying to make. If you make those changes successfully, eventually that will show up on the scale, too.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Yes I have seen you posting this same PM all over the site like you are some sort of hero / nutritionist. You are so proud of it. Good for you. Give yourself a pat on the back. Congrats.

    At least he isn't some mean little guy who makes small minded personal remarks on other people's photo's and then tries to save face by editing afterwards....Have fun doing what you do, but go learn more before you attack other people you don't know at all.....

    save face? How am I trying to save face. She said she did not want a 1500 calorie body, and I clearly told her she did not have one. Then I made it even more clear and placed her more at an 1800 calorie kind of gal. How is that attemting to save face?

    Please don't keep on trying, you are just making it worse and embarresing yourself (as if that is possible!:embarassed:

    The OP needs to lose 80lbs and you are telling her 1500 is too much (regardless of the fact that the bigger a person is, the more calories they burn just by being alive)

    The lady on whose picture you made the stupid remark that she does not look like a 1500 cal body, needs to lose about 20lbs and is a lot closer to her goal weight, so you graciously allows her 1800 cals to MAINTAIN on in your infinite wisdom???

    Thankfully most people get along quite well without your highly intelligent advice....:noway: :frown:
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member

    It's getting heated in HERE!!!!
  • oliviadaughter
    Try eating more whole unprocessed food, fresh vegetable and fruit. No pasta, or breads etc. Drink water like you love it even if you don't like it. Go all in for water. Exercise at least 5 days per week.

    Reminder watch the carbs and sugar.:smooched:
  • thomakg
    thomakg Posts: 69 Member
    I'm riding the peri-menopausal wave too - and it's way more difficult to lose now than it was ten years ago. I think that it works for me to cut back on the carbs and eat lots of protein and good fats. I consistently am low in carbs and high in protein - and often over in fat. I am losing slowly but steadily - as long as I don't scupper myself with too much vino!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I'm riding the peri-menopausal wave too - and it's way more difficult to lose now than it was ten years ago. I think that it works for me to cut back on the carbs and eat lots of protein and good fats. I consistently am low in carbs and high in protein - and often over in fat. I am losing slowly but steadily - as long as I don't scupper myself with too much vino!

    At that point it really is a hormonal balance needed to lose the fat.
    Low carb isnt very easy!
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    You nut!! LOL!!

    It's getting heated in HERE!!!!
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    omg I'm still laughin! good to see another "sick sense of humor" around here,LOL!!

    It's getting heated in HERE!!!!
  • mzfiyaa
    mzfiyaa Posts: 94 Member
    maybe u need to change ur eating habits...i changed my habits and im losing weight i set my goal at 1200 calories but i dont eat past 7pm i cut a lot of bread and pasta out i drink mostly water or crystal lights at time ,i added more veggies and fruits a lot more protein im trying to get a little more fiber in i work out at least 3-4 times a week if im hungry late at night i eat fruit.
  • Jesstruhan
    Jesstruhan Posts: 331 Member
    Just keep working at it! I always keep in mind (for me) that whatever I did a month ago will start to show. It takes about four weeks for my body to catch up with my new routine and start to drop the LB's. just keep working at it!!!
  • sistasledge101
    I agree with other posters, stay within your sugar and sodium. Also, I would try to cut out the sodas, even though they are diet. Your body will respond better to straight water!
  • nspira
    nspira Posts: 1 Member
    I think in 3 weeks you really should have lost something. I think your stomach issues might be a factor or something else is happening (ie. hormonal imbalance). I would talk to a nutritionist and get to the bottom of it before you give up. Kudos on keeping it up this long! It took me 2 weeks before I saw 1 lb come off. Very frustrating I know. Good luck.
  • DarthH8
    DarthH8 Posts: 298 Member
    Rofl at two conversations in one thread.

    But anyway to give MY advice to the OP:

    Just for a second imagine you lose all the weight you ever wanted to lose and you are the most healthy, skinny, beautiful, whatever person in the world. What then? Are you really planning on maintaining that beautiful new body of yours with that diet you are rocking right now? Hell no.

    I can't say that your actual reasons are to lose weight and look "better" for other people. However, I think this is the truth 99% of the time. Aren't we capable of much more than that? Why not actually become better instead of just looking it? The thing that I think will help you the most, my friend, is to make new goals. Instead of watching numbers focus on becoming a healthy eating, active, and most of all happy individual. If you can make attempt at that you will come into this journey on a level that takes many people a long time to accomplish.

    It will be so much easier on you if you learn to enjoy it and just make it what you do. Not only that, but you might become over-confident and self-loving even before you lose very much weight ;-)