Annoying statements made about area of residence



  • amberriner
    amberriner Posts: 7 Member
    and the...."you have on shoes!" or "do you have all of your teeth?" when visiting other states
  • briebear77
    briebear77 Posts: 253 Member
    You're from Utah...are you Mormon? NOO!! Grr.

    Or, oh are you a polygamist? No again..
  • arielian
    arielian Posts: 200
    Oh your from NYC...are you all really rude, how come you dont have an accent, do you always see celebrities on the street? TUH.
  • jennaryan1205
    jennaryan1205 Posts: 43 Member
    I am in the panhandle of Florida. Everyone assumes it is sunshine and palm trees. It is really just rain and alligators and spanish moss........

    And MOSQUITOS!!!!
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    I'm from Oregon. And not from Portland.

    Once when I was donating blood here in Vegas, I had the lady look at my driver's license and say, "Oregon huh? Is it true they have great weed?"

    Um, I wouldn't know?

    We know if you're not from Oregon when you can't pronounce it correctly.

    So true!! And I can almost always spot a non-native on the way they pronounce Eugene (no, I'm not from Eugene).
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    I'm from Louisiana. No, I don't know any swamp people. No, I never lived by the swamp. No, I don't have a pet alligator. No, I've never hunted an alligator. :P
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    you live in Oregon wtf is out there? Lewis & Clark right oregon trail......

    Lol! Yes, for starters! Btw...I looked at your profile! :wink:
  • jogdog
    jogdog Posts: 89 Member
    I am from New Orleans and apparantly, everybody thinks we talk weird. We might say some things a little weird or make up our own words for things, but not everybody talks like that! In fact, only a small percentage of the population here does (aka Swamp People). IT IS NOT "Nawlins". It is New Orleans. No, I don't live in a swamp. No, not all of us are fat. Only tourists wear Mardi Gras beads outside of Mardi Gras season. No we don't have a parade for everything. Locals treat Mardi Gras like a family event and it's the stupid tourists that come and ruin it with all the drinking, flashing, and just being plain obnoxious. I do not add tabasco, tony cachere's, or salt to all of my food. I'm tired of hearing about Katrina and the devestation and aftermath. Should I go on? I love my city, but I can't stand all the misconceptions and portrayals out there by the media, movies, and tv shows.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I actually just had to de-friend a long time friend (high school buddy of my hubby's) the other day because he basically said that because hubby and I live in Chicago we are SUPPORTING gun violence. WTF????? :noway:
    Yay Chicago.
    My favorite..

    Person:I was in Chicago...It really is windy.
    me : well its called the windy city because of the politicians. Its not actually more windy than any other city.
    Person: Really? Because it was really windy
    me: ...pulls out gun
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    I actually just had to de-friend a long time friend (high school buddy of my hubby's) the other day because he basically said that because hubby and I live in Chicago we are SUPPORTING gun violence. WTF????? :noway:

    Whoa! That's really....I don't know...just way out there. Whack. :frown:
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    oh youre from texas?
    you have guns? yes
    you have a cowboy hat? yes
    you have cowboy boots? yes
    do you have a truck? yes
    do you eat lots of bbq? yes

    i guess i fit the stereotypical Texan except I do not know anything about owning a ranch, i live in the city and i dont have a belt buckle.

    question though, are texans the only ones that know what a frito pie is? my gf moved from NC and said she never even heard of one. if you havent had one you must! wait, only on occasion cause we are trying to get healthy here lol
  • jenready
    jenready Posts: 2,658 Member
    No I do not live on a farm, I do not have a dog named Toto and I do not know where Dorothy is.
  • Jodibear58
    Jodibear58 Posts: 280 Member
    "Maryland? Where's that?"

    Often heard on the west coast....
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    You're from Buffalo?! Is it snowing up there?

    No Jacka$$, It's July 11th...:explode:

    so it's just flurries?

    Try being from NJ... no I don't know Snooki

    Trying being from NJ and unfort I DO know her ---- #fail

    Please wack her upside the head next time you see her and tell her it's from SOUTH Jersey! lol ;)
  • VictoriousMommy
    VictoriousMommy Posts: 24 Member
    "Where are you from?"

    "Rhode Island"

    "OH, Rhode Island, New York"

    Get this almost everywhere I go! NO people Rhode Island is a state, didnt you learn anything in 5th grade? LOL
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    Every I time I leave the NE area I get "Oh! You're from Ma? Say Pahk the cah in Hahvahd Yahd" Pisses me off
  • Gwynhyffar
    Gwynhyffar Posts: 24 Member
    "You're from Minnesota? You don't sound like the movie Fargo!"

    No, no one sounds like that unless they are from the WAY north.

    I get this a lot too. I live in North Dakota.
  • VictoriousMommy
    VictoriousMommy Posts: 24 Member
    Every I time I leave the NE area I get "Oh! You're from Ma? Say Pahk the cah in Hahvahd Yahd" Pisses me off

    haha:laugh: so true, im originally from RI, and now a Mass girl
  • Zee48
    Zee48 Posts: 789 Member
    oh youre from texas?
    you have guns? yes
    you have a cowboy hat? yes
    you have cowboy boots? yes
    do you have a truck? yes
    do you eat lots of bbq? yes

    i guess i fit the stereotypical Texan except I do not know anything about owning a ranch, i live in the city and i dont have a belt buckle.

    :heart: I love this one - I am from Texas - bred, born, raised & still here! I've been asked all of those things too and I do have the belt, buckle & boots, I say y'all but I never owed a ranch or an oil well either. Yes, I am a lady!

    question though, are texans the only ones that know what a frito pie is? my gf moved from NC and said she never even heard of one. if you havent had one you must! wait, only on occasion cause we are trying to get healthy here lol
  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    oh youre from texas?
    you have guns? yes
    you have a cowboy hat? yes
    you have cowboy boots? yes
    do you have a truck? yes
    do you eat lots of bbq? yes

    i guess i fit the stereotypical Texan except I do not know anything about owning a ranch, i live in the city and i dont have a belt buckle.

    :heart: I love this one - I am from Texas - bred, born, raised & still here! I've been asked all of those things too and I do have the belt, buckle & boots, I say y'all but I never owed a ranch or an oil well either. Yes, I am a lady!

    question though, are texans the only ones that know what a frito pie is? my gf moved from NC and said she never even heard of one. if you havent had one you must! wait, only on occasion cause we are trying to get healthy here lol

    I LOVE frito pie.

    And I love this, because regarding my post:

    Have you ever ridin' a horse to school? Yes.
    Do you own a cowboy hat? Yes.
    Do you have boots? Yes.
    Have you ever been cow tipping? Yes.


    Also, ANYTHING that fizzes is "coke". At least where I come from in Texas!

    In Texas:
    "What drinks do you have?"
    "Coke, tea, water."
    "Great. I'll have a Dr. Pepper."

    In other states:
    "Do you want a coke?"
    "Yes, what kind?"