Annoying statements made about area of residence



  • Musikelektronik
    Musikelektronik Posts: 739 Member
    You live in Orange County, CA? Are you friends with the OC housewives?!


    Wait. You're not? :laugh:
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,273 Member
    I'm Jamaican so where do I start. smh

    "You don't sound Jamaican"... Yes I do! not everyone in the US have the same accent thus not everyone in Jamaica have the same accent!

    "Can you cook curry chicken/jerk chicken?"ect .... ugh

    "Do you smoke weed"....No do you smoke crack? really? if you didn't know weed is illegal in Jamaica too geesh!

    "Yeah mon" ...For crying out we don't say that!

    "I hear it's dangerous there"... There is danger all over, we arent running around like crazy animals killing each other.

    "So you lived near the beach right" we don't all live on the edge of the island smh

    "Where are you from Kingston"?... No! there are 13 other parishes you kno..

    "I love Bob Marley"..Ok then, good for you I am not a huge fan
  • hollyk57
    hollyk57 Posts: 520 Member

    I am from Vancouver, Wa and I hate when people say The "couve" It's Vancouver not the "Cove!"

    Hehe.. ok, a little off the specific topic, but this reminded me of how everyone abbreviates everything here in Colorado... It's not Colorado Springs, it 'The Springs'... LoDo in downtown, sports teams are the Av's instead of the Avalanche, the Rocks instead of the Rockies... and I've lived here for 3 years now and I still have no idea what areas the traffic and weather guys are talking about when they reference 'the hogback', 'the turnpike', the 'switchback' and the 'mousetrap'... are people really this verbally lazy here? It's like you need a dictionary to speak 'Coloradoan' and that would probably just be a pamphlet of acronyms, abbreviations and symbols....
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    You live in Nashville = you must loooooove country music.

    Nope. Nashville offers LOTS and lots of other music genres. It's not all cowboy hats and rhinestones.

    I live about 1 1/2 hours north of Nashville! I would move to Nashville if I could. Love it there!!
  • sunnymel126
    sunnymel126 Posts: 359 Member
    You're from Lancaster? Are you Amish?

    Do I look Amish? I bathe b----es. LOL
  • callikia
    callikia Posts: 226 Member
    I live in West Virginia...which apparently the majority of people in the US do not know is AN ENTIRELY SEPARATE STATE! No, I didn't say "Western" Virginia. Do you call it Northern Carolina too? (I'm not originally from here but it dumbfounds me every time someone doesn't realize it's a state.)

    And, yes, most of the people I know have all their teeth.
    And, no, they do not marry their relatives.

    Okay, well there are a select few... ;)
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    " I live in England"...

    Oh my god, I am so very sorry.
  • I live in south Alabama.. Yes I have a southern accent. Yes I like country music, Yes I live in a trailer.. but No, I am NOT a redneck, nor am I "Trailer Trash". There is a BIG difference, trust me.. but we are related to some of them unfortunately, LOL
  • Annette_rose
    Annette_rose Posts: 427 Member
    "You live in Missouri, the Ozarks?" "Are hillbillies real?" My reply....a resounding YES!!!! Those postcards that you see about the Ozark hillbillies...well, they are real. I moved here from Texas and will not ever say "you'uns". Also, I pronouce it Missouri, not Missoura. It has a darned "i" at the end, not an "a", lol.
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,273 Member

    "Say something in Jamaican" ...:huh: Jamaican is not a language dumba$$ it's called "Patois'!
  • MD1978
    MD1978 Posts: 477 Member
    :Ne-Va-Da NOT Ne-vah-duh....locals are a bit touchy about this :laugh:
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    We call it the Awesomer Carolina. And it is... :laugh:

    Nah... My Carolina is more awesome =p (The North one.. )
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    San Fran? :noway:

    San Francisco. :happy:

    That one drives me more batchit than "Frisco"

    Same with "Cali", It's CALIFORNIA!

    I hate the San Fran and Frisco ones but I use the Cali one. :)

    The one I hate most? Yay Area. Stfu up with that already!!
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    Try being from Phoenix. Everybody says, "Oh, but the summers aren't too bad, right? It's a dry heat." Yes, a dry heat that makes you feel like you're being cooked in a freaking oven, thank you very much. :explode:

    Stop comparing your stupid 90-degree/high-humidity summers to our 115 temperatures, okay? There is no comparison. Period. :grumble:

    they dont compare...115 in Phoenix is WAY better than 95 and humid.

    No Doubt Id beg for 115 and no humidity have no idea what its like to be 96 F and 98% humidity.

    for the record i have lived in both environments and as i said greatly prefer 115 in phoenix.

    and then the rest of the year is absolutely wonderful. and practically no rain! and one of the sunniest places in the U.S.

    if only we had an ocean that was a 3 hour drive that didnt affect our humidty. :D
  • Musikelektronik
    Musikelektronik Posts: 739 Member

    "Say something in Jamaican" ...:huh: Jamaican is not a language dumba$$ it's called "Patois'!

    Try watching The Harder They Come as an American-English speaker. Trust me, it's a different language! :bigsmile:
  • okinmaine
    okinmaine Posts: 101 Member
    Everyone from MA is a Masshole.... Ok.. so, maybe this one has a bit of truth.. I am a Masshole relocated to NH lol
    I'm a Masshole relocated to Maine. I DO think there is truth to this statement :tongue: and No......I haven't "Pahked my cah in Hahvid yahd." hate that one!
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Originally from Moscow so don't say stupid things like this to other Russians:

    Oh so is it cold all the time (snow all the time)? Um, no. Google it.

    Do you drink a lot of vodka? While this may be true for some Russians, don't assume all drink vodka. Way to stereotype.

    Are you a communist? I just say yes at this point and leave it at that.

    Oh here's a favorite: Do you know my Russian friend so and so? Why's not like Russia is huge or anything.

    Are you a spy? Just like the communist question...I just say yes.

    I know stereotypes exist for a reason, but come on!

    Can you see Alaska from your backyard!!!! LOL! Sorry I had to throw that in! :wink:
  • Allishole
    Allishole Posts: 15 Member
    "Oh, you're from OAK City" when reminding people you grew up in Oklahoma City. Yeah, there's no OAK in that (and NOONE from OKC refers to the city as OAK City)...Thanks, ESPN, numerous pilots on Southwest, and my boyfriend for constantly incorrectly referring to the capital of Oklahoma. ;)
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    I'm from Virginia. No, I'm not a racist. That's my dad. No I don't eat grits. No I don't fry my own chicken. No, it's not really that southern in Richmond.
  • SteffieMark
    SteffieMark Posts: 1,719 Member
    "All it ever does in Seattle is rain!"

    Please tell me why I have to water my yard all summer to keep it from dying due to LACK OF RAIN? lol