Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's Week 12

Sorry for the delay team!


  • jacque509
    Hey it snowing in Houston ya all:bigsmile: Well I gained but I expected that after all the eatin over the weekend. Wt 245, and I worked out for 4 out of 7 days. Hope to do better this week
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    No problem!!!! Lost almost another 1 1/2 lbs!!! Woo hoo!! :drinker: I was a little worried because by the end of the long weekend, I was really bored and getting out of control with my snacking. Once I went back to work Monday, it was a lot better.

    Weight - 224.6
    Exercise - 6 days for a total of almost 5 1/2 hrs this week.

    I did day 2 of week 3 C25K last night. I was really discouraged when I was done because it seemed harder than day 1 instead of easier. It had me doubting that I can do this. The only thing that got me through was that I had watched BL the night before and they were running the marathon. I just kept thinking that when they started off a lot less fit than I am and they were able to keep going for 26.2 miles. I could keep going until that 3 minute mark! Today I'm feeling a cold coming on, so I'm hoping that's why yesterday was harder. I'll keep plugging away and hopefully I'll get those doubts out of my head.

    Hope everyone has a good day!!!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone!!

    Well, for my workout challenge and vowing to get 5 days in, I falied. 2 was all I accomplished. I am down 2.2 lbs to 185.4, and still .4 above my start 12 wks ago. I have done exercise the last 2 days, both times in the mid morning, which will work good during the week, so I want to keep that routine. Weekends, well, Saturday's are a little different when I am driving the bus, but plan is to pack all my gear and walk the streets. I did my walk/jog outdoor twice now, and I have to say, I like it much better than indoors. Time just goes by so much faster for me. Yeah, it is cold, but I don't mind. It was zero with the windchill today, but I had 4 layers on top, 2 on bottom, 2 pr socks, scarf, hat and wool mittens. Didn't get cold once! Just love the coldness and it revives me! Then I did day 2 of the Shred. I will say this am my upper chest/shoulder area was sore and my thighs....ooowweee :sad: This is gonna be a tough workout to keep up with, but I am willing to take on the I need to bring it, every day!

    So, today I am dog sitting again for my folks, still doing laundry and gonna bake for my guys soon. Sorry for the late addition of the new thread.....and, if it's ok w/you all, I have taken some names off the charts, I have all the details on another chart, so I can add anyone back at anytime if they like....just a few who have not posted lately....and it would be great if they would return! Miss ya all!

    Angie ~ you are still doing so great on exercise! hang in there, you will be out of this funk soon! :flowerforyou: The shred is Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred. It is a dvd workout that consists of 3 different workouts with 3 diff levels, like beginner's, intermediate and advanced. You move to the next level when you feel you are ready. I am gonna try 10 days with each and see how that goes. This is my first time with it, so I am just learning. Those of you that have done it might have other helpful information to add. I believe all the workouts last right at 20 -25 minutes( 2 min warmup and 2 min cooldown). I would say it is definately circuit training. intervals of cardio, strength and abs. I bought mine @ Walmart for $ 10. It really gets you sweatin too. I am on day 2 and the tops of my thighs are screaming today! I am going to do before pics later and measure tomorrow. I hope to finish on Jan 1st, with a "shredded' body, HA!

    Anyway, will check in later...good luck team...keep on keepin'!
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Hello Everyone:

    Sorry i have been MIA ..... lw 187 cw 189 gained 2 pounds(could be alot worse so i am not too upset) .... i havent logged my food in since before thanksgiving and i havent excercised.... i have lost my motivation and not sure how to get it back .... hope everyone else is doing good
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Hello Everyone:

    Sorry i have been MIA ..... lw 187 cw 189 gained 2 pounds(could be alot worse so i am not too upset) .... i havent logged my food in since before thanksgiving and i havent excercised.... i have lost my motivation and not sure how to get it back .... hope everyone else is doing good

    Getting back on the website is the first step!!! Now go log your food!!!! :wink:
  • angiemcnett
    I forgot to weigh myself this morning. I will do it tomorrow morning. I think I forgot on purpose because I don't want to see the scale go up again. I did get 630 minutes of exercise in 4 days. Yeah! I am finally getting out of my funk. :smile:

    I think I want to try Jillian's 30 day shred after I have my baby. It sounds like a good way to get exercise in. My gym membership is up at the beginning of June and I am not sure where we will be after May. My husband has a 9 month teaching position that is done in May. I have a baby in May and my hubby becomes unemployed at the end of the month. I try not to think about it because I have no control over what happens. I am thankful we have great health insurance until September or October.

    Does anyone else find that when they log all their food in they eat less? I think for me, if I want to eat it then I have to log it ; do I really want to eat it becomes the question? Some times will choose not to eat something because that means I have to log it and I really don't want to take the time to do it. Doesn't work all the time but enough for me to notice. Have a great evening.:smile:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey team....running out of gas here....helpin dh and sons get ready for opening season. is oldest son's very first time hunting...glad he will be beside dh for the day... i think there is 7 in their party. i have always wanted to be near home when this time of year comes....just a nervous nelly here...but, i will be over an hour away....

    itty bitty ~ 2 lbs could be a lot of have lost 36 lbs and that is so great! reflect on you want to stay there OR keep going...yes, this is hard work, eating healthier, finding time to exercise. sometimes too, we just need to take some time off. don't forget to keep on doing the fun things you like to do, most of what we normally do can still be part of the lifestyle you are trying to change. hang in there, something will * click * again.... most of us have gone thru 'careless' moments, weeks, months even. that is part of the process and normal. take care and remember we're here for you!!:flowerforyou:

    angie ~ you sound like you are in a better spring will bring possible frustrations to you and your family. but all you can do is do the best you can. you will have a new baby to love and care for and I know it will be a happy time. when we had our first son, we had just moved into a house, and while on my 2 wk of maternity leave, my dh was laid off for 11 weeks. it was scary, but somehow we made it thru each day...i have faith in you as well. re logging. i do much better all the way around when i log my food. stick to the plan better, eat so i am fueled and not stretching too long between meals. i sometimes wonder if i printed it off ahead of time, that would save me from running back and forth to record it all. i have a pretty good variety of meals for when i am here during the day alone, evening and weekends are my weak times. something new i am trying is i am going to start setting goals for the weekends, not just during the week, like sticking to a clean diet and getting in exercise. i want to make most of my days * count * and that includes weekends.

    well, have a great weekend team. will check in later tomorrow evening when i return from my meet.
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Hey all, gotta keep it short;( not able to type much rigth now, but I gained 2 so i am back at 215 (I blame the evil plot of aunt flow) shes a wretched Hag:(
    anyhow did 250 min of exercise this week hopefully it will get better, I am waiting on some snow:) been having teh thick frost, but no snow yet down to 29 though:( cold and the wind is what kills! But hopefully monday the hubby will be home to warm me up:) lol
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    OH MY GOODNESS ... I can't believe I drank the whole bottle ... French Blend Red by Magnotta ... mmmmmmmmm!!!!


    I guess I took the celebration a bit too far ... It was one year ago today that I had my last cigarette!!!


    I'm down 1/2 lb. this week ... it's not much but down is down right?
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    I did about 200 minutes of exercise this week also ... I forgot to mention that in my last post.
  • angiemcnett
    I remembered to weigh myself this morning. I stayed the same at 208.:happy: I am so glad I didn't gain. Why are weekends so difficult for me? All I want to do is eat all day long. I do great during the week about staying within my calories but on weekends I go hog wild. On top of that I don't go to the gym. Today, I went over my calories by 1200. I craved candy bars so I had a snickers, peanut butter cups, and Jimmy John chocolate chunk cookie. Thank God I don't do that very often. The 3 bite thing didn't work for me today.:grumble: I hope everyone is having a better day then me.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey pepper's ~

    i am sooooooooooo tired. bleacher butt for sure. i did walk/jog the campus there, but no energy for Jillian now....hope this is ok. i guess i don't know if the 30 day shred is to be consecutive or if just being consistant. i think it does a body good to rest some or have an off day. mom my is ill so no eatin Chinese for me tomorrow...not sure what i will to myself since guys will be hunting.....

    angie ~ congrats on staying the same....weekends are hardest for me too... your hormones are likely still fluctuating with your pregnancy, and could be why you are craving choc, sugar, salt..... it is gonna be ok....a day or two here and there isn't going to hurt that much. when i got home tonite, i wanted to eat the house....i did have some chicken nuggets and corn...which was not planned. as we all say, one day at a time....maybe you could ask your dh to give you a massage to relax you some.....take some time for just *you*...breathe, think positive thoughts. :flowerforyou:
  • Whitneyh29
    hi i am new to this group.. and well a little late t o it as well.. i didnt weigh in on friday cause its broken.. i threw it out.. umm but i also did horrible this weekend it was nuts.. i think i ate like a whole weeks worht of food in two days ok not really but i was just always hungry its probably because i am in training for my body to get used to portion control so i was always hungry like every 2 hours on the dot..which ean my metabolism yes is getting better but i grabbed for not healthy stuff any ideas for healthy snacks.. and how to eat healthy along side of a husband.. ( were newly weds) 1 year yeah ya on the 20th
  • Whitneyh29
    p.s. not sure if i just click reply to post.. or if there is somewhere where i literally post something!!? i am new sorry if thats dumb to ask?!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Hi Pepper's,
    I have been really sick for the last 4 days, just wanted to check in. Not eating solid food and not going to work today. Will check in later.

    :heart: thanks for checking in with me Kelly, but I am still doing this, just under the weather. :smile:
  • angiemcnett
    Sindyb9 - I hope you feel better soon.:flowerforyou:

    Whitneyh29 - I am sure you did not even come close to eating as bad as me this weekend. Today is a new day so we keep on trying to make better choices. I am beginning to wish the week had only 5 days in it. Almost every weekend I struggle with not eating constantly.

    Have a great day Smokin' Hot Green Pepppers!:smile:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Happy Monday Team! Here's to a week of health and wellness! May you all realize the importance of taking care of yourself and do all that is necessary in getting there! :flowerforyou:

    So, yesterday I started out good, then it went downhill from there, mainly diet.....I didn't get any exercise. As soon as I get done here, I am going to do my walk/jog ( not sure if I will go outside, we have bout 1 1/2 inches of new snow), day 3 of Level 1 Shred and then my stretch and tone. Possible we could have a 'snow day' here this week, and I am kinda excited, b/c we will all be here. DH on vacation, and if we get blizzard like conditions, the schools will close as travel will not be advised. I have a bus trip Thursday and Saturday, with bus inspection tomorrow. I am anxious to start my holiday baking, fishish up shopping, wrapping and cards! Yup, it is a crazy time!

    Whitney ~ Congrats on the 1 Yr !! :flowerforyou: :heart: You are doing fine here...and plz ask if you need any help about the site....someone is bound to know the answer. First of all, you have taken the biggest step on your wt loss journey. Just realizing you want to do something means you are concerned. The hardest part is changing. I think many of us here would agree that taking small steps, and one day at a time will ease your transition into it all, while at the same time learning so much about yourself....bad habits, emotions, what you think...etc. Sometimes if we change too much at once, we just get frustrated and give up. One thing that has really helped me is planning out my entire day's meals. AND, making sure it is all ready and very little prep time. Ideas here..... I will cook a 3lb bag of chicken breasts, salmon fillets, talipia etc, on Sunday and have them ready for the whole week, have tuna salad prepared. Veggies cleaned, cut and bagged ready to grab. The less time I am in the kitchen the better chance my mind is off food. Try to eat foods that fill you up....healthy fats ( whole nuts, unsalted, olive oil) lean protein ( meats, dairy, kidney beans ), and a clean carb ( fresh fruit, veggies, whole grains ). Avoid processed food. We know this** whole thing ** is not easy, so don't be hard on yourself if you is ok! Just put it behind you and move on...but also, try to learn from it. Ask yourself why? what? how? These are just a few things that you can think about...and I am sure some other's here will have good tips too. I have been struggling with my wt for almost 15 yrs....joined here in Jan, with good results when I stuck to my plan. Yes, I planned on being at my goal wt by now, but was sidetracked. I always find myself back here with these great ppl and this team! I guarantee that whatever you put into your wt loss efforts, you will have results! Good luck and stay positive! :flowerforyou:

    Sindy ~ sorry to hear you been sick girl. take it easy and rest it away with lots of fluids! :flowerforyou:

    Have a great day peppers...make it count! :heart:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member

    Yay Crystal, you are almost @ 50 lbs lost!! Way to go girl! So proud and happy for ya! * I-N-S-P-I-R-A-T-I-O-N * :bigsmile:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Exercise Goals for this week are to have 5 workouts, maybe 6!
  • jacque509
    OMGoodness, Went Christmas overboard thhis weekend with Decorations, my mom came to help me, I think she knew I was down and out. Having trouble with DS yesterday, thinks he a man now and can tell me what he gonna do. Went to church and stayed gone all day and left him to himself. Even ate out so He had to cook for himself. Also took Computer modem, laptop and cords to his Xbox so let see who the man is now. Told him when he stop cussing, disrespecting me and do as he is told he can have his stuff back.
    Ok new week, got up and went to the gym before work and I really do feel better. Gonna record all I eat this week like Crystal said and hope to turn this around.
    Hope everyone has a good day