Breaking Point



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I won a sailboat race. I felt like I was flying. I didnt look like I felt. I couldnt live with the disconnect anymore.

    I was in the wrong life and I had to get back to myself before it ran away with me.
  • itsgood
    itsgood Posts: 85 Member
    I had a couple of years before turning 50, and I wanted so badly to be able to enter that decade healthy and active. I dreamed of kayaking, hiking in the mountains, running, and playing on that birthday! I couldn't bear to think it wouldn't happen. I had serious weight to lose, but realized how incredibly lucky I'd been to have never experienced any medical conditions and in fact was rarely ever sick in my life. Still, I knew it was just a matter of time. Then a friend had a heart attack, and did NOTHING to change his lifestyle after having stents. Unbelievable! I realized this was my wake-up call and I was listening!!! So I started and have never looked back. 90+ lbs. lost, work out nearly every day, eat well (most of the time!!!) I LOVE LIVING A HEALTHY LIFE!!!!!!!
  • 1960HikerDude
    1960HikerDude Posts: 215 Member
    I've always loved the outdoors and have been active. I cut back on my hiking a year and half ago to spend more time with my GF. I was overweight to begin with. After I stopped hiking, I blew up like the frickin' Good Year blimp.

    My GF is an RN at one of those "Dial a Nurse" operations. She councils people on their chronic health conditions. She had been bugging me for months about my weight gain. But, I just couldn't find the motivation to do anything about it until a couple months ago when I saw my doctor.

    My doc told me, according to my BMI, I was considered obese and my good cholesterol was low due to lack of exercise. If that wasn't enough, she said, if my BP got any worse she would put me on meds to control it. I've been on a CPAP for a couple years now for obstructive sleep apnea.

    I simply couldn't reconcile any this with my self-image. I've always seen myself as an active outdoor person who embraces life and thrives on adventure. But according to medical numbers, I was just another fat *kitten* sitting in front of a TV eating his way to an early grave. I missed the mountains and my hiking friends

    So, here I am.
  • BSBgirl337
    BSBgirl337 Posts: 119 Member
    I had a cupcake last night and felt bad about it anyway.

    This morning I tried to put on a pair of pants that should fit by now, and they still don't. Not really my first breaking point, but my "re-breaking" point. :(
  • DawnB86
    DawnB86 Posts: 99 Member
    As some others have said...not my first breaking point but the most recent one that kicked me back into gear. Last month my 22 year old niece was diagnosed with acute liver failure (didn't drink, do drugs, eat bad, no pre-existing idea how it happened.) She died a week later. She has three children with no mom or dad. I realized that I needed to be there for them. I couldn't continue on this self-destructive path that would eventually take me away from my family as well.

    Losing her also made me remember that I'm an organ donor but at the rate I'm going, when I die, my organs won't be good for anyone. I don't want to leave this world not having helped some other people. I know it won't matter to me after I die but it matters to me now and it's been good motivation.
  • AmberBucsis
    would have been nice if your gf would join you on those hikes.. never stop doing what you love. You only have one life. Do what you want with it. Have fun, get out there, explore the world. One day at a time, make small goals, you can do it. !
  • 1960HikerDude
    1960HikerDude Posts: 215 Member
    Thanks Amber.

    To be fair, my GF has some physical limitations (that I won't go into) that prevent her from hiking with me. We do other outdoorsy things together such as kayaking and camping. She has been very supportive of my efforts to regain my fitness.

    At the time I stopped hiking, I had just completed my goal of hiking all the 4,000 foot peaks in New Hampshire's White Mountains. My intention was to take a short break, maybe one or two months. That turned into an 18 month hiatus.

    It's tough rationing my time. We only get to see each other on weekends. Our family and professional obligations keep us apart during the week. I just wish this stinking economy would improve . That would make it much easier for one or both of us to relocate .
  • sallyrose88
    What was everyones Breaking Point when you realised that you needed to change your life. What was happening when you told yourself youve had enough???

    losing someone very close to me from cancer.(my second mum)
    a perfectly healthy, happy and fit woman of 43 emmigrated to australia on the 25 march 2012 , found out she had cancer on the 12 april 2012, her funeral was on the 10 june.