p90X / Insanity -possible if you are VERY out of shape?



  • I was out of shape in a horrible way the when I did P90X Lean. Once I had completed the 90 days I took some time off (not a good Idea) and did a round of insanity. My wife and I are now into week 4 of P90X Classic. This is my wifes first round. She is modifying the workouts so that she is able to continue on through each video. I still modify a lot of the exercises. Its hard!!!! In my head I think it's not as bad as Insanity.
  • angrodriguez92
    angrodriguez92 Posts: 193 Member
    Oh man! I forgot, there is a fitness test that you have to do before you can do the program. I don't know if your dvds came with the books but in the book there are certain things you have to be able to do before you can start the program. Look those up, and try them out. If you aren't quite there, give it some more time. Let the guy who designed it, decide if you are ready. =)
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    There is ALWAYS a way to modify exercise so that it is possible for you to do it. You started out with modification and work your way up to doing it how they do it. Any bit of exercise is good for you...even if you're not able to keep up 100%. It's definitely possible and better than doing nothing!
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    I found that p90x was too intense for me so I stick with power90 :) I do what works for me. If in the future I've built up the stamina and strength, I'll give it another go.

    I also do Power 90!! I think it's great, and it's gotten me back into exercising!!
  • MrsMangler
    MrsMangler Posts: 63 Member
    I was "VERY out of shape". I started walking. I'm still not in super shape, but I've doubled my walking time. (Yay!) I'm planning on doing the Insanity, but I'm sure I will have to modify to keep from hurting myself! If it's too much for me, I'll have to stick to other forms of cardio/strength for awhile. I don't want to set myself up for failure, but I want to make sure I can challenge myself too. GL!
  • adelu32
    adelu32 Posts: 3 Member
    I have P90X and I've done P90. I loved P90, and enjoyed doing it. P90x for me is a good workout but it is very bad on my knees. I'm 185 pounds (first time I have admitted that to anyone other than my sisters), and I have a hard time recovering after doing P90x. I've switched to Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. I like it because it is hard, easy on my joints and I don't need to free up an hour of my day to work out (an hour I do NOT have). I hope to one day be able to get through the p90 x workouts, but until I lose more weight (like 20 to 30 pounds), I will stick to something that is less stressful on my knees. I feel that the advice the other guy said about being too big to do plyometrics applies to me. I feel like now that I'm doing Jillian Michaels I'm getting a good work out and saving my joints. This week, I have done a few of the p90x dvd's such as the cardio x (it hurt my knees though), the kenpo, and the stretch x videos. I do only those when I'm trying to get an extra workout in.

    Good luck and be safe.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I have always wanted to give it a go - but really terrified of failing it!
    I am just under 300 pounds, so I don't know if I would be able to even do it!

    To those who have done it / are doing it - do you think it is possible?

    I would say do it if you're out-of-shape.

    If you're in-shape and been strength training then I would say don't do it.
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    I don't understand why one would initially modify p90x. why not save the money, build up your strength, then buy it? :shrug:
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    There is ALWAYS a way to modify exercise so that it is possible for you to do it. You started out with modification and work your way up to doing it how they do it. Any bit of exercise is good for you...even if you're not able to keep up 100%. It's definitely possible and better than doing nothing!

    Not necessarily, especially when pertaining to plyometrics. Plyometrics are exercises that revolve around explosive force that puts a lot of stress on the knees via jumping. To remove the jumping element would essentially be removing the exercise. And half of insanity is plyometrics. There is such a thing as too big to do plyometrics. If you don't believe me, ask your knees.
  • cOOkieLpX
    cOOkieLpX Posts: 63 Member
    I started at 282 lbs so I modify and am on the 11th week and don't modify as much. It will get to a point where I will not have to modify as much. Moving is better then not doing anything. Anyway, its not like the videos will only play once for me and I cant play them again. Maybe when I get to the second round I wont have to modify. Shoot maybe it wont happen until round 3. Who knows, but its worth a try.
  • momtimecafe
    momtimecafe Posts: 7 Member
    Yes, GO for it! I concur with most people who suggest modifying the workouts! I never worked out before 2 years ago...and who would've guessed that I chose P90X as the program to start my changes. Guess what?! It worked. I found myself excited to workout with Tony everyday...and I trusted his instruction on how I should move my body properly.

    The key to any home fitness program is accountability. If it's innate in you, that's fantastic. Some people need a little more support to help motivate then and guide them through, cause 20% of it's the actual workouts that will drive your transformation and the other 80% is your nutrition. If you would like to chat offline about it, happy to give you another perspective, since I completed the 90 days. lindsaymandrews@gmail.com

    If you want a small dose of motivation, you should watch these two UNBELIEVABLE transformation stories.

    GOOD LUCK! I hope you go for it!
  • Do Power90 it is the baby/beginner steps to P90X. That one still kicked my butt and I am very over weight. I would suggest starting out with the biggest loser work outs. Those I could do better and the people working out where bigger so I was like ok if they can do it I can do it, instead of seeing this itty bitty people doing all the exercises and making me go, ok how do I modify this. Also the biggest loser workouts, he DOES show how to modify if you need to so you still get the best out of your workout.
  • I say go for it...at your own pace. I tried P90X and could push through it...but it was sooooo boring. Plus it was hard to carve out 90 minutes a day.

    Insanity month one workouts are about 30 minutes & month two are about 45 minutes...so I feel like I can push through that.

    Plyometrics are not really a natural exercise for anyone (unless you are into parkour). I never even encountered plyometrics until I did a roller derby boot camp. I hadn't skated or worked out in years, yet I pushed through 3 hours of that "stop, start, jump, repeat" and felt great after. The whole point is to constantly *explode* from one position to the next...

    I'm starting my 60 day Insanity tomorrow...and got it for $35 brand new / unopened by browsing the web.

    That way if I don't like it, at least I didn't spend a bunch of money on it! Shop around...

    Slow down when you need, drink plenty of water...and good luck! Oh, and most definately do the Fit Test in the beginning.
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    I'm 315 pounds. Starting with power90 and after 2 rounds of that I will try a different program. Hoping to work my way up to insanity in 12 months. My mind is willing butmy body won't cope, and I know if I try it and can't do it first go I will quit
  • I have asthma but my doctor told me I can exercise. I am overweight for the past 10 years. 170lbs 5'4" over 50years old. I want to do P90X but don't know if I can handle it.
  • Hi! I am looking at P90X and am around 50lbs overweight and out of shape. I noticed your post stated you were out of shape and intended to try it. Did you and how did it work out?
  • I want to use insanity to get my weight down and get a regular exercise routine.

    I also want to use it to build muscle and burn off a hell of a lot of fat. I only weight 195lbs however I am not in a good shape and the majority of it is sugary soda drinks.

    Hopefully when I start insanity it will do what it needs to do.

    I have a rough plan of doing insanity for the 60 days and then moving onto P90x after that, as a sort of follow up....Anyone had that idea before?