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What is wrong? (long)



  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Tantalee in regards to your weight you could remove everything that is quite calorie dense eg junk foods and just stick to healthy foods when feeling a binge coming on. Or try your best to eat up to your calorie goal and include some snack items. Some people do better when they are not too strict. I'm sure your weight is another contributor to feeling down.
  • tantalee
    tantalee Posts: 130 Member
    I'm sorry that you are having to go through, and I can totally understand not wanting one of your teachers to be the one you talk to. If you ended up going to one that was your teacher they would just refer you to someone who didn't know you because most therapist will not treat someone they come in regular contact with. However even if they did they are bound by confidentiality so nobody else would know.

    theoretically you are right...but every single doctor talks about their patientd to his colleges

    I really dont know what to do
  • jefflturn
    jefflturn Posts: 41
    The first thing I would do is replace that mattress. Lack of sleep can or let me be specific, lack of R.E.M. sleep can cause all kinds of problems including depression. Address this problem first and you will be suprized the improvements you will see. Also you may want to have a sleep study done to make sure you do not have sleep apnea. Good luck!
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    The first thing I would do is replace that mattress. Lack of sleep can or let me be specific, lack of R.E.M. sleep can cause all kinds of problems including depression. Address this problem first and you will be suprized the improvements you will see. Also you may want to have a sleep study done to make sure you do not have sleep apnea. Good luck!

    Good suggestions about bed. Don't think she would have sleep apnea, usually it's the very overweight.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I'm sorry that you are having to go through, and I can totally understand not wanting one of your teachers to be the one you talk to. If you ended up going to one that was your teacher they would just refer you to someone who didn't know you because most therapist will not treat someone they come in regular contact with. However even if they did they are bound by confidentiality so nobody else would know.

    theoretically you are right...but every single doctor talks about their patientd to his colleges

    I really dont know what to do

    ?Could you try some natural product that you just purchase over the counter to help with depression like st johns wort. Don't need to see someone.
  • tantalee
    tantalee Posts: 130 Member
    The first thing I would do is replace that mattress. Lack of sleep can or let me be specific, lack of R.E.M. sleep can cause all kinds of problems including depression. Address this problem first and you will be suprized the improvements you will see. Also you may want to have a sleep study done to make sure you do not have sleep apnea. Good luck!

    Good suggestions about bed. Don't think she would have sleep apnea, usually it's the very overweight.

    Naaaa...apneia is not the problem
  • sanfly
    sanfly Posts: 207 Member
    First of all, I'm so sorry to hear about your child - it must be the hardest thing in the world to go through.

    I agree with the person who suggested replacing your bed - being in Med School I guess that this could be difficult financially, but it's one of the few things in this situation that you can actually control.

    Do you have a friend who you can call when you get the cravings to eat poorly to 'back you off the ledge'?

    As for the deeper issue issues, both the illness of your child and the stress of med school are both things that could naturally lead to depression. If you dont feel that you can talk to someone locally about it - how about arranging phone session with a mental health professional from a nearby town? You could also arrange to see them in person once a month or so as your busy schedule permits.

    At the very least, perhaps try keeping some kind of diary or anonymous blog. Don't hold back, and go back an read later to try and identify the specific triggers that cause you to overeat.

    I really feel for you. I dont know you, you dont know me but if you need someone to chat to PM me and I'll send you my email address. I've often got my computer on with gmail chat active! I dont have kids, but I do have friends who have lost theirs and I know I would want someone to help them out if they didn't feel that they could come to me.
  • tantalee
    tantalee Posts: 130 Member
    First of all, I'm so sorry to hear about your child - it must be the hardest thing in the world to go through.

    I agree with the person who suggested replacing your bed - being in Med School I guess that this could be difficult financially, but it's one of the few things in this situation that you can actually control.

    Do you have a friend who you can call when you get the cravings to eat poorly to 'back you off the ledge'?

    As for the deeper issue issues, both the illness of your child and the stress of med school are both things that could naturally lead to depression. If you dont feel that you can talk to someone locally about it - how about arranging phone session with a mental health professional from a nearby town? You could also arrange to see them in person once a month or so as your busy schedule permits.

    At the very least, perhaps try keeping some kind of diary or anonymous blog. Don't hold back, and go back an read later to try and identify the specific triggers that cause you to overeat.

    I really feel for you. I dont know you, you dont know me but if you need someone to chat to PM me and I'll send you my email address. I've often got my computer on with gmail chat active! I dont have kids, but I do have friends who have lost theirs and I know I would want someone to help them out if they didn't feel that they could come to me.

    Thank you Sanfly

    Today i feel much better.
  • tantalee
    tantalee Posts: 130 Member
    First of all, I'm so sorry to hear about your child - it must be the hardest thing in the world to go through.

    I agree with the person who suggested replacing your bed - being in Med School I guess that this could be difficult financially, but it's one of the few things in this situation that you can actually control.

    Do you have a friend who you can call when you get the cravings to eat poorly to 'back you off the ledge'?

    As for the deeper issue issues, both the illness of your child and the stress of med school are both things that could naturally lead to depression. If you dont feel that you can talk to someone locally about it - how about arranging phone session with a mental health professional from a nearby town? You could also arrange to see them in person once a month or so as your busy schedule permits.

    At the very least, perhaps try keeping some kind of diary or anonymous blog. Don't hold back, and go back an read later to try and identify the specific triggers that cause you to overeat.

    I really feel for you. I dont know you, you dont know me but if you need someone to chat to PM me and I'll send you my email address. I've often got my computer on with gmail chat active! I dont have kids, but I do have friends who have lost theirs and I know I would want someone to help them out if they didn't feel that they could come to me.

    I dont want to tell to my friends.They already saw me fighting anorexia for 6 years and im afraid that they will think im crazy
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I had anorexia too, and found that from anorexia, I went into eating a lot, and then into bulimia, It seems that if you starve your body for a time like that, it can really mess it up and result in the opposite issue, of wanting to eat more and more, apparently to compensate for the years of starvation. I also agree it sounds like you are depressed, what you describe are the traits, and are pretty much what I often experience myself.

    Regarding the eating, all you can do really, is to keep unhealthy foods out of your home, if you can, and to try and get yourself into some sort of regular eating pattern that is high in protein, eating every 3-4 hours, to a plan. It has helped me a lot with my binge eating as has working out in some form everyday, which can curb the appetite if you do the right sort of workout(if you have time)

    In the end, only you have the power to get a grip on this, and you need to reach a point where you are fed up of it enough to change it. Acknowledge how badly you are treating your body, and the damage you might be doing, especially on top of having had anorexia. As a med student, I am sure you realise this, though.
  • Maridar
    Maridar Posts: 164 Member
    depression is hard but there is always a reason as to why we get into this kind of state of mind... to me it is all emotional, you maybe going through post partum new mother depression and it would be totally healthy and fine to go see doctor for this reason. You are stressed because of the studies, med school is hard, so much to learn, memorize, remember, etc. plus the baby.. oh boy, no wonder you are feeling down. Being physically active always gives me an extra boost of energy, nothing strenuous, yoga or pylates from dvd. and try to look at the positive side of things and look at yourself in the mirror at least once a day and say positive things like You are going to med school, not many people chose this hard route and demanding job, you are a young mother to a newborn, a new human being, yeay, etc. don't be shy to talk to your friends, if they are true friends, they will alwas listen and try to help.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I really dont feel depressed...well,i dont feel like crying or that the world is about to end.
    I think that the problem is that is every thing at the same time plus dealing with my son's terminal illness.Who wouldnt be sad and eatingand without the will to do things?
    I really am lost.Im trying to find support groups on the internet but i found nothing regardind overeating.

    When you have no desire to get out of bed, you are definitely depressed. You don't have to feel sad to be in a state of depression.