Sleep walkers



  • jeffryjirraf
    jeffryjirraf Posts: 179 Member
    I sleepwalked on my first day of university. Wasn't ideal..
  • KatieRuns1983
    KatieRuns1983 Posts: 10 Member
    I used to sleepwalk when I was a kid. My mom and sister would tell me about it and i never remebered a thing. They would just tell me to go to bed and I would. Very weird knowing I was doing stuff completely unaware
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    Sometimes my daughter sleeps with her eyes open, it's creepy as *kitten*.

    My son does that too. And talks sometimes.
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    My husband sleepwalks. He likes to chase demons in his sleep. It can get interesting.
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    My ex was a sleep talker and a sleep lover. there were many times early in our relationship when I would wake up to him groping me,took me a bit to realize he was sleeping and all i had to do was move his hands and he would roll over and starting snoring. Did catch him a couple times about to pee in a dresser drawer as well.
  • anabell31
    anabell31 Posts: 268
    My mom sleepwalks terribly often. She comes into the kitchen and starts snacking on EVERYTHING! Which is awful since she's diabetic. It's funny though, when I try to take the snacks away from her she slaps my hand and threatens to ground me (I'm 21).
  • beach_please
    beach_please Posts: 533 Member
    My kids don't so far but my sister was a really bad sleep walker. We shared a bedroom for a few years and she'd freak me the hell out all the time. One time she came over to my bed, stood over it and kept whispering loudly, "Hey look, there are heads rolling on the floor". I was like 10 and scared. I just sat up in bed and yelled for mom to come.

    She also once tried to order Chinese food while she was asleep. She made it all the way out the the living room but was using her hand as a phone. My mom had to coax her back into bed. It's definitely creepy.
  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member
    I used to sleepwalk when I was smaller. I would pet imaginary animals, and talk about so much crazy stuff! I always woke up where I fell asleep though! I has a friend sleep over and lured her up to my old bedroom, at that time was a storage room, and she slept by me and then woke up alone in the middle of the night lmfao. It was crazy!
  • klalaw
    klalaw Posts: 142 Member
    I used to sleepwalk as a child - my mom tells stories of finding me curled up asleep in my closet and other random places. My husband also used to sleepwalk and talk in his sleep back when we were first dating, but he doesn't do it anymore. And apparently sleep disturbances are hereditary, because our son has night terrors, and I can't wait until he outgrows them - so creepy to watch. :-(
  • StrongerJess
    StrongerJess Posts: 185 Member
    I am a nut when I sleep and always have been. I will say it has improved dramatically from childhood, but I still have episodes from time to time. I have too many stories to even tell them. One time, I went on a trip with my church group when I was in college, and I was telling jokes in my sleep and laughing. I was acting silly and even got in the wrong bed when I laid back down. My friends got worried and wanted to get a leader to help, but didn't really want me to be indecent just in case. They said, Jess, do you have a bra on? I ripped open my shirt and said, does it look like I have a bra on? and flashed the whole room. Breakfast was awkward that morning with everyone laughing at me.

    One of the most irritating things that I do is sleep eating. When I was in high school, I never ate sugar. BUT, I would get up in my sleep and eat brownies, cookies, or even chocolate chips. I started eating sugar again because I figured if I am going to eat sugar, I might as well taste it. I have even cooked in my sleep. I have taken showers in my sleep and woke up in my robe with my hair wet.

    Sleepwalking is an awful thing that they told me would go away when I was 18, but so far, no dice.
  • BabyLeila23
    BabyLeila23 Posts: 410
    When I was younger I slept on the top bunk and in a dream I was trying to go to Heaven. I had a major obstacle course to go through to get there (down the ladder and through my room to the hallway closet). Once I got to the gates of Heaven I was so excited to get in that I tried running through the gates. This horrible force field kept knocking me backwards. I woke up the next morning and my stepmom told me that she woke up to me running full force into the closet door.....I was in some pain when I woke up lol.

    The only other time anything else happened I went to a wedding with my ex and his entire family. I stayed in a room with his cousin and her friend, who weren't very nice in the first place. Apparently while sleeping I sat straight up and said...."Where's the bread? F*** " I was mortifed.

    My ex used to cook in his sleep and would sometimes wake up with strange receipts in his pockets from gas stations...he didnt ever remember how he got there. It used to freak me out.
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    My ex was a sleep talker and a sleep lover. there were many times early in our relationship when I would wake up to him groping me,took me a bit to realize he was sleeping and all i had to do was move his hands and he would roll over and starting snoring. Did catch him a couple times about to pee in a dresser drawer as well.

    LOL My X did that too! He opened our walkin closet & stood there peeing! I started yelling at him all freaked out, cuz I didn;t know what he was doing (obviously he didn't either) He denies it to this day! LOL He would wake up swinging if you tried to touch him when he slept. He backhanded me across the face once & had no idea. (His bro used to "jokingly" try to sufficate him when he was sleeping! )

    I talk in my sleep (as well as clinch & grind my teeth). I always tell anyone who's near me at night, "Anything I say at night can not be used against me at a later date!" LOL I used to dream about Stevie Yzerman of the Detroit Red Wings! Weird.
  • klalaw
    klalaw Posts: 142 Member
    My ex was a sleep talker and a sleep lover. there were many times early in our relationship when I would wake up to him groping me,took me a bit to realize he was sleeping and all i had to do was move his hands and he would roll over and starting snoring. Did catch him a couple times about to pee in a dresser drawer as well.

    Yep, my husband used to do this, and still does occasionally. Kind of kills the moment when you have to yell "are you actually awake??" :-)
  • MissShancey
    MissShancey Posts: 464
    My biggest fear are children who appear out of nowhere in the middle of the night when the lights are off. Its only because you now if a child appears out of nowhere its Demonic. No JOKE! I will make sure my future kids know to alert me of there presence or else its Throat Punch.

    lmfao AGREED
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    I use to walk in my sleep when I was a teenager and I actually toasted an english muffin and put butter on it when my twin sister caught me and thought it was funny to have a conversation with me and I actually responded. When I was 17 I went to a job corps and when the RA checked on us I wasn't in my bed and she told me the next day she checked every where for me when I told her I walk sleep so I guess I was in the shower room or bathroom most of the night where she couldn't find me. When I was 21 years old I sang the song from hunchback of notre dame (when the priest sang in the church in front of the fire place) and my sister was in the bedroom next door and heard everything. She came in and after the song was over I just laid down and slept.
  • CorydonCutie
    CorydonCutie Posts: 185 Member
    My middle child walks in his sleep. When he was about 5, he actually went outside in the middle of winter in his jammies & bare feet. I heard the door open and my husband took off so he didn't make it too far. We had a chain lock installed the next morning, although he never attempted to go outside again. I've found him sitting at the kitchen table, and one time he came into my room and must have thought he was in the bathroom because he peed all over my bedroom wall. LOL
  • rozsbluejay
    rozsbluejay Posts: 303 Member
    I'm a sleep talker; and I curse in Spanish. So I'm told.