Bikini Babes - December



  • stffunny
    stffunny Posts: 22 Member
    my ZUMBA came in the mail today so extra motivation for the challenge of this week..
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Just a quick brag <--- its good for us... we should do it more often :laugh:

    I have been 3 days without a Coke... This is a big deal for me... I gave them up a few months ago after drinking 2 to 3 a day... I went a good two or three months without drinking them at all...then for some reason, I started drinking them again :mad:
    Anyway, I was back to drinking one a day... BUT, for the past three days, I haven't had any :drinker:
    Thanks for allowing me to brag a little :flowerforyou:

    Good for you! I know it's really hard to give up the things you really like.. and for me, my sweet tooth is a killer!

    But I wanna brag a little myself lol. I've went the past 3 1/2 days without eating any sweets (the junk kind). I'm trying to go unitl Christmas.... 3.5 days down, 21.5 to go! I hope I make it! It's a really really hard challenge for me...

    Maybe we can help keep each other accountable and challenge each other with this in particular.. since both of us are 3 for 3.. :happy:

    Awesome, girl!!! Although, I blew it and had a coke today... GRRRRRR... I am going to have to really be strong because at the preschool where I work, when one of the other gals go to Sonic to grab a drink, they always ask me if I want a Coke... and it always sounds so good... So , I give in... I think I am just going to tell everyone I work with that I am seriously giving them up and not to ask me if I want anything from Sonic :laugh: <I love Sonic drinks> ...
    Anyway, really good for you!!! Stay with it!! I'm going to jump right back on the challenge and not drink any more coke :wink:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    the first time I have actually done weigh excited....

    SW 190
    BB SW 190
    LAST WEEK 188
    CW 184.5

    Started eating better lesser portions and stopped eating late.....I can't wait to start my Zumba in the next couple of weeks on top of eating good.....GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    I LOVE Zumba!!!!! Good luck with it!! It's totally fun!!!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Ohhh, nice, my turn! :)

    Okay, for me, exercise is a big challenge. When I first started making changes, it was tough to get moving and sticking to it. but you all know it makes a huge difference. So this week's challenge is to get in a minimum of 20 minutes of exercise a day :). It can be low to high intensity, whatever works for you. You can even break it up and do 10 minutes in the morning, and then evening, etc. Just get moving! :)

    Good luck everyone!

    AWESOME!!! I heart this challenge!!! :love:

    Congrats on being our biggest "loser"!! :wink:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    hey girls I know I'm late but just wanted to report that I am 5lbs closer to a bikini body :)

    awesome challenge.

    OH, yay!!! WAy to go!!! :drinker:
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Just a quick brag <--- its good for us... we should do it more often :laugh:

    I have been 3 days without a Coke... This is a big deal for me... I gave them up a few months ago after drinking 2 to 3 a day... I went a good two or three months without drinking them at all...then for some reason, I started drinking them again :mad:
    Anyway, I was back to drinking one a day... BUT, for the past three days, I haven't had any :drinker:
    Thanks for allowing me to brag a little :flowerforyou:

    Good for you! I know it's really hard to give up the things you really like.. and for me, my sweet tooth is a killer!

    But I wanna brag a little myself lol. I've went the past 3 1/2 days without eating any sweets (the junk kind). I'm trying to go unitl Christmas.... 3.5 days down, 21.5 to go! I hope I make it! It's a really really hard challenge for me...

    Maybe we can help keep each other accountable and challenge each other with this in particular.. since both of us are 3 for 3.. :happy:

    Awesome, girl!!! Although, I blew it and had a coke today... GRRRRRR... I am going to have to really be strong because at the preschool where I work, when one of the other gals go to Sonic to grab a drink, they always ask me if I want a Coke... and it always sounds so good... So , I give in... I think I am just going to tell everyone I work with that I am seriously giving them up and not to ask me if I want anything from Sonic :laugh: <I love Sonic drinks> ...
    Anyway, really good for you!!! Stay with it!! I'm going to jump right back on the challenge and not drink any more coke :wink:

    Aw that's ok. I know my weakness is sweet tea. I love that stuff!! My boyfriend always orders me one (he's having a time getting used to ordering water for me..) but he ordered me a large sweet tea today and I actually passed it up! I'm very proud. It's one thing to be able to say I want a water, but when there's a tea sitting there going to waste it's hard to deal with it lol. SO, I came home and made sweet tea with those new Sun Crystal things.. it's definately not the same, but should be much much better for me. Good luck staying away from Coke. You can do it!!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Just a quick brag <--- its good for us... we should do it more often :laugh:

    I have been 3 days without a Coke... This is a big deal for me... I gave them up a few months ago after drinking 2 to 3 a day... I went a good two or three months without drinking them at all...then for some reason, I started drinking them again :mad:
    Anyway, I was back to drinking one a day... BUT, for the past three days, I haven't had any :drinker:
    Thanks for allowing me to brag a little :flowerforyou:

    Good for you! I know it's really hard to give up the things you really like.. and for me, my sweet tooth is a killer!

    But I wanna brag a little myself lol. I've went the past 3 1/2 days without eating any sweets (the junk kind). I'm trying to go unitl Christmas.... 3.5 days down, 21.5 to go! I hope I make it! It's a really really hard challenge for me...

    Maybe we can help keep each other accountable and challenge each other with this in particular.. since both of us are 3 for 3.. :happy:

    Awesome, girl!!! Although, I blew it and had a coke today... GRRRRRR... I am going to have to really be strong because at the preschool where I work, when one of the other gals go to Sonic to grab a drink, they always ask me if I want a Coke... and it always sounds so good... So , I give in... I think I am just going to tell everyone I work with that I am seriously giving them up and not to ask me if I want anything from Sonic :laugh: <I love Sonic drinks> ...
    Anyway, really good for you!!! Stay with it!! I'm going to jump right back on the challenge and not drink any more coke :wink:

    Aw that's ok. I know my weakness is sweet tea. I love that stuff!! My boyfriend always orders me one (he's having a time getting used to ordering water for me..) but he ordered me a large sweet tea today and I actually passed it up! I'm very proud. It's one thing to be able to say I want a water, but when there's a tea sitting there going to waste it's hard to deal with it lol. SO, I came home and made sweet tea with those new Sun Crystal things.. it's definately not the same, but should be much much better for me. Good luck staying away from Coke. You can do it!!

    WOW!!! WAy to go on passing up the sweet tea :drinker: I haven't heard of "Sun Crystals" .. I may have to look into those... I LOVE tea as well... Heck, I'm a good old Texas gal, so you KNOW I LOVE sweet tea :laugh: I use splenda a lot... when I'm out, I order unsweet tea and sweeten it (very maybe 1/4 of one packet) with sweeten low or splenda...whatever the restaurant has...

    BUT, when I make it at home I use pure sugar... Have to work on that... :wink:

    I think it's important to "train" those around us :laugh: That would be letting the girls know at work that I DO NOT need a Coke from Sonic... and the same situation with your boyfriend and the sweet tea. We'll get there... I KNOW we will!!
  • nakrya
    nakrya Posts: 191
    Ahhh....someone brought in krispy kremes today again. I had two, PLUS we got a cake from one of our clients so I had some of that too. Argh, how do you say no? I know it's a choice, but for some reason I ALWAYS cave in. All the exercise in the world won't help me break out of this habit. I work at a very stressful job, so I know that has a lot to do with it. Booo......
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Checking in. Today was a very high energy day. :tongue:

    I went for a 4 mile walk/run. I was going to run 3 miles, but ended up only running 2 and walking 2 because my new shoes turned out to be too short in the toe box so my toes weren't happy while running (slamming into the end of the box). So, it resulted in walking 1.5 miles back instead of the .5 mile cool down I had planned.

    Then I went to the gym tonight with my aunt and did the elliptical for 30 minutes and did strength training for another 30 minutes. Found out my abdominals were a lot stronger than the last time I did the oblique twist machine (as I could lift 85 lbs with abdominals instead of 65). I need to strengthen my arms though - my legs and abdominals are super strong, my arms - not so much. :tongue:

    So, overall today I probably burned about 1000 calories. Crazy, huh? This is NOT a normal day for me, I swear. I normally burn about 250 - 600 depending if I am doing a video, gym, or running.
  • AmandaB4588
    I BLEW the challenge today, and sat on my butt ALLLLLLL DAY!

    I have noticed that I sabotage myself around this time.... RIGHT when I am about to get out of the 160's, I blow it. Does anybody else do this? I don't know why I do it!
  • nakrya
    nakrya Posts: 191
    I BLEW the challenge today, and sat on my butt ALLLLLLL DAY!

    I have noticed that I sabotage myself around this time.... RIGHT when I am about to get out of the 160's, I blow it. Does anybody else do this? I don't know why I do it!

    Argh, I know the feeling. I keep sabotaging myself with the sweets.
  • porterbaby38
    hi everyone, even though the weather is bad and my man has been around i haven't been able to workout on exercise tapes, so i've been going upstairs and work out. sometimes twice or three times in a day since can't really go anywhere,because of the weather. plus i don't go to a gym. i just workout on what things i have here. i did weight myself this morning. i'm so proud of myself. i am to my half way mark. i've lost 50lbs. so far and have 50lbs. to go.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    hi everyone, even though the weather is bad and my man has been around i haven't been able to workout on exercise tapes, so i've been going upstairs and work out. sometimes twice or three times in a day since can't really go anywhere,because of the weather. plus i don't go to a gym. i just workout on what things i have here. i did weight myself this morning. i'm so proud of myself. i am to my half way mark. i've lost 50lbs. so far and have 50lbs. to go.

    WAY TO GO PORTER BABY! I was just asking for you in our other thread [ 10 in 9 ] cuz I hadn't heard from u in a while. good job on keeping urself busy and getting some exercise in.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I BLEW the challenge today, and sat on my butt ALLLLLLL DAY!

    I have noticed that I sabotage myself around this time.... RIGHT when I am about to get out of the 160's, I blow it. Does anybody else do this? I don't know why I do it!

    I know what you mean about sabotaging yourself right when you're about to hit a big goal. I've been within half a pound of getting under 200, and I keep doing stupid things and got back up to 203 (once) or somewhere around it. UGH! Why do we do this? I know damn well I could be under 200 by now. I've been right at it for a month now. Still haven't made it under. It's very aggrivating. I know I can lose weight too.. I mean I've lost 44 pounds! :explode:

    Sorry that turned into an all out rampage, but I do know what you're saying...
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    On another note... today I wasn't going to work out. I've been doing a lot of strength lately, and my cardio yesterday was pretty much jumping for over an hour. I was tired.. but I remembered the challenge and thought I'd do at least 20 min light cardio on the elliptical. Well, I hopped right on and ended up working for an hour and burned 450 calories! I tried to work at at least 75% max HR on my HRM... so yay! Thanks for that challenge.. it helped out today.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    I'm also grateful for this challenge cuz yesterday i went home and just wanted to be lazy but i kicked my butt into gear and did 20 mins turbo jam then a lil zumba for a total of about 40mins. I dunno how much cals were burnt but its way more than if I had just sat on the couch!
  • Hailey
    Hailey Posts: 199 Member
    Way to go guys! I mean how good does it feel to actually see that your loosing weight?! I'm 9lbs down and just so happy about it, but soon I will be out of the 160's and into the 150's! I think I'll cry a little when that happens! :) lol
    I've been on here for a little over a month, and just using this site, and being in this group is all I needed!
    Thanks again guys! And thanks sjmay for creating it!

    I took my "before" shot, and cant wait for the "after"!
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Well, today I have done the challenge - 30 Day Shred for 27 minutes. I also went to the barn and went for a 20 minute horseback ride.. though I can say that it doesn't burn many calories because I have my horse trained to vocal cues. The only thing burning calories is putting the saddle on and pulling myself into the saddle from the ground. :tongue:

    I hope everyone is doing well today!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    I BLEW the challenge today, and sat on my butt ALLLLLLL DAY!

    I have noticed that I sabotage myself around this time.... RIGHT when I am about to get out of the 160's, I blow it. Does anybody else do this? I don't know why I do it!

    I know what you mean about sabotaging yourself right when you're about to hit a big goal. I've been within half a pound of getting under 200, and I keep doing stupid things and got back up to 203 (once) or somewhere around it. UGH! Why do we do this? I know damn well I could be under 200 by now. I've been right at it for a month now. Still haven't made it under. It's very aggrivating. I know I can lose weight too.. I mean I've lost 44 pounds! :explode:

    Sorry that turned into an all out rampage, but I do know what you're saying...

    I know exactly what you mean.... I'm staring down the barrel at 200... :laugh: I'm so ready to have it behind me....
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    I do my weigh-ins on Wednesday, so I thought I would go ahead and post for Saturday.... If I need to, I will copy and paste this again on Saturday....

    I did good this past week...I'm excited!!!

    BBSW 218
    LW 217
    TW 211
    GW 135ish
    So, that is a 4lb loss this last week... I think its my biggest loss ever in a week... So, I'm thrilled!!!