cut out grains (not all carbs) and WOW



  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    I was just reading about this paleo diet the other day. Also the newscast I watch, the have a Doctor that comes on to tell of things and she did this diet and lost quite a bit of weight and her blood levels changed for the better. Hmm, might have to try this myself.
  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    To me it sounds like you're on the Paleo Diet - no grains, pasta, rice, etc. I have been thinking more and more to give it a try for 30 days because I have a few friends who say after being on the Paleo Diet they have more energy, sleep better and lots of other positive things. Have nothing to lose but weight anyway so why not try it?!?

    hmmm...well I dont know if they allow milk and cheese and I love both and still eat both.

    It's a form of Paleo if you eat cheese and other full-fat dairy, and is called Primal. You should join us at

    I think you have to remove the period at the end of that link for it to work (also, thanks for the link - didn't know it existed)

    I've been 'Primal' for a couple years now and love it. I eat some dairy but cut out most of it (mostly just cream in my coffee, a bit of cheese here and there, and some butter - if that qualifies as dairy).
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Sure, wings have lots of protein . . .
    Here's THE ULTIMATE question....if I decrease my carbs to approx. I have to increase my protein or can I "wing" it?? Thanks guys! You are the best!!:drinker:
  • Cerebrus189
    Cerebrus189 Posts: 315 Member

    TO BE CLEAR: this is not Atkins, it's not a way of eating that avoids carbs! I still ate plenty of carbs (mostly from sweet potatoes!!). I did not have any signs of ketosis. I just had signs of awesome. :laugh:

    <3 this! New motto: All signs of awesome point to me :)
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    Hm...I've been thinking about reducing my grains as well. I don't hardly ever eat potatoes anymore (even though I love them). I do however still eat pasta and bread in moderation. Lately, I've thought about eating more like the Paleo diet, but not full on because I'm not sure I could sustain that very long.
  • mmarcy7
    mmarcy7 Posts: 227 Member
    I cut out all grains April 1 of this year and feel great. Eczema has totally cleared. I will never go back. And I follow more the Primal way of eating as I occasionally eat dairy. All but 5 lbs of my total weight loss has been since cutting grains.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I completely am on board with the OP - my husband and I cut out all grains. No white flour, no pasta, no potatoes. We only eat sprouted grain bread, occasionally sprouted brown rice, and maybe once a month we will do a quinoa pasta. We've both noticed a huge difference. Also, on a side note, we stopped eating anything with artificial sweeteners in it, or anything that is labeled nonfat, or lowfat. I think that's a huge part as well.

    What is the difference with sprouted grain breads/rice as opposed to whole grain breads? Is it good?
  • CardiacNP
    CardiacNP Posts: 554 Member
    i also started this after reading "wheat belly" this week good book by a cardiologist.
  • peridot1383
    peridot1383 Posts: 49 Member
    It actually sounds like you're not doing Paleo which is more strict but that you're leaning towards primal. Not sure if you've checked it out yet but look up Mark Sisson. His website talks a lot about the same principles you mention. I went primal for about 2 weeks and felt great. I should do it again but I am headed into a round of Insanity workouts. Might go back to primal when the workouts become less intense.
  • BlisterLamb
    BlisterLamb Posts: 396 Member
    After losing over 100 pounds and keeping it off for several years, I recently gained 25 back very quickly over the course of about a year although I was eating right and working out. I went to several doctors, and of course none of them could tell me what was going on. One even gave the impression that he didn't believe I was eating the way I said I was eating and exercising the way I said I was exercising. I was biking no less than 100 miles a week, sometimes a lot more, and lifting weights 3 times a week. I was finally diagnosed this week with Hashimoto's. The doctor put me on meds and suggested that I limit my carbs to less than 50grams net per day for a while. So I gave up grains and am getting them from vegetables because I can eat more that way. I'll be interested to see how I feel in a few weeks after the meds have had time to do their thing and with out the grains.
  • ephemerata
    ephemerata Posts: 82 Member

    For some people the removal of World of Warcraft will result in weight loss through increased NEAT and sometimes EAT, unless they played it while on a treadmill.

    (It's abbreviated WoW, and any world of warcraft player will read your title and make this connection).

    Glad your grain elimination was successful.

    haha, yep. that's the first thing i thought too.

    i've been in the introduction phase of "atkins," or something pretty close to it, for only a week now, and i have a lot more energy. i disagree with the original sentiment that grains are an inessential food group for everyone, but the lack of them in my diet has certainly made a difference. i've been able to wake up earlier with relative ease and have felt increased, more consistent mental clarity throughout the day.
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    I have gone both vegan AND gluten-free in the past few months. The vegan was for weight loss, and the gluten-free for some stomach issues I had. My thyroid was really messed up, so it's hard to know which is the one that's working, and I haven't weighed myself (won't until the end of summer), but I definitely feel better. Do you feel better?:smile:
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Hashimoto's is an autoimmune disease, and increasingly, grains are being implicated in the triggering of autoimmune diseases (not just celiac disease, but hashimoto's, RA, diabetes, sjogren's, etc.) Some celiacs still have autoimmune reactions to rice, corn, and other gluten-free grains, not just the gluten grains. I think you're making the right choice in eliminating grains and seeing if that helps.
    After losing over 100 pounds and keeping it off for several years, I recently gained 25 back very quickly over the course of about a year although I was eating right and working out. I went to several doctors, and of course none of them could tell me what was going on. One even gave the impression that he didn't believe I was eating the way I said I was eating and exercising the way I said I was exercising. I was biking no less than 100 miles a week, sometimes a lot more, and lifting weights 3 times a week. I was finally diagnosed this week with Hashimoto's. The doctor put me on meds and suggested that I limit my carbs to less than 50grams net per day for a while. So I gave up grains and am getting them from vegetables because I can eat more that way. I'll be interested to see how I feel in a few weeks after the meds have had time to do their thing and with out the grains.
  • SunflowerRox
    SunflowerRox Posts: 50 Member
    ok this really just confuses me. As someone who is trying to become a vegetarian again, iv already read and heard that whole grains are good for you and required , especially since being vegetarian you'd have to cut out all meat from your diet. So now whole grains are bad for you?:huh:

    BLISTERLAMB. Im very sorry to hear about your disease. I know a very healthy vegan girl who was recently diagnosed with that as well. It's terrible:frown:
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    It is possible to be vegan and grain free. Not necessarily easy, but once you have figured things out and settled into it, it's not bad. If you have celiac disease and don't cut out the gluten grains, you're not going to get the nourishment that you need because of the damage that they do to your gut. If you react to all grains, ditto.

    I can't answer whether whole grains are good for your body, I know they're not good for mine. But I'm not going to say that they are bad for everyone.
    ok this really just confuses me. As someone who is trying to become a vegetarian again, iv already read and heard that whole grains are good for you and required , especially since being vegetarian you'd have to cut out all meat from your diet. So now whole grains are bad for you?:huh:

    BLISTERLAMB. Im very sorry to hear about your disease. I know a very healthy vegan girl who was recently diagnosed with that as well. It's terrible:frown:
  • BlisterLamb
    BlisterLamb Posts: 396 Member

    BLISTERLAMB. Im very sorry to hear about your disease. I know a very healthy vegan girl who was recently diagnosed with that as well. It's terrible:frown:

    Thanks. I'm hopeful that I can manage it and will see an improvement in my health now that I know what the problem it.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member

    BLISTERLAMB. Im very sorry to hear about your disease. I know a very healthy vegan girl who was recently diagnosed with that as well. It's terrible:frown:

    Thanks. I'm hopeful that I can manage it and will see an improvement in my health now that I know what the problem it.

    you will. my brother has same condition. after they got his doseage regulated he is totally back on track and doing great. dont worry...good luck
  • ndbex
    ndbex Posts: 61 Member
    Where are your sources saying grains are causing autoimmune disease?
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    I cut out eating grains 20 days ago, yes, even oatmeal, and am really amazed at the difference. I have more energy, sleep better and a few stubborn pounds are gone. Also with cutting grains, I have more calories available for steak and fish. Are these improvements all due to cutting out grains? Well, I havn't really changed anything else and I was eating pretty clean before cutting them out. I am eating more protein foods like meat and fish. I use to eat oatmeal on a regular basis, sprouted grain breads (ezekial), whole wheat tortillas, hamburger buns, etc.

    I am not suggesting anyone do this, I know there are those who consider grains a required food group (it really isn't) but I don't see or feel a downside and only positives so far. Do I miss them? It is a bit inconvenient as I like making hamburgers and skipping the hamburger bun changes the experience and I love carne asada tacos...but eventually I will still eat an occasional bun or taco.

    Give it a try for 21 days and see if you feel better.

    I did this in January for about a month and also for the past 4 weeks or so. This is mainly how I have lost weight. It takes some adjustment and I do make exceptions from time to time like if I'm out for a meal (rarely) and there's garlic mashed potatoes and I miss pasta. I have them now maybe twice a week at most if I can help it instead of 3 meals a day. It has made a huge difference for me.

    Edit: although I did a better job at this before I started logging my food on MFP, but I'm still losing.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Where are your sources saying grains are causing autoimmune disease?

    not sure who said this but I personally have never heard that.