lose 10 pounds by Christmas



  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    so I logged and packed all my food for today, yesterday so that I'd have no excuses to stay on track and if I find myself wanted to stick something else in my mouth i will have to see where it fits and what i have to take out for that to work.

    so lets hope for a good day!

    happy monday!
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    Hey everyone. I have been peeking in over the last couple of days, but had nothing to report, so didn't post. I'm sorry Sheila that you were posting for accountability on the bday parties and we didn't respond. I want to say terrific job at resisting temptation. I personally try to leave the table and busy myself with the kids when it comes to bday parties. By the time I get home I didn't even miss all the junk :) Hope you felt the same way.

    Pollies-I hear you on wanting all the carbs.... I replace spaghetti with spaghetti squash and make chunky veggie tomato sauces to get my pasta fix lately. Gonna try with shrimp alfredo that way this week...we'll see how it comes out.

    Today is normally my check-in day but I got food poisoning yesterday and have been SICK for the last 20 hours. Just wouldn't be fair to myself to weigh in today cuz I know it would be really low. LOL. Think I'll weigh in Tues after I've actually eaten something for a day. For now starting a liquid diet see if I can hold it down :sick:

    Good luck to everyone, and stick in there.

    Oh, don't apologize for not responding to my post. I wasn't looking for anyone to say "way to go" I was just worried that everyone had baled. Glad to see that some of us are still hanging in there.

    I didn't miss the pizza and cake at all. Actually I felt really good that I was able to say no, then went to my car and ate an apple and some almonds. The second b-day party went well also. I resisted the cake and ice cream and only ate part of my dinner. However, I did eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on 2 slices of bread later that evening. Actually, it was almond butter which isn't as bad as peanut butter, and it was sugar free jelly. Boy was it good !!! I was just really craving something that I consider "junk food".

    As for the french french fries, have you tried baking them ? They aren't nearly as fattening as fried ones.

    Sorry to hear about the food poisoning. YUK !! Hope you are feeling better soon.
  • doubleloop23
    Hi All,
    I didn't get a chance to post on Friday... I met my goal for november 30 today... only 7 days late:grumble: ... I was 163.2 this morning- good news is that it's only 3 pounds away from my Christmas goal! :happy:
    Happy weight-loss!
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    after a few weeks of not moving anywhere, or moving in the wrong direction... i was up about one or so give or take...
    I can now finally adjust my ticker...it's only like .5 from where it was before but at least moves me to 19 lost and not 18 :)

    lets see if I can stay on the ball until i get on that plane, and for my up coming xmas party and bday.
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    PS am doing elliptical AND Zumba tonight! yay me!
  • derrysue
    HI, I just saw this group & had to reply. I started my weight loss on 11/16/09, after my doctor told me to lose 40 before my surgery on 2/16/10. I weighed in today DOWN 12!!! Then I saw this post and said, I will try to take off another 8 before the 25th. (to make it an even 20!) Wish myself and yourselves well!! I will check back in on the 25th, unless anyone wants to add me as a friend & then I will do it sooner!
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    Welcome :o) I am not sure where everyone has run off to!!! good luck on the 8 before xmas!

    HI, I just saw this group & had to reply. I started my weight loss on 11/16/09, after my doctor told me to lose 40 before my surgery on 2/16/10. I weighed in today DOWN 12!!! Then I saw this post and said, I will try to take off another 8 before the 25th. (to make it an even 20!) Wish myself and yourselves well!! I will check back in on the 25th, unless anyone wants to add me as a friend & then I will do it sooner!
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    HI, I just saw this group & had to reply. I started my weight loss on 11/16/09, after my doctor told me to lose 40 before my surgery on 2/16/10. I weighed in today DOWN 12!!! Then I saw this post and said, I will try to take off another 8 before the 25th. (to make it an even 20!) Wish myself and yourselves well!! I will check back in on the 25th, unless anyone wants to add me as a friend & then I will do it sooner!

    Welcome !!! We had a much larger group a few weeks ago. This is a tough time of year and I think a few have left us. But those of us that are still here are happy you found us.

    Congrats on the 12 lbs lost. Check in as often as you like. I find it keeps me more on track if I post daily. I have way too many Christmas parties (starting tonight) to believe that I will lose the rest of the weight I wanted by Christmas. However, I'm still exercising (just got off the treadmill for 45 min) and trying to stay away from really fattening foods. I know I will be indulging in things that won't promote weight loss, so I'm just going to eat much less of them. My main goal for the rest of December is not to GAIN any weight. If I can just maintain what I have lost and not fall completely off the wagon, it will be much easier to get totally back on track after the new year.

  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Hey, lost one more pound this week !!!!!
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    wooohooooooo! :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: Nasty rainy day today. Not doing much but laying around. Just got up from a nap.......perfect weather for it.

    Went WAAAAYYYYY overboard on eating last night. Went to a Christmas dinner at my boss' house. I sampled everything and went back for seconds on some of the stuff. Can't remember the last time I had such a good meal. I'll be paying for it this week though while eating veggies and Michelina low calorie meals.
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    about the same here lol. work party last night, eating was not terrible but the sugary booze i consumed ( i don't normally drink) was - well i don't even want to think of the cal content :O(

    where has everyone gone ???
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    about the same here lol. work party last night, eating was not terrible but the sugary booze i consumed ( i don't normally drink) was - well i don't even want to think of the cal content :O(

    where has everyone gone ???

    Yeah, let's not talk about the calories in liquor........:tongue::tongue: Thank goodness the party Saturday was a 'non-drinking' party. Earlier in the week I went to one that did serve alcohol. I actually only had one glass of wine though, so it wasn't too bad.

    I think everyone has "flown the coop" as we say here in KY. This is a really hard time of year to be counting calories but I'm staying focused. I'm really not on a diet. I'm just trying to change my eating habits. If I lose a little at a time I know I'll have more of a chance of keeping it off.

    So maybe it's just you and me girl, but that's okay. We'll walk into the new year together, hopefully without too many regrets and a few more pounds to lose.
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    sounds good to me....i wont be posting at all after the 23rd though :sad:

    :bigsmile: but for a good cause, going to be flying to Holland to see my sweetie. so won't be counting or logging for 2 weeks....but i eat pretty healthy and well portioned when i am there so i am not worried about that part...his mum is a good well rounded cook, and we barely touch take out - maybe once or twice when i am there.

    so now to make it thru tomorrow (my bday lol) my friend is making me a super chocolate cake covered in choco ganache! lol but she's bringing it to work so that i have none left to my name by the end of the day! LOL

    will be working out everyday this week other than tomorrow :o) cuz the work girls are taking me for supper :smile:

    have a great week! :flowerforyou:
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    oooohhhhh, chocolate cake !!! my absolute favorite. I weighed in today and didn't lose any weight this week....:sad: :sad: But, hey I didn't gain any either.....:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    so that is my goal for the rest of the year......MAINTAIN....MAINTAIN....MAINTAIN....

    i just talked to my sis in law and she was making candy....lots and lots of candy to bring to our week long trip home for the holidays. she's making it tough on me. I'm sure I'll gain a few pounds during the holidays but hopefully, not too much.

    Hang in there girl, looks like we are gonna be the only ones supporting each other for the rest of the year. I won't be posting between Christmas and New Years, but I'll be thinking of you. We'll have to check in on each other after the first of the year.

    Merry Christmas !!

  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    :bigsmile: Thanks for the happy birthday

    i pretty much will be maintaining for the rest of the year as well, in holland i will be eating good - and i won't be um...working out.....technically:blushing: :bigsmile:
    so i shouldn't have too much difficulty lol.

    hope you have a fabulous holiday, and i plan on kicking it up a notch when i get back so that next time i see my honey i will be double wow :happy:

    happy holidays!!!!!!:drinker:
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Hi ladies!

    I am so sorry I haven't been posting. I have fallen off the wagon a little bit. Haven't lost anymore weight either but that is my fault. I have for the most part completed P90 once again. Starting in January I will be doing Slim in 6. I also know my husband bought me a food scale for Christmas (my kids spilled the beans) so I cannot wait to get these final 10 to 15 lbs off!

    Congratulations to you guys for continuing to post and working hard at the weight loss. I look forward to joining you come the new year.

  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    I didn't make my 10 lbs :sad: between birthday til now it's been HARD!
    I wont be around for the next 2 weeks,online or tracking, but like i said before it doesn't worry me I eat pretty healthy at my bf's in holland. so see you all when i get back.

    Happy Holidays!!! :flowerforyou:
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Okay so I think almost everyone flew away from this post. But I just thought it would be a good idea to check-in anyway. I didn't reach my goal of 7.5 lbs. by Christmas, but I did lose 6.5 so that's not too bad. What's great is I lost 4.5 in from my waist and 7.5 in overall. Christmas Eve I didn't eat right but stayed within my calories, but Christmas day I really splurged, and I think that's why I didn't lose anything that last week. I think if I'd laid off the sweets for those 3 days up to Christmas (all those carbs glued to my body) I would have made it.

    I'm wondering how everyone else did. Whether you reached your goal or not, it would be nice to hear how everyone did over the holiday. Hope it was wonderful, and let's all get ready to ring in the New Year!
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    My goal is to lose 10 pounds by Christmas. That is about 7 weeks from now, so if I lost 1.5 pounds each week I could attain this goal. I think it is doable.

    Anyone with me? We can post daily our food intake and exercise and support one another for the next 7+ weeks to attain our goals!
    A little late but going to try anyway.