Any More Chubby Twenties?



  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member

    Well I usually go for a bike ride pulling my son for 45 minutes to a hour and on days im not doing that i usually walk at least 5k, then I workout for a hour and a half 25 spin bike/ 15 row machine/25 elliptical/ and 25 with the strength training exercises! plus 3 times a week I go swimming I go swimming for a hour doing atleast 40 laps in a Olympic size swimming pool. so I usual burn 1000 to 1200 from exercise a day. I am now 247 and it tells me I can eat 1740 a day but adding the other 1000 is way to many calories for me!

    Im just going to stick to the 1740 and hopefully that will make me loose this darn weight faster! I am steady losing about 4 pounds a week...hopefully it doesn't slow done to soon :S

    with a half hour work out 400 calories is great keep it up :)

    Holy crap, girl! You're a machine!


    You're making me feel Laaaaaaaaazy! Lol.
  • Brandywithrow
    well Im a stay at home mom so I have alot of time on my hands, I go to the gym at 7 until 9 when my husband plays video games and my sons asleep so I like to go for a long time because it my own time to think and relax if that makes sence realing while working out hmm
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403

    Well I usually go for a bike ride pulling my son for 45 minutes to a hour and on days im not doing that i usually walk at least 5k, then I workout for a hour and a half 25 spin bike/ 15 row machine/25 elliptical/ and 25 with the strength training exercises! plus 3 times a week I go swimming I go swimming for a hour doing atleast 40 laps in a Olympic size swimming pool. so I usual burn 1000 to 1200 from exercise a day. I am now 247 and it tells me I can eat 1740 a day but adding the other 1000 is way to many calories for me!

    Im just going to stick to the 1740 and hopefully that will make me loose this darn weight faster! I am steady losing about 4 pounds a week...hopefully it doesn't slow done to soon :S

    with a half hour work out 400 calories is great keep it up :)

    Just be careful to eat at least 1200 calories a day (with the exercise included) - so you don't have to eat back all of your exercise calories, but if you're eating 1740 and burning 1000, your body is only working on 740 calories a day but it needs a minimum of 1200. Maybe if you just used more fattening milk (like 2% instead of skim), or do the same with cheese and some other products, that might help you get in the extra calories to make up for all of the exercise. You could probably even eat some sort of power bar or protein shake after working out. Just make sure you're getting in calories the healthy way and not going through a drive through or eating junk food.

    GREAT job working out that much though! Seriously, that is impressive!

  • kerimcdonald
    Great job with all of the exercise brandywithrow, I lost my first 30 pounds with just eating healthy alone, but it took a long time and lot of diligence. I am working on getting a workout routine, but there's no gym in the area!! My family and I go on a walk almost every night and thank god housecleaning 2 hours a day is actually good exercise!!

    As a stay at home mom (hardest job ever!)
    you may want to take into consideration all of the cleaning you do too.

    Don't be upset if your weight loss slows a little. It may be because you're not getting enough calories or rapidly building miscle. I'm having that problem with working out. I didn't lose anything for almost a month!! But I lost 2 inches. I hope to keep going and focus on size and energy. Good luck everyone!!
  • DumBunny
    Hey! I'm a little late coming into the challenge but I'd like to give it a go. I was so happy to find a group of similar age chicks! I'm at 140.6 today and am 5'1". I'd like to go down 20lbs in 90 days... so about 120 will be my goal. I've been doing really good the past week. I'm finally getting into the exercise groove. I do 10 mins on the glider, 5 mins abe lounge, 5 mins hand weights (x3)... So I'm getting an hour a day. I've been doing a Scarsdale diet the past 3 months and have now just started taking what I've learned and making my own meals and judging calories, carbs, fat etc. I'm really excited! This is the lowest I've been in like 5 years! WOO HOO! I look fwd to doing this as a group.
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Thanks for the welcome :bigsmile:
    Kickboxing was great! Very very hard, but I made it through an hour class without dying, lol. My back hurt once I got home, but I had the heating pad on before bed and it's fine today. I'm pretty achy, but as soon as I can afford it, I think I'll be joining (I was just trying it out with my cousin who is a member). I would reccomend it, It says I burned 950 something calories in an hour, wowza!
    Hope everyone is having a good week so far! I have an xmas lunch this afternoon at work, I'm really going to try to stick to healthy choices, wish me luck!! :bigsmile:
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    kerimcdonald- I was actually thinking the same thing about housecleaning. 2 hours of housekeeping burns a lot of calories! More than I would have thought.

    DumBunny - Congrats on your weight loss so far! That's a great goal, I think. And you're obviously doing really awesome!

    jb_sweet_99 - 950 calories an hour? Holy crow! That's amazing. I used to do Shotokan Karate back in the day, and I really enjoyed it. I'm debating joining a class, but I'm broke right now, and would have a difficult time finding daycare... but maybe I'll look into it just to price it out. Ask for it for a birthday present or something....

    I'm having a GREAT week so far. Weighed myself this morning and I was down another 0.8 pounds. I wish my official weigh-in was today instead of yesterday! Lol. Then I would be showing a total weight loss of 4.6 pounds... but it's okay, it just means I'm off to an awesome start for my next weigh-in!!!! I've successfully exercised every day now for 8 days. I'm actually doing the 10 minute trainer program now, and am successfully 4 days in. Yesterday was my Cardio/Yoga/Abs day. Cardio- blech. Hate it, do it anyway, but hate it. Yoga was SUCH a treat to my sore body. Abs, ouch! Hahaha. My abs still haven't fully recovered from my last ab workout 3 days before! But I pulled through. :)

    Food-wise, I'm pretty proud of myself. Haven't done too poorly... no complaints!
  • kaytbognar
    dumbunny -- way to go! sounds like what you're doing is working really well :) keep up the good work.

    jb_sweet_99 -- I tried kickboxing once, it's a killer workout! Did they have you skipping a lot? I found I had trouble with that b/c of bad ankles.

    MercuryBlue -- Sounds like you're really getting into things! Way to go! Have you been drinking enough water? I know you've said that's a toughie for you :)

    I took measurements today and am down .5 to 1 full inch on almost all my measurements. Pretty pleased, I feel like I'm shrinking steadily! I started strength training this week, it's tough, but I've trucked through it so far. Also have been adding more sprints in the pool, and my speed just keeps going up! I've been eating really well, trying to get more protein than usual and cut down on refined carbs (pasta is a KILLER for me!)--so far so good, I'd say!

    Hope everyone else's week is going well.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    MercuryBlue -- Sounds like you're really getting into things! Way to go! Have you been drinking enough water? I know you've said that's a toughie for you :)

    I took measurements today and am down .5 to 1 full inch on almost all my measurements. Pretty pleased, I feel like I'm shrinking steadily! I started strength training this week, it's tough, but I've trucked through it so far. Also have been adding more sprints in the pool, and my speed just keeps going up! I've been eating really well, trying to get more protein than usual and cut down on refined carbs (pasta is a KILLER for me!)--so far so good, I'd say!

    Hope everyone else's week is going well.

    I'm proud to say that all this week, I have drank a MINIMUM of 6 cups of water per day (in addition to the water I get from my food). I'm usually closer to 7 or 8 cups of water. I have a cup with me as I speak. :) I force myself to drink at least 4 or 5 cups while I'm at work. Which means I'm going to the bathroom a lot! Hahaha.

    Wow, though! It does sound like you're shrinking! I've also tried to cut down on refined carbs. I'm doing well in that department with one exception (Pardon the random rambling):

    For breakfast, I'm eating all-bran, shredded wheat or oatmeal. For dinner, I'm having small servings of couscous, brown rice or quinoa. For lunch, though, I have been taking Michelina's Harmony frozen entrees to work. I eat sandwiches on whole grain bread during the weekends, but just don't have time to prepare myself a really nutritious lunch for the day.

    Snackwise, I'm okay. And it's not that the Michelina's are BAD (calorie-wise they're great. Portion-controlled and all that)... but they could be better. White pastas, white rice, that sort of thing. And a lot of sodium. My next challenge for myself, once I can get a handle on dinner (still working on getting into the swing of things there), is to get rid of the Michelina's and prepare something a little healthier. One step at a time, though! In the meantime, they're better than eating pizza or take-out (which is how I got this big in the first place!!!).

    Back to you, lol... it sounds like you're doing really well in the pool! I love going to the pool because it's so low-impact. Definitely one of my favorite summer exercises, though I find it hard to get to the pool this time of year because I have to make a twenty-five minute drive to the next city to use the indoor one (there's an outdoor pool down the road that, obviously, is closed this time of year) at the community centre. Most of my exercise is happening at home- step machine, exercise videos, weight machine on the porch, free weights, stability ball and resistance bands. Getting a lot done so far with all that!

    Strength training can be tricky to get used to, but I love it. Underneath my flubber, I can feel the hard muscles that I'm getting from all that exercise! The trick is getting the cardio (and diet) right so that the fat dissolves and those muscles can actually be SEEN!
  • kaytbognar

    I'm proud to say that all this week, I have drank a MINIMUM of 6 cups of water per day (in addition to the water I get from my food). I'm usually closer to 7 or 8 cups of water. I have a cup with me as I speak. :) I force myself to drink at least 4 or 5 cups while I'm at work. Which means I'm going to the bathroom a lot! Hahaha.

    Wow, though! It does sound like you're shrinking! I've also tried to cut down on refined carbs. I'm doing well in that department with one exception (Pardon the random rambling):

    For breakfast, I'm eating all-bran, shredded wheat or oatmeal. For dinner, I'm having small servings of couscous, brown rice or quinoa. For lunch, though, I have been taking Michelina's Harmony frozen entrees to work. I eat sandwiches on whole grain bread during the weekends, but just don't have time to prepare myself a really nutritious lunch for the day.

    Snackwise, I'm okay. And it's not that the Michelina's are BAD (calorie-wise they're great. Portion-controlled and all that)... but they could be better. White pastas, white rice, that sort of thing. And a lot of sodium. My next challenge for myself, once I can get a handle on dinner (still working on getting into the swing of things there), is to get rid of the Michelina's and prepare something a little healthier. One step at a time, though! In the meantime, they're better than eating pizza or take-out (which is how I got this big in the first place!!!).

    Back to you, lol... it sounds like you're doing really well in the pool! I love going to the pool because it's so low-impact. Definitely one of my favorite summer exercises, though I find it hard to get to the pool this time of year because I have to make a twenty-five minute drive to the next city to use the indoor one (there's an outdoor pool down the road that, obviously, is closed this time of year) at the community centre. Most of my exercise is happening at home- step machine, exercise videos, weight machine on the porch, free weights, stability ball and resistance bands. Getting a lot done so far with all that!

    Strength training can be tricky to get used to, but I love it. Underneath my flubber, I can feel the hard muscles that I'm getting from all that exercise! The trick is getting the cardio (and diet) right so that the fat dissolves and those muscles can actually be SEEN!

    Way to go with the water! You'll probably find that, as you get more consistent with your increased water intake, you won't be hitting the bathroom quite as much. Your body just has to get used to it.

    It sounds like you're doing good with carb reductions, especially making use of quinoa--lots of good protein there! And you're right about one step at a time. I've read a lot of places that if you have some trouble making across-the-board shifts with your diet, to just focus on mastering one meal. Maybe once you've tackled dinner, you can get on the lunch train? Have you considered, maybe, making a little extra of whatever you make for dinner and packing it for lunch (maybe even before you serve yourself/your family) or even, if say you're doing prep for dinner and cutting up veggies for a cooked dish, dice up a few extra and throw together a quick salad while you're at it?

    Just a few suggestions, that's how my mom has always handled lunches!

    I'm pretty proud about my pool progress, and I'm so lucky that the weather here is nice enough that I can use the hotel's outdoor pool! I really like to catch a swim in the rain, sometimes. It a drag that you have to mission so far for a swim this time of year :( Sounds like you're making your way with everything else you have though, and that you're getting some good variety, too!

    It's always such a balancing act, isn't it? With diet, cardio and strength training. You do a little to one and have to wait a week or so to see if that works, and then tinker with the others and wait. Hopefully soon we'll get the hang of everything!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    dumbunny -- way to go! sounds like what you're doing is working really well :) keep up the good work.

    jb_sweet_99 -- I tried kickboxing once, it's a killer workout! Did they have you skipping a lot? I found I had trouble with that b/c of bad ankles.

    MercuryBlue -- Sounds like you're really getting into things! Way to go! Have you been drinking enough water? I know you've said that's a toughie for you :)

    I took measurements today and am down .5 to 1 full inch on almost all my measurements. Pretty pleased, I feel like I'm shrinking steadily! I started strength training this week, it's tough, but I've trucked through it so far. Also have been adding more sprints in the pool, and my speed just keeps going up! I've been eating really well, trying to get more protein than usual and cut down on refined carbs (pasta is a KILLER for me!)--so far so good, I'd say!

    Hope everyone else's week is going well.

    We did skipping, but only twice for a total of about 6 mins...and you can skip without the rope if it's easier. I have bad knees and weak ankles but I was ok. I think it is because I really paid attention to my form and was careful to avoid hopping and stuff. They also have a spongy floor, so that helped.
    It's way to pricey for me right now too, I went with my cousin for a trial. I've now sent out an email to all of my family suggesting they contribute to my getting a 6 month pass to kickboxing for me for xmas, I don't know if anyone will go for it, but I figured I'd try at least, lol! :bigsmile:
    Sounds like you guys are doing great this week, good job! I had a committee xmas dinner out tonight, but it was all stir fry with rice noodles....I did pretty good..till the brownie and candy cane ice cream i had for dessert!! Oh well, I'm not too worried about one day :bigsmile:
  • carpediem13
    carpediem13 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm 23 years old 5'7 at 175 right now. When I started MFP I was 188ish. I don't have a target goal weight instead I have a target body fat percentage from 36 to 25. I've always been considered an athlete and people always ask if I'm a soccer player (which I was). I also work in the outdoor industry leading wilderness trips, biking, hiking, canoeing. My thought was always if I could keep up and do everything I wanted then I must be fit enough (ie 9 mile backpacking days/35 mile biking days)...well I decided that wasn't good enough. Now I don't eat anything with high fructose corn syrup, no soda and mostly organic/non-processed food. Currently I work out 6 days a week alternating between cardio (60-60 mins) and weight lifting days. I just started doing strength training with exercise bands and like them as an alternative to free weights (and their portable!). I'm also going to start the 100 push up challenge as that's always been a goal. So in a nutshell that's who am and what I'm using MFP for.
  • Brandywithrow
    Hello everyone just wanted to say have a good day I'm trying to attach my ticker to my posts like everyone else???? im going to try copy and pasting it I guess? Anyways with the holidays comming I am getting more and more scared to go home :( I am soo excited to see my family, I called my mom 3 weeks ago and told her they have to support me and not eat so bad when I'm home she said that they would but if its anything like I was when I lived there I am scared. As long as food isnt around I will be fine but what happens when they put all the trays of food everywhere??? I dont want to make everyone else not eat because of me but I dont like to think of all that temptation :S Well thanks for listening to my concerns is anyone else in the same boat as me??? I'm just hoping to come out of christmas the weight I am when I get home, I dont need to loose while I'm home but really dont want to gain! :S
  • dporter1183
    dporter1183 Posts: 154 Member

    I'm 26, 5'5 and starting weight of 197.8 on december 1st. I'm down 2 lbs, but have a long road ahead of me! I feel like 150 is a good weight for me, but if I can get past that and still look healthy, well then that's my true goal!

    I have enjoyed reading everyone's posts, You all are helping me stay motivated!!
    I started this site back in May this year after being put on an anti-depressant, and fell off the wagon and PUT ON another 18 lbs!!!!!
    I have to stop this before I reach the 200 mark. I am ready to feel comfortable in my own skin again. I am ready to stop avoiding social functions because I'm embarrased of my weight.

    Good Luck to us all!!
  • dporter1183
    dporter1183 Posts: 154 Member
    allow yourself a cheat day. Don't over do it, but allow yourself to have some of your holiday favorites. Skip the sodas and drink drink drink your water. It will shock your metabolism, and you can just work out a little bit more. I bet you'll do great! you're down 18 lbs, you can stay strong girl.
  • kaytbognar
    Hello everyone just wanted to say have a good day I'm trying to attach my ticker to my posts like everyone else???? im going to try copy and pasting it I guess? Anyways with the holidays comming I am getting more and more scared to go home :( I am soo excited to see my family, I called my mom 3 weeks ago and told her they have to support me and not eat so bad when I'm home she said that they would but if its anything like I was when I lived there I am scared. As long as food isnt around I will be fine but what happens when they put all the trays of food everywhere??? I dont want to make everyone else not eat because of me but I dont like to think of all that temptation :S Well thanks for listening to my concerns is anyone else in the same boat as me??? I'm just hoping to come out of christmas the weight I am when I get home, I dont need to loose while I'm home but really dont want to gain! :S

    Make sure you're tacking everything and be accountable to yourself for what you eat, even if it mean's those numbers go in the red. If there are trays upon trays of sweets and goodies out, have a small sampling of the things you can't live without and then switch to sipping a coffee or tea so that your hands and mouth have something to distract themselves :P If there's a wide variety of sweets and treats or you have a buffet-style dinner, you can try and two bite limit for yourself, or see if someone else might split some of that cake/cookie with you. Then you have a taste, but you can have a little more selection!

    You can do it! Remember, even if you cheat a little, you can probably make up the difference--shovel your moms driveway for her, grab you sled or a McDonald's tray/garbage bag and go tobogganing (hauling your butt up that hill is a good workout especially if you run, but there's the built in reward of flying back down it!) or run around in the snow with and younger family memebers (or older, playful types!) maybe encourage your family in supporting you not only in eating sensibly, but in being active--going for a family walk after dinner or something.

    The holidays are about having fun and enjoying the time you have with your fam, so try not to stress out too much. The decadence will come to an end, and even if you fall of the wagon a little, you'll probably be able to shed any excess chasing after it to hop back on. :D
  • kaytbognar
    jb_sweet_99 -- Good plan asking for a collective gift from your fam! I hope it works out for you :) It's good to be able to go for a trai first, though, to know that you're gonna enjoy yourself!

    carpediem13 -- sounds like you have a pretty sweet job, and that you're on the right track diet-wise. Good luck and welcome!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Thanks kaytbognar, I hope so too!! My fingers are crossed, I just figure if I can do something that burns that many calories, gets out my agression, and doesn't kill me in the process, I will do anything to do it! They say it becomes an addiction because you end up feeling so great, I think for me it will be an addiction because I will lose the weight so much faster (I hope I will anyway!).
    Good luck with the rest of the week everyone, just stay strong. If you are offered a goody, just say no!! I'm a manager at a call centre, so we are always having snacks and Timbits circulated, myself and my partner manager are the only ones that don't indulge, we both encourage eachother to stay away from it. The buddy system is a great way to stay motivated, at home my cousin and I use eachother for that. If we want to indulge we call the other one to talk us down, lol!

    Good luck for the rest of the week everyone!!

    Jenn :bigsmile:
  • kaytbognar
    OMG, Timbits! *drools* The very thought of them makes so thankful to be far, far away from a Tim Horton's--I'm a sucker for almost everything they serve there (except, funnily enough, their coffee!) Your buddy system sounds like it works really well! I bet it makes a big difference at work having someone there to help you say no.

    I would imagine that kickboxing would give you a totally separate feeling of empowerment, too, as well as the perks of speedy weight loss!

    Keep truckin :)
  • Brandywithrow
    hey everyone just wanted to see how your day was going? I have no motivation tonight :( was supposed to go to the gym but just dont have the energy, I am 1.5 pounds away fro my goal for christmas and still can seem to get my head in the game today. Hope everyone else is having a better day then I am!!!