How do you stop that late night eating? :(



  • Jeliwood
    Jeliwood Posts: 61
    Honestly, I have this issue but it's not really an issue anymore because I plan for it. In fact, I'm eating mine right now. I keep plain lovely dark chocolate in the house for my relaxing end of the day snack that I have. I usually have it between 7 and 9 since I don't want to eat at least a couple hours before bed. Tonight I'm kind of having a monster snack (popcorn, chocolate, yogurt, and nuts.) But I worked really hard at the gym today so I could have those calories for tonight (it's that time of the month and all I want to do is eat. This is my compromise.)

    Trying planning for it. Add it into your food so it's not something to stress about. Save calories for that point if you're feeling snackish at night. Something like popcorn which you can easily find in 100 cal packs with a snack sized dark chocolate or two is not horribly high in calories, around 220, and has high fiber-5 grams. It'll keep you full and you'll have the chocolate you crave. Besides, chocolate is good for you as long you don't go all Willy Wonka and dive into the chocolate river head first. Besides, denying craves completely may just make them stronger. You've got to work with them sometimes.
  • HeatherDee92
    HeatherDee92 Posts: 218 Member
    Sleep! I have discovered instead of staying up super late I can just go to sleep and get a full nights sleep without any issues of over eating. :)
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Drink some water doesn't work have something really small that'll let you goto sleep. Normally I'll have a slice of sandwich bread or even a single cookie.
  • beckyc77
    beckyc77 Posts: 12 Member
    I just make it an non-option. I do not really need anything so I just have a mug of tea and that is good was tough at first but in time the ritual of tea and bed is a great one :)
    Good Luck--you can do it!
  • cornlady
    cornlady Posts: 15
    I know how you feel, you follow a good plan all day but then those late night hungries get you and ruin it all.
    You can try veggies like celery and carrots. Since they are low calorie and full of fiber and water, they help to fill you up. You can even try celery and peanut butter. If you are really hungry then try crackers and cheese (protein and fiber) or a small handful of almonds or walnuts. Plain popcorn is good too and drink plenty of water with it! that will fill you up!
  • Michellemtjpjt
    I drink water and if i do not work sugar free snacks like pudding or fig newtons :)
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    Go to bed earlier???
    I sometimes feel munchies later at night - but having to get up and be up early - I go to bed a LOT earlier and dont have a chance to go through the late night binges
  • mom2mozart
    mom2mozart Posts: 307 Member
    Save some calories for your late night snacks. Drink a cup of unsweetened herb tea with a piece of 40 calorie per slice toast w/some fruit w/fiber spread, Eat a piece of fruit and a slice of reduced fat cheese or some celery with light cream cheese.
  • nbreteil
    nbreteil Posts: 40
    I try to have dinner much later, around 8:30 or 9 if I can wait that long. I usually don't get hungry after that. Or I brush my teeth. It's like a signal to my brain that nope, no more food will enter this clean mouth haha
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I eat dinner later, then only have herbal tea and water after that.
    Also, reading. I find that if my mind isn't engaged ie watching tv I will eat more but if I read my mind is too engaged to think about food.
  • RainaWalks
    RainaWalks Posts: 72
    i have a food monster that comes out at night latest tactic is to stay really busy either online or offline and not go to my bed until my eyes are closing because that is when she usually comes out...when i go to bed and don't fall asleep right away...

    this monster is very demanding i find....i tried reasoning with the monster, eating dinner late, exercising late, drinking water, down right refusing to eat anything after going to bed....nothing worked...

    wishing you lots of luck and i mean that sincerely....i think my food monster will give me a lifetime of trouble...
  • wildflow30
    wildflow30 Posts: 27
    I bought the 100 calorie packs of cookies and brownies.
    But this time of year I try to keep in season fruit in the fridge too.
    Bing cherries and strawberries!
  • akiramezu
    akiramezu Posts: 278
    Nothing wrong with eating at night, the time you eat is irrelevant, of course at night time you are most likely sedentary and probably not doing anything so eating A LOT is not advised, but contrary to popular belief, eating a good healthy solid meal at night before bed will not make you get fat or gain weight. In fact, a lot of body builders have peanut butter, cottage cheese, good meat and vegetable meals before bed to retain their muscles, because when we sleep we go into a catabolic state, having some good slow digesting proteins can prevent catabolism, of course, whether it's broscience or real science, I still think eating at night is fine, I'm not the leanest person out there but eating before bed has never made me gain any weight.

    Here are some myths that you can read about:

    At the end of the day, it's calories in and calories out. If you eat smart even if it is at night, chances of you gaining weight from eating at night when you've hit your daily calories and macros, you're not going to gain weight and such :)
  • Sarena3
    Sarena3 Posts: 49 Member
    here's some things that have worked for me:

    A good tea w/ stevia, sipped slowly
    chewing gum
    posting replies here or playing free cell
    and a really big one is a full manicure. Can't eat without ruining the fresh nail polish
    also I find if I eat the appropriate amount of calories, of clean foods, throughout the day, I have less impulse to night eat
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I try to build in some calories for evening snacking and keep myself busy at night. When I reach the end of my calories I drink water or decaf tea and if I must snack I try to stick to carrot stick or grapes, something that I can make last a while without bumping my calories up much.
  • bethbournias
    bethbournias Posts: 22 Member
    At night, I drink lots of Crystal light and my guilty pleasure is to keep sugar free miniatire Reese cups in the freezer. I get one during the eveming when I have that craving and its low in calories (36) and has only 1 net carb! It gets me through!!!!
  • loumaag
    loumaag Posts: 118
    First my solution is because I am an insulin taking diabetic; I eat.

    I plan on having an 80 calorie diet yogurt before or as I am going to bed. It keeps me from bottoming out during the night (low blood sugar) and also since I know I am going to do it, it generally keeps the night time hungry monster from making me eat something else. I know that it is not the solution for everyone but it works for me.
  • kodakdigitalcamera
    you starve until you fall asleep.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I have always saved enough calories to take a snack to bed with me every night and have been doing this for the past 3 years.... currently I am eating a cup of Kellogs Double Chocolate Crave cereal (1 cup dry) and a 1/4 cup Almonds (24 pieces) and eat them together while in bed... Some night I will add a glass of 1% Chocolate Milk if I have the calories.. I get a chocolate snack and also fills me up and lets me sleep through the night..... Best of Luck
  • jensgettinghealthy
    I've realized that if I've got the munchies that I end up binging if I suppress the urge to have a little snack. Often it's just that I want a little something sweet. So I bought a box of Nabisco 100 calorie cookies, they're not diet cookies and taste great. I think the calories are low because of the portion size and not because they are low fat or sugar free.

    I have a 3-yr-old and we eat about 5:45 every night so I'm usually pretty hungry before bed. Sometimes if the urges are too strong I just to go to bed earlier than normal. I rarely go to bed earlier than 11:00-12:00 so I need to go to bed earlier anyway.