Want to lose 50-70 lbs? Lets make a team!



  • sixxfan4ever
    sixxfan4ever Posts: 103 Member
    I am 43 and weigh 243 right now. Very overweight. I have two kids, 11 and 10. I was thin before they were born. (160) Between being prego and quit smoking I exploded. I am wanting to get back to atleast 170. I would love any help from all of you. Please let me join as well!! Feel free to add me as a friend on here as well...!! Thanks. :flowerforyou:
  • trini88
    trini88 Posts: 20 Member
    I would love to join! I am 35 with 2 kids 5 and 1. Since the birth of my youngest I have been trying to get rid of the baby weight and the extra weight I had before being pregnant. My first goal was to be under 200 and hit that a year ago. I've pretty much been maintaining ever since. The last few months I've been "going hard" and have hit my second goal of being under 190LBS in 12 years. I am currently at 189 and really would love to lose another 45lbs!!

    Working out is not my issue, my diet has always been. I need help to watch my food and continue going in the right direction!
  • crystalaiono
    crystalaiono Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I am a 40 year old mother of four looking to lose weight and get into shape. I'm 5 feet 6 inches tall and weigh 211 pounds. I am looking for friends to help motivate me to finally reach my goal of 150 pounds. My problem is that I start out really strong but lack the motivation I need to keep going. So I would love to join your group and start dropping those pounds!!
  • rossky
    rossky Posts: 6 Member
    I want in! im looking to lose 50lbs so i can feel and look better. I also just read that im more susceptible when it comes to getting diabetes because of my weight. Ive been doing insanity for 5 days now and im not stopping until im healthy!
  • tinajoe628
    tinajoe628 Posts: 31 Member
    I would love to be in this group. I def fit the required # to lose.. at a minimum.. I work in the hospital emergency room as an EMT, so high stress job with very little scheduling for meals and proper snacks.. plus I am a full time student working toward my bachelors in Social Work, so that adds extra stress and less time for scheduling meals and proper snacks. Top it off with a home, husband, 15 yr old daughter who is entering the world of dating and driving, and a 21 yr old son who is deployed overseas.. Did I mention stress? lol. I am in my early 40s and I know my body don't bounce back like it used to, but before I get any older I need to kick my butt's butt and get into really wicked awesome shape to get me through the next 40 yrs.. so I'd really really LOVE to be in this support group!!!
    Thank you :)
  • pampamdaniels
    pampamdaniels Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in!!! I will be turning 40 in December. I started @ 273 now I am 253. Looking for challenges and weightloss buddies. My goal is to be 185 by my bday. I have a hubby and mom to 7. I have been over two hundred pounds since my first pregnancy.
  • IyonnaF
    IyonnaF Posts: 101
    I can never turn away enthusiasm! Welcome :D~
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    I would love to join this group. It would keep me motivated.

    I have struggled with my weight for most of my life. I was slightly overweight as a young child and put weight on until I was about 16 when I finally stuck to a diet long enough to get to my goal weight for the first time. I kept it off pretty well until I was 26 and had my second child. I was at 140 lbs and only lost about 10 or 12 pounds having him. I am 5' 3/4" tall and should only weight about 105 - 110 pounds ideally. I make a career change after having my son, and for some reason that I don't completely understand myself I found my life such that I gained more weight over the next years. I am now 55 and my top weight was 193 lbs. I am down to 187 this morning. I still need to lose 80 pounds.

    What I hope to gain from this group:

    Motivation and Support!
    A feeling of accountability (would be good for me too)
    Seeing other people succeed will keep me motivated (I hope)

    I think that your group is a great Idea!

    My goals:

    To lose at least one pound per week would make me 50 lbs lighter by this time next year. I would like to lose more quickly, but this is a realistic goal that I should be able to keep. I hope to be at my goal weight of 105 - 110 pounds in two years. I have a huge stomach and look pregnant. I would love to see that gone. I don't have serious health problems, but I would like to get my cholesterol under 200, get rid of my incontinence, never get plantar fascistis again, not get so out of breath with exercise, and just look and feel better.

    It would love to join
  • I would LOVE to join this group if that is still possible. I am at 268.8 pounds now, give or take a pound, and i need, and i mean NEED to lose 100 pounds. That number is just simply too big to do it all by myself, without any help!
  • I would like to join as well if i can.

    Im 21 years old, 5'6 and weigh about 225. I have always struggled with my weight all my life. a couple years ago i lost about 50lbs which at the time put me at 160lbs, because i didnt have a car and needed to walk everywhere. I have managed to gain it all back and them some.. I try to go on a diet and lose weight but after about 2.5 weeks i stop... ive been off and on mfp for about a year now and have never tried a group. i think it would help keep me motivated and more accountable..

    my end result goal is to weigh about 150lbs. I was recently engaged and am hoping to be able to fit in the dress of my dreams for our wedding.

    I need all the help i can get!
  • jottati3274
    jottati3274 Posts: 8 Member
    My name is Joyce. I would like to join this team of support. I started my journey back in January when I had the lap band surgery. Recently, certain things backed fired and I started gain a little bit of the weight back. Yesterday, I was fine all day, until I ate something that either disagreed with me or I ate to much of it but I got extreme bad back pain & pain in my stomach where the band is plus I felt that my throat was closing up because what I ate wasn't going down. So I went to the hospital they did the routine work and sent me home. Had to go see the doctor this morning and my band was too tight. The doctor when he saw me said we are going to take fluid out, but was disappointed that I gain (not a lot) he wants me to find my happy-medium with this band and still lose weight. Basically, he wants me to be able to eat and drink regular food and hold it down for the next 4 weeks and also lose weight. I found that when I exercised I had confidence in myself and made me feel good about how I looked. In the end of March, I stopped exercising lost my confidence and started eat wrong even though I still lost weight I wasn't happy. After my experience yesterday. I NEVER want to go back to that place again

    I had a few goals I have set for myself since I started my journey:
    1) get below 200 lbs. REACHED
    2) get below 190 lbs. REACHED
    3) exercise on regular bases WORKING ON THAT GOAL AGAIN
    4) portion control on foods. REWORK ON THAT GOAL AGAIN

    My upcoming goals are for the next 6 months to my anniversary of my surgery are:
    1) to get to 175 lbs by my next doctor appointment on August 17th (THAT'S 4 WEEKS FROM TODAY)
    2) to get to 150 lbs by November (THANKSGIVING) for my HIGH SCHOOL REUNION which follows the day after Thanksgiving
    3) to get to 140 lbs by December (CHRISTMAS)
    4) to get to my goal weight of 130 to 135 lbs by MY SURGERY ANNIVERSARY DATE OF JANUARY 30, 2012
    5) Last, but not least get a pair of DAISY DUKES SHORTS AND A BIKINI FOR THE SUMMER OF 2013.

    So yes, I have exactly 51 more lbs I need to lose before my anniversary date. I just need all the supporters I can get to make sure I don't get off track again. To make sure that every day I am log in my food log, exercise log and to make sure that I do exercise everyday. I work on portion control. That I lose inches also along the weigh. Someone once told me its not the weight that you lose that counts its the inches that you lose.

    Thanks for listen, Joyce

    Please support me and everyone else on MFP.
  • IyonnaF
    IyonnaF Posts: 101
    Welcome lovelies :) So glad to have you all. You guys brig tears to my eyes with your reasons, and your ceaseless determination. I could use some of that! So come on.. I need you.

  • I'd like to join your group. I'm 42, my kids are grown now but I never lost my baby weight. Was a size 3 when I got pregnant with my daughter at a young age and gained 80 lbs with her, still 5 years later when I had my son I was already over weight in a size 9. Closest I've gotten to a nine in 20 years is a real tight 11. It runs in my family for the women to be small until they have kids. I've tried a lot of different things and nothing works for me like it does everyone else. I did find out that I don't eat enough to lose weight so I'm trying to monitor my calories better and exercise.
    I'm interested in tips like Best Toning, TUMMY FLATTENING things you all use.
  • alikat789
    alikat789 Posts: 105 Member
    I'd like to join if you still have room for another.

    I am currently at 206 my GW is 125 i lost 11lbs from Dec to Mar and now i'm struggling and gained some of it back ( just haven't adjusted the ticker)

    I'm 5'2 and once i come close to GW i will determine what is the correct weight i want to be at.
    I'm single and i find it's tough to cook for one. I need to incorporate some weigh building exercise into my cardio - soccer and Hot Yoga routine.
  • Hello all you wonnnderful people! Imm 5'9 I weigh 208...... Am about to joing the Air Force. I want to be down At least another 45-50 pounds. I am sooo excited for this group....anyone feel free to add me! I love that we can pump eachother up and get excited together about getting healthy....you guys rock and keep it going, you CAN do it!
  • inelly87
    inelly87 Posts: 5
    whats the group name so i can add
  • TheGoalDigger
    TheGoalDigger Posts: 159 Member
    Hiya I'm Gigi & i'm a 19 yrs old girl with 58-60 pounds to lose. I signed up last year around September and managed to lose 10 pounds within 3 weeks. I lost 10 pounds because I didn't really understand the whole calorie "deficit" thing and I was consuming only 500-600 a day. Guess what? I gained every single pound back. No excuses, I fell off the wagon & simply ate too much. I've noticed that I am a Yo-Yo dieter and I never stick to anything. Everyday is a learning process, I currently weigh 198 lbs (I might weigh less or more) but to be on the safe side, let's say that I am (broken scale).

    What I hope to gain from this group:
    Motivational support
    Weight loss tips
    Easy recipes
    Challenges (exercise ect..)

    My goal for now is to hit 165 by the end of September or October
    My ultimate goal is to be 145 which is my healthy range by the end of December
  • melbaby701
    melbaby701 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi i need all the help I can get. I have always been the fat one in the group and I sick of it. I started my journey in April and have lost 47 pounds so far. I am 5'8 and started at 297 and would like to get to 190 at least. That is my dr's ideal weight for my weight and body frame. Now that I am in the middle I am having a hard time staying on track and need help being accountable to friends.
  • ill do it(:

    I am 18 years old soon, and weight 181. i want to be 115-125. im 5'6"

    i need someone to check in with and just be friends with, that knows what im going threw cause sometimes i feel like i have no one to talk to cause no one will understand. it would be nice to know i hae a lot of people there when i need someone and ill be there for you guys when you need me to
  • im in!! im 258.8lbs and wanting to get to 200lbs at least! feel free to add me :) im also 5'6"

    i had issues ever since i started (i dont like fruit and veg) and have recently found my stride and have finally started losing weight :D