have anyone used the menstrual cup



  • Kailuen
    Kailuen Posts: 58 Member
    I have a Diva Cup. It is awesome. However, I have had it since January and it does take time to adjust to. Sometimes I still put it in wrong and it leaks, but that's because I rush. Nonetheless, they are awesome. Environmentally friendly and cheaper! =)
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    I'm gonna look into this. Most of the time my tampons start to leak a little and I need a maxi pad as a back-up. It's annoying.
  • Shelgirl001
    Shelgirl001 Posts: 478 Member
    I saw something like this at Wal MArt last time I got tampons, but wasn't sure about them. I had a diaphragm when I was younger, but could never get the thing in right. Is it anything like those? Are they all reusable, and if so where do you get them? I think I have a slightly tilted uterus, too, which is why I had trouble with the diaphragm.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    what the heck is that?
  • indisguise
    indisguise Posts: 235
    Whew.... thank goodness for hysterectomies! LOL

  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Never heard of it. Just sounds weird..Lol! I'll have to google it ;-)

    I just did and now I'm even more weirded out... haha

    never heard of it either, now i'm scared to google it lol
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    I tried one, got a yeast infection from it 3 months in a row and then gave up!
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    What on earth, I never heard of it LOL

  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    i have not used it; instead, i use cotton reusable pads. a girlfriend of mine swears by it, though, and we were talking "ladytalk" the other day and i told her how i use hydrogen peroxide to keep my pads fresh and unstained, and she said that when she went home, she used some hydroperox on her cup and it looks brand new.

    so just as a tip for all of you "green" bleeders...
  • sunrize_sc
    sunrize_sc Posts: 157 Member
    I can't speak from personal experience, but my daughter in law has used one for quite a while and seems to like it okay. She started using it when she was having trouble getting pregnant and just continued using it. Soft Cup is the brand she uses.
  • wyllaya
    wyllaya Posts: 51 Member
    it's been 3 years for me and i will never never go back.............
  • lindsy721
    lindsy721 Posts: 350 Member
    I think I'm going to have to try this. I've never used a cup before, my periods are not very heavy or anything so thin pads have been all I've ever needed. But this seems worth a shot!
  • jo_dibs
    jo_dibs Posts: 14 Member
    I also have crazy headaches and there is a non-hormone IUD you can get. Ask about that. It's just copper which from some reason disables the "little swimmers".

    ETA: This was in response to the girl who talked about her headaches...I apparently need to learn how to use the quote function. :p
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    Here is an interesting way to use your moon blood: http://moonwisdom.blogspot.com/2008/02/menstrual-blood-art.html

    Someone please, PLEASE tell me this is a joke. smileyPuking.gif
  • 180farm
    180farm Posts: 230
    Never heard of it. Just sounds weird..Lol! I'll have to google it ;-)

    I just did and now I'm even more weirded out... haha

    never heard of it either, now i'm scared to google it lol

    I just googled it and found a handy dandy 14- step guide (with pictures). I'm a little scared too.
  • Bilbobradshaw
    Bilbobradshaw Posts: 79 Member
    I use one (moon cup! My boyfriend got it for me for my birthday at my request. What a champ). I really like it--no spills or weird leaking, and less waste. You can sleep in it, swim in it and work out in it (as long as you don't do any inverted postures) completely without worry, unlike with tampons or pads. Aaaand it isn't messy at all (I thought removal would look like a massacre) as long as you pull it out slowly. However, it does feel kind of awkward to remove (there is this weird suction-cuppy feeling), and you DEFINITELY have to be ok with getting pretty fresh with yourself. If digging up into your junk freaks you out, then this isn't a product for you.

    Over all, it's probably one of the better products to use, and I would recommend it to anyone who is comfortable enough with their bodies that they wont be too squeamish to pull an all out search-and-rescue for the cup at the end of the day.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    They also make disposable ones in case you don't want to rinse it out... You can wear them up to 12 hours because the blood doesn't dry and become bacterial cesspools. If you've ever had TSS you shouldn't use them though. The disposable ones usually come in 12 packs. You just use, then pull it out and wrap in TP for the trash.

    As said by someone else, with yeast issues, if you have a chronic vaginal issue (not implying that the poster did, just sayin) then probably want to avoid it as well.

    For me, I use them on heavy days, especially with cramps. I find the ring of the cup stretches things around my cervix just right so that it helps with the cramps and makes for less worry. You *can* use them not for birth control but if you want to have sex and don't want a mess, but you have to be careful... My ex was pretty big and he said it was the only time it hurt when we... ya know.

    I personally find them more reliable than even a tampon, and generally more discreet. The only thing that can suck is if you have to change at work or something and find yourself propping legs up all weird in a tiny stall... but then again, that happens far more with tampons lol!
  • Dayna5K
    Dayna5K Posts: 136 Member
    Can you use it if you have an IUD?


    It should not be used with an IUD because when you take it out you can pull the string by accident and dislodge the IUD from the uterus.
  • mamatafari
    mamatafari Posts: 34 Member
    ha ha don't be scared! I was using the diva cup and it was great. After 3 babies, I'm ready to buy the #2 size (for women who have had children). Tampons are scary because most of them have been bleached, and has anyone ever read the warnings for toxic shock syndrome? Yucky and scary!!
    It takes practice, but in the long run you end up saving so much money, and nothing is going into the landfill.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    I know that The Feminist Breeder blogger rants and raves about the Diva Cup. I think she's even given them away on her blog a couple times. I have friends that use them and love them. I have Mirena and was one of the 20% that doesn't get periods with it in, but once I go back to periods I'm definitely picking up some sort of cup.