Where do you lose fat first?



  • Butt, waist, legs and veeeerrrrryyyyyyy slowly losing the double chin.
  • Kona2014
    Kona2014 Posts: 38
    @Stephanie_pep - Me too!!
  • arachniagirl
    arachniagirl Posts: 64 Member
    Anywhere except the stomach...most of my weight is concentrated in the stomach and my body refuses to give that up; I'm getting thinner everywhere else but the tummy bulge isn't budging.
  • Face, boobs,tummy. Never on the arms where it needs to go. Very annoying
  • ployjoy
    ployjoy Posts: 45
    My back fat was the first to go. I have kept a lot of my bust and butt though, thank goodness!
  • LadyL2012
    LadyL2012 Posts: 127 Member
    Sadly it first comes off my boobs then my face and then my arms and then everywhere else.

    God clearly is neither a man nor a woman or they would have designed it that boobs don't shrink when losing weight:sad:
  • aelitaangels
    aelitaangels Posts: 61 Member
    Back and Thighs (which is kinda surpising considering they're still really thick now, but refuse to shrink any further, they were the first to shrink!), then Arms, then very slowly stomach. My boobs did shrink a little, but for the most part remained the same.
  • ana137131
    ana137131 Posts: 25
    stomach, face, and now im still waiting for the thighs and hips to start moving!
  • Definitely my legs. I look at my legs to tell whether i lost weight or not. Im really short so any weightloss is very obvious for me. After that is my face and stomach :) oh and don't forget the boobs. haha
  • loufranks
    loufranks Posts: 45
    Not sure about this time as I gues sit changes over time. It's 6 years since I last lost a significant amount of weight. At that time though it was midriff, chest and then everywhere else.

    This time, I've only lost 14 pounds so far, but it seems to be going from my midriff again. Good - I can almost see the end of my toes LOL.
  • placeboaddiction
    placeboaddiction Posts: 451 Member
    Gained everywhere. Lost everywhere. One of the few fortunate ones I suppose. Though there was a point my butt looked oddly out of proportion, but that was just a small phase.:)
  • OhLibra
    OhLibra Posts: 221 Member
    Face and then boobs :sad: .
  • First my arms, then my calves, then my face, then my boobs, then my thighs, and finally my stomach. The latter of which takes bloody FOREVER to start shrinking. Ugh.
  • irish9229
    irish9229 Posts: 24
    1) boobs
    2) stomach
    3) arms
    4) bum
    5) thighs

    I'd rather keep the boobs and lose the thighs.
  • Face and arms
  • It's all a bit relative with me... but for the most part I can always see it in my tummy and face first, then the booty and legs... (I wish the booty and legs would go a bit quicker!)
  • juliesummers
    juliesummers Posts: 738 Member
    I'm so jealous of everyone who loses weight in their face first!! My face always looks like it belongs to someone who weighs 20lbs more than I do.

    I pretty much lose evenly all over, but I guess I lose chest/boobs, arms, butt, stomach/ribs, thighs, then I lose my upper inner thighs and cheeks (my problem areas) last.
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    Myself, my breasticles were the first to go. This is a good thing :smile:
  • kateanne27
    kateanne27 Posts: 275 Member
    Lucky! I lose my arm fat last. No matter what I do to them. Eh...its my trouble spot haha
    Me too! I have the arms of someone who is much heavier than I am, legs too, the stomach is where I gained last and lose first But I look heavier in tee shirts dresses etc because those parts are exposed. And it makes buying jackets a pain, as I also have narrow shoulders and ribs.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Unfortunate, but true...my boobs.

    My butt and hips lose some, my legs definitely...but mostly in my chest and shoulders. Rats.