
How often do you get on the scale????


  • shavon007
    shavon007 Posts: 143 Member
    How often do you get on the scale????
  • SH08
    SH08 Posts: 5
    I weigh myself every morning same time...before coffee,water etc.....keep a little notebook wherever your scale is and document every day....sometimes it will stay the same...sometimes you will lose...and ughhhh sometimes you will gain....first and foremost don't get discouraged.....I found when you are losing weight it shifts and sometimes your not losing weight are losing inches.
    That is my understanding since I started and my goal is to be healthy and like looking at myself in the mirror...and thank God I'm getting there!!! Happy losing!!!
  • Chainie
    Chainie Posts: 82 Member
    I officially weigh in once a week. But I do weigh myself every day to monitor, and I record any new lows (for motivation). That way if I weigh in heavy one day, I know about it and can make sure I have a good day that day. But I don't stress about the upward fluctuations or record them. This is what works best for me. :-)
  • vaman
    vaman Posts: 253 Member
    Once a week, it's more indicative of your true progress. Daily weighing can ruin your whole day ;)
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    Just Sunday morning.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Last time was about 2 and a half months ago.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Once a Week on Wednesday's... but don't get hung up on the numbers, you can also gauge things by how your clothes fit, taking measurements every 30 days, go by how you are feeling as well.... Best of Luck!!
  • twinmama1987
    twinmama1987 Posts: 566 Member
    Daily for me, also. More habit than anything.
  • Once a week - the temptation is there to weigh more often but I don't want weight to become an obsession for me
  • atlanticgypsy
    atlanticgypsy Posts: 51 Member
    Mostly once a day in the morning before food. And then I weigh in @ the gym about 2-3X per week. depending on how I feel. As you weigh yourself more often you'll start to get used to what your body does during the month, or how the scale will reflect what you've eaten, or how much water you're retaining. If I have some processed food.....*POOF* up 3lbs. or if I haven't had a healthy bowel can seem that I am staying in the same place. I had a sunburn earlier this summer and I was up almost 8lbs! My body was reacting to an injury/inflammation in the body! So don't let the scale be the end all be all. it's good to get on and take note...and then continue with your workouts and healthy eating! I just recently came off a three week plateau! That was rough! But I was stressing too much! I really had to focus on letting go (of my desire to see the numbers drop, i had to refocus on my workouts and eating).....and I took a couple yoga classes....and body was just resting and rebalancing. down 5 more lbs now.

    here is a quote I just LOVE about the scale.

    "The scale can only give you a numerical reflection of your relationship with gravity. That's it. It cannot measure beauty, talent, purpose, life force, possibility, strength, or love. Don't give the scale more than it has earned. Take note of the number, then get off the scale and live your life. You are beautiful! " - Steve Maraboli

  • sgstarling
    sgstarling Posts: 10 Member
    Everyday, first thing after morning trip to the restroom. I keep track with which I really love! (no I'm not in any way connected financially to it, just a big fan)
  • mbaugham
    mbaugham Posts: 70
    I weigh myself once a week and it is always on Sunday mornings before I start my day.
  • lauren3382
    lauren3382 Posts: 372 Member
    I used to weight myself daily, but I have a pretty big fluctuation from day to day (3-5lbs). Now I'm weighing one time a month. In fact, I had my husband hide the scale so that I'm not tempted to use it and he brings it out for me at the beginning of the month. I personally get way too wrapped in the number on the scale, rather than focusing on the way I feel. Plus I'm trying to build muscle right now, so a certain amount of additional weight is needed before I can cut fat.
  • Mishadijo
    Mishadijo Posts: 36 Member
    There is no right or wrong answer. There is much discussion about this topic and there are many pro's and con's many different approaches. I think it boils down to the ultimate 'nirvana' state which is not letting the scale control you, whatever weighing routine you go with. You can't let the ups and downs of the scale dictate your emotions. You need to grasp and control those, then the scale becomes simply a tool to track your trends.

    Trends over time is truly what it is all about. If over days, weeks and months you are on a decline in average then you are contstantly, steadily and gradually moving close to your goal. The power of the trend over time is truly amazing to experience, and believe in. And it buffets you from the fluctuations, plateau's and weight increases that are bound to occur at different points in your journey.

    So decide that routine YOU want with regard to weighing yourself as it truly is not the component that is the most important. What is most important is your control it, it does not control you.

    Now take my own personal journey for instance. I weigh myself each day in the morning first thing so there is a consistent baseline to assist in the tracking of true trends towards my goal. It has enlightened me tremendously regarding the dynamics of weight loss. It has come to the point now that when I jump on the scale and it is higher than the day before, I actually feel wonderful as it re-inforces to me that this is a journey and although I'm up today... I know overall I am trending downward. A real good feeling for me.

    In saying this, I also formally record weekly weight every friday morning. I joined a group on MFP (for people over 100lbs to lose) and register my weekly weight there. This dynamic is nice for me as no matter how each day went, there is a larger checkpoint (weekly) which also re-infor.4ces the trending dynamic. (i.e. This week, on Thursday when I weight in, I was 281.6 lbs. On my Friday weigh in I was up to 283. But Friday a week ago I was 284.4, so I lost 1.4lbs during the week. Today I checking in at 280.4. Through all of this up and down, kept the emotions in check.. in fact the 283 on Friday made me feel great even though i was up 1.4lbs over the previous day.

    Anyway, so sorry for the long winded answer but it seems a very signficant question to all of us and one I have agonized over very much before settling into my current rythym. And it works exceptionally well on so many levels, for me.

    What works for you can be totally different, and therein in lies constant struggle for so many of us seeking guidance and advice. It truly comes down to you taking control, and not letting 'firehose' of advice take over you. Seek it, assess it based upon who YOU are and make it work for you so that you feel great about whatever decision you take as it will be your own. From there, believe it and just DO IT!! Smiling
  • Sequoia_2
    Sequoia_2 Posts: 24 Member
    Once a week. Usually on Saturday or Sunday.
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    I only weigh once or twice a month. Weighing too much (ESPECIALLY once a day, WTF??) just stresses me out and makes me nuts. The body fluctuates too much to do it all the time.
  • chervil6
    chervil6 Posts: 236 Member
    i weigh daily when ive been to the loo 1st thing ... then enter on this site if ive lost it once a wk on a friday morning

    weighing daily keeps me on track ....
  • scottbad
    scottbad Posts: 33
    Once a day in the morning - just to keep my head in the game. I'll switch to weekly when at my goal. But there is no right answer.
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    When I started on MFP, I did not weigh in until after 4 weeks, and then moved onto once every 2 weeks. I do occassionally jump on the scales in my gym just to have an idea on how I am doing, but I don't log that weight and I don't do it every day.
  • Everyday. Its the first think I do every morning. I don't know if it's a good or bad thing. I let the scale help me determine how I need to adjust my eating and exercise for the day. I'm curious what others are doing. Ive often heard once a week weigh ins and sometime I have heard to never get on the scale and go by how your clothes fit and how you feel overall.